Survival Command Guide

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by httpmeme, Jul 24, 2019.

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  1. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey guys! I realized that there isn't really a post for all of Survival (Or at least get all the important ones in there) related commands, so I would like to make one for the people who need it or are new confused players who would like some help c:
    (If I missed one please let me know so I may add it onto the list c:)

    Plots - (Plots are 51x51)
    Plots server to protect your build and to avoid grieving and stealing, it's here so the Overworld can reset and your base/home wont be resetted along with the world.
    /p claim (If you find an unclaimed plot and you would like to claim it, stand over the plot and use this command!)
    /p a or /p auto (This automantically claims your plot if you're too lazy to look for an unclaimed plot or would like to claim it fast.)
    /p info (Standing on a plot this will show you the owner of it, people who are trusted/added. biome and etc)
    /p add & /p trust (This is how you add players to your plot (they can only build if you're on) and trust is when they can build whenever.)
    /p chat (To get into plot chat to talk to all the players on the plot you're on, if you would like to disable it just type the command again)
    /p biome <biome name> (To change your plot's biome)
    /p middle (Takes you to the exact middle of your plot)
    /p clear (To clear your plot if you'd like to start all over. /p confirm to confirm that you'd like toclear it just in case if you change your mind.)

    Tpa Commands -
    The tp commands serve to do as it says, to tp to another user or have another user tp to you. These commands avoid an instant tp (Prevent instant deathtraps) so you'd need permission to tp to another user.
    /tpa <user> (To tp to another user)
    /tpahere <user> (To have another user tp to you)
    /tpaccept & /tpyes (To accept the tpa requests)
    /tpacancel (Cancel a tpa request)

    Warp Commands -
    To get to other places
    /warp Tutorial (Shows how to create a chest shop and teaches you about the sub-server)
    /warp fb (Takes you to the Overworld, it will not take you somewhere randomly, it'll take you to the fb spawn.)
    /warp nether (Takes you to the Nether since portals are disabled on here)
    /warp end (Takes you to the end)
    /warp spawn & /spawn (Takes you to the spawn, the place you spawn when you first join the server.)
    /warp plotworld (Takes you to the plots)
    /warp boss (Takes you too the boss place)
    /warp pvp (Takes you to the pvp arena)
    ↠ /warp treasure chest (Takes you to open you your keys)
    /warp auction (Takes you to the auction house)
    (Most of these commands are listen in the survival warps which can be found at /spawn)

    Sell Commands -
    Commands that are sellable related since MCC's survival is based around a money currency.
    /shop (Opens up the shop where you can sell things, you can only buy spawners from here)
    /sell all (Sells everything sellable from /shop in your inv)
    /ah sell <amount> (Sells item in your hand and places it on the auction house)

    Donator commands - (All donators can mine spawners, including Coal)
    Special commands that donators get from purchasing a rank on the MCC buy store. (Can be bought in /buy)
    /back (Takes you back to where you died, or last were. Iron+ is required to use it.)
    /fly (Enables your flying, must have Emerald+ to fly)
    /repair all & /fix all (Repairs everything in your inv, use /fix or /repair to repair the item in your hand. Bedrock+ is needed to use this command.)
    /toggleannouncement (If you don't like having the announcement, you can toggle it with this command. If you wish to retoggle it, just type it again. This is only for Legend+ ranks.)
    /invsee <user> (Shows you another user's inv, do /invsee <user> 2 to see their armor. Must have Lapis+)
    /feed (Allows you to fill your hunger bars without needing food. This command has a cooldown and only gold+ have it.)
    /sethome <name> & /home <name> (Can set home anywhere. Only the perk and ranks have the ability to do this. To delete a home do /delhome <name>)
    /ptime <day,night,noon,etc> (You can set what time it is for yourself. Iron+ rank is needed.)
    /ec & /echest (Opens up your enderchest. Must have Gold+ rank to use it.)
    /wb & /workbench (Opens up your own crafting table. Lapis+ rank is needed to be able to use.)
    /kit <rank> (Any rank can use this to open up the available kit.)

    Chat Color / Color Signs -
    Only Diamond+ ranks can type in color chat, however anything below diamond can write on signs with color. Diamond and above also has the same ability to be able to write on signs in color.
    &1 - Dark blue
    &2 - Dark green
    &3 - Cyan
    &4 - Dark red
    &5 - Purple
    &6 - Orange
    &7 - Light Gray
    &8 - Dark gray
    &9 - Indigo
    &0 - Black
    &a - Lime green
    &b - Bright blue
    &c - Light red
    &d - Pink
    &e - Yellow
    &f - White
    &k - Glitch text
    &l - Bold
    &m - Lined through text
    &n - Underline
    &o - Italics
    #1 httpmeme, Jul 24, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
    NorthSpartan, nouhs, LOUHT and 7 others like this.
  2. I think this is sort of useful the only thing that makes me think its not is the plot commands are all able to be seen with /p help. other then that good job I know some people will find this useful.
    httpmeme likes this.
  3. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the feedback! I just included the plot commands so they don't have to go through all the plot help, which is why I added the most known and important oned. Thank you for letting me know and for taking your time to go over it!
  4. httpsalex

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Okay this is a very helpful post thank you for spending time on making this. You could've added what each rank gets on survival, buts it a lot of information already Good job on making this <3
    httpmeme likes this.
  5. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thank you very much for posting this! This guide is very helpful.
  6. bypaths

    bypaths Guest

    Hey Jake,

    Thanks for making this post, I am just starting to get into Survival because I find it very interesting. This command guide will help me find my way around it efficiently. Thanks!
    httpmeme likes this.
  7. Gimper

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey buddy,

    Really like these forum post as i just think its such a good thing to refer to if you new to minecraft, MCC and survival in this case and have a good read through and at the end have a basic understanding on what the main objectives are and its cool features. I think you go into depth well about each individual command, rules and objectives really well and easy to understand. I think You highlight the majority of the commands /rules / objectives.

    Great Thread, Really beneficial and really Clear Guide.

    Cheers,and good job
    httpmeme likes this.
  8. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Awesome thread! It's been about a year since I've played on survival so I've forgotten a lot of the commands. A lot of guides don't include chat colours either so that was a really nice touch. Thanks a lot! :D

    There are a couple handy donator commands that aren't included like /ptime, /craft and /echest. They're used on other subservers although knowing that they're Iron+ and Gold+ is really useful. Apart from that though, everything looks great!
    Invader and httpmeme like this.
  9. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Of course, I knew I was forgetting a few donator commands, I'll make sure to add them :)
    Thanks for the feedback!
    TheTNTPotato likes this.
  10. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I appreciate it, I was worried that I'd leave a few things out. Glad that people find it helpful c:
    Gimper likes this.
  11. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hi there,
    Wow that must of took alot of time to do. I'm not really a survival player but this is really useful if I start playing survival and thanks for taking your time to make this and anyone new to survival here you go.
    Have a lovely day or night
    --==FireyGast Immortal==--
  12. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I find the thread extremely useful and I’m sure it will help tons of new players. Thanks for making it :D
    - ItsGuih // MCC Helper
  13. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Guessing you didn't look hard enough.

    He posted this around 8 hours before you lol
  14. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I actually did see this, however I made this just for the survival part of the forums and made sure I explained what each command so people aren't confused. Their guide is also really good, but I think having one just for the Survival thread can be helpful since people might come here just for survival. Thank you for letting me though!
  15. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    If you ask me, I'd still prefer the other guide. Command descriptions are more short and to the point, should be easy to understand for anyone. Also not as much blinding colors.
  16. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there httpmeme,

    Thank you so much for making this thread, your help is very much appreciated.
    I'll be sure to forward this to anybody who may need it in the future.

    (P.S, congratulations on your promotion. I must say it was very well deserved.)
    httpmeme likes this.
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