Suggestion for Reports

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ankh, Oct 4, 2019.

  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I've seen a few other servers do this, but add a yes/no field when making a report that asks if the reporter is fine with the evidence being made public. For example:

    Do you want your evidence to be made public to the reported player?
    The evidence for the punishment will be shown to the punished player, if they request it.

    It would be a simple yes/no field and they can answer it whichever way they want, so I don't see any downside to adding this. Plus, if they did agree to make it public, it would let the punished player know exactly what they were punished for, in addition to the exact where and when.

    Feel free to voice your opinions below.
    fajoszz, Zonafer, guih and 3 others like this.
  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Is this about like the player who reported the rule breaker not knowing who reported them etc.

    Also is this in game or forums reports?

    Adding on if someone is banned what use would them seeing what they were banned for do?

    I guess this idea could be implemented so yeah.

    Have A Nice Day
    All The Best
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Doesn't really matter, more to just let the punished player know why/when exactly they were reported for. And this is why it would be optional, there's obviously going to be a few people who don't want the people they reported knowing it was them.
    forums obviously... There is no gameplay reporting system in-game. And players are already able to request the logs of the chatreport.
    Like I said, so they know exactly what they were punished for. Makes it hard to work to improve on not doing something if you don't even know what you did, aside from a vague reason of "Player Disrespect" (example).
    iiSean likes this.
  4. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Ok thank you for claryfying :)

    I guess this system might work, we shall see.

    Have A Good Day
  5. 10Controls

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I wouldn't mind having this change to reports to be honest. I've been punished before but I didn't know when I did it, so this could definitely help!
    +1 from me!
  6. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    That’s an awesome idea ngl. I feel that they should censure the igns tho, so the punished person won’t know who reported them. Besides that your idea is awesome and I would love to see it getting added in the future.
  7. Pizzicato_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If players appeal they are able to request evidence of their punishment which the staff member provides. As mentioned above censoring who reported them is important for obvious reasons.

    One thing to consider
    • Making report videos public can lead to unnecessary community attention to a report. For example if the evidence given to the Reports Team doesn't show clear hacking it might be subject to scrutiny from players on the team's decision to punish or even not punish.
    Zonafer and puposaurus like this.
  8. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'd agree with Pizzacat here, in that it will definitely draw criticism from the community about why or why not a player was punished, based on the evidence provided. I'd say that in the case of chat offences, gameplay bans and blatant client mod bans, this would be a nice thing to see added. However, for more high-profile cases, like if a prominent player is banned for reach, then there might be a case to withhold the evidence. Overall, I'm a +1, but some more thought must be put in for scenarios like these.
  9. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This has been implemented on the report system for Hypixel's Reports Team. I think that something like this is needed, as especially with hacks, players cannot explain themselves or appeal with correct evidence if they don't know when and where something has happened.

    I think it would make a great addition on here, and see no reason why it shouldn't be added, as it is optional.
  10. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    ...That's the entire point of asking if they're fine with the evidence being sent to the punished user.

    Again, the entire reason for asking.

    Staff have been taking players' criticism for years, this won't change anything lol. Also, please remind me again how that is a bad thing? If the evidence "doesn't show clear hacking", then they shouldn't be punishing in the first place. That's how false bans happen. I'd much rather be able to show the evidence for a punishment than be permanently labelled as a "false banner" because I'm not allowed to share the evidence.

    Exactly. Imagine being false banned for hacking, and the only response you get on your appeal is that they have proof you were hacking. "Oh, we know what you did, as well as where and when it happened. We just won't tell you. You need to figure that out on your own."
    #10 Ankh, Oct 7, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2019
  11. Pizzicato_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You are right on the topic of false bans. I guess what I mean is that in some situations there could be evidence provided that causes controversy with various opinions. In this case it would be better off to have clearer evidence instead of banning. Although I feel some people who have grudges against a particular staff member will try and find cases that had nothing to do with them where the hacking was difficult to detect but present and will try and label that staff member as someone who "false bans". This video being public can unnecessarily spam discord chats with #unban<ign>.

    What I'm saying it difficult for me to clearly put into words but hopefully I've gotten my point across.

    I think it would be better to keep evidence private as it's not really anyone else business to know - even with the option to make it public. Evidence should just be given on an appeal being denied. It should be a conversation between staff and the appealing player, no one else.
  12. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    If people are that desperate for attention they're going to cause drama regardless of if they have the evidence or not. It's a lot easier to disprove their claims if you can actually show clear evidence that they were indeed hacking.

    "Evidence should just be given on an appeal being denied", the entire point of this thread. So the person who was punished can request for the evidence in an appeal. If they want to share it with others for attention that's their problem. If anything, you can make it so sharing the evidence is an instant denial on all appeals related to the punishment. However if you ask me, the more people who see it the better. Highly increases the chances that someone may find something wrong with the video.
  13. fajoszz

    Jul 25, 2019
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    yes, i´m agree because is alot unfair u be banned (or muted) and don´t can see the vídeo or screenshot, which it was reported. And this will certainly decrease the number of incorrect bans because they would be published to all.
  14. Composures

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Ankh,

    I believe there should be a place to ask other players and the staff team, whether or not evidence is sufficient enough to report. I see a lot of people asking players and staff for their opinions, so I believe a place for this would be good to have. There is nothing wrong with a bit of criticism and if someone gets out of hand, then they will be punished. However, if a player does not want to ask for opinions, then they would not need to. I think players deserve to see evidence of their punishments, because sometimes things can be false or players want to know what they did. The reports does not allow us to show a player the evidence that was provided in the report, so I believe that there should be a part on the report where it says, “Are we allowed to provide the evidence you have submitted to the player reported?” then they would be able to mark it down with yes or no. So I would find that fair to the players who both got punished and reported.

    Have a nice day or night!

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