Suggestion for Global Ban Message.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pznda, Jul 30, 2019.

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  1. Pznda

    Jul 27, 2019
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    When a player gets banned, i thought it would be good if a global ban message was displayed. e.g. "Player 1 was banned for Kill-Aura by Notch".

    Just think it would be a cool idea to do. I think it would be fairly easy to integrate into MCC
  2. Logandatogan

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with Pznda. I believe that sending these messages in chat can deter hackers and can show that staff is active. It can be intimidating for hackers to see "35,000 players have been banned this month". You guys may have seen this in Hypixel.
  3. Draecotic

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!

    Personally, I don't think this would be a good idea. While it would be a deterrent from hacking, the chat would constantly be bombarded with "Player x was banned for Hacking by Staff Member". The staff are constantly banning people, so the chat would be flooded. As for the "x amount of players have been banned", I don't think they would want to copy how another server does something. As cool as an idea this would be, it wouldn't be practical.
    Invader likes this.
  4. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Don't like this idea one bit for the fact that it would spam the chat because hackers are banned really often and also if they added this maybe you can subscribe for the notification or turn the notification off that is the only way I can see this being added but I am think when you first join the server theres a gui that asks you if you want the notification for the first time you join because some people might not know the command so it would be just that easy.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hi. i do not think this is a good idea. one reason being there’s multiple subservers so if someone were to be banned in skywars and the message popping up in factions wouldn’t make that much sense. or even just a skywars ban in a survival games round.. another reason this would be completely horrible is that many many players get banned on the daily, or even the hour. chats could get flooded with ban messages if there was a ban message. also i wouldn’t see a use in it. most players play mcc just to play minigames and/or subservers not to sweat the chat just to see who gets banned n’ whatnot.

    i don’t think it’s necessary at all for there to be a ban message for players to have access to. even if it’s something like a subscription... it wouldn’t really matter since they’re not staff and most likely they didn’t report them. if a player reports a hacker in discord, then a staff notifies them saying they were banned, same for if they were to create a report ticket, it would get accepted or denied, saying whether if the hacker was banned or not... if that makes sense- like, players should really only focus on the players they report and not other hackers they most likely never seen ingame.

    if all that makes sense—
    both y’all have a great day
  6. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Adding on to this, maybe a notification in chat when someone is permanently banned? Or perhaps only showing up in global chat and not on the sub-servers? I agree that it would just result in a lot of spam.
    #6 InsaneIsMyName, Jul 30, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
    Smashhhh likes this.
  7. Hey!

    I think this is a good idea but I think that this would only work in sub-servers. Furthermore, I think that this should only be for bannable offences not mute offences. I do not think this will spam chat as players are not banned that frequently. One flaw would be that if the hacker sees the ban message, it will inform them that staff are online and may leave the game to escape the ban.
  8. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I don't agree with this idea. Most of the players who have replied to this thread have already mentioned that it could make the chat quite spammy. However, I can also think of 2 other reasons why this isn't a good idea.

    1: It would let the players know that there is a staff member online. This would be bad if a staff member is spectating a group of hackers, for example. It would tell the other members of the group (or someone else on the server), that there are staff online. This would make them turn of their hacks until the staff member isn't online anymore.

    2: This would create strong reactions in chat. Imagine if a well-known KitPvP player gets banned. The chat could go crazy with "Haha, told you so", "Staff, why did you ban him, he doesn't hack" and so on. This wouldn't be good for the chat or the players.

    Unfortunately I don't see any way that this server idea would be implemented.
    Invader, AZXG, Dog7000 and 2 others like this.
  9. Pznda

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Ok, I thought there is no harm in suggesting it.
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