Hey Guys, Just wanted to make a suggestion on combining sell wands. I've got bout a dub of sell wands and some in my echest, and some in other chests. Was wondering if there could be a way to combine sell wands into one. I think this would be a good addon to make things more simple and organizable. Thanx for listening Bai Bai
Would be good to have this for Organization, like the buckets used to be separate in Minecraft and then you were allowed to Pile them up to make more room in your inventory, however, I don't think Developers should spend time adding this into the Server just so that your chest looks nicer, and limited to "Sell Wands." It just rendered pointless in my mind to be honest and has absolutely no soul purpose, only the fact it'd make things look nicer and clean up a lot of space for you. If you don't want them anymore, sell them as singles as and when you need to, or just build more chests and fill them up. We've coped without this addition for now, and I'm sure we will continue to do so in the future. +1 for Creativity. -1 for the Idea.
I agree I don't play much right now but when I did I had 2 dubs of sell wands in random chests, I know this is part my fault but I think if every time you get a sell wand you should be able to anvil it with another sell wand. Or you can combine sell wands for tokens some how. +1 -xStrafings Leader of money
I totally agree with you here pizza, as a player that has to keep a whole dub just to store the individual sell wands i feel like it would help me and others out considering if you have a lot of spawners you burn through the individual 500 sell wands. Anyway i dont see anything negative to this being added and i hope to see it in game at some point. Have a great day :) - OwenCW
I love the idea, but actually putting this into use would probably not be as useful as you think. Although you may have a ton of Sell Wands, other players do not. This command or perk wouldn't be of much use to around 60-70% or the players as Sell Wands aren't that common in Key openings. This was super creative and maybe a rework on this thought would possibly help. I have around 4 wands, 3 of which I haven't used due to the fact that wands don't go by that quickly. And as you said, you have a chest full- Meaning they're not used that quickly. I loved the idea, but realistically it's not needed. -1 from me.
Hey! I am probably a +1 To this as this will be very helpful and very easy to organise HOWEVER: 1) Have a limit / maximum of how many uses a wand. Say you can add 235+187 if they were both 500 use wands but not 476 + 288 if they were both 500 use. Also will this be possible? I hope it will be able to just set some guidelines +1 if Possible Have a Nice Day All The Best ___Sean___ MCC Community Member