Suggestion: Adding Another Currency

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Chirashi, Sep 23, 2019.


Add Seperate Mining Currency

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. Chirashi

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Ever since season 3 when spawners were added, prisons just hasn't been the same. I suggest adding another form of currency. What makes this currency in theory more valuable is the fact that you can ONLY get it from mining. I suggest a ratio of 1 block = 1 NC (New Currency). Now hear me out I know there are already prison tokens but this new currency could also possibly be used in /ah instead of money. Money could then be used to buy spawners from the shop and used to purchase NC. If you think this is a lame idea then please leave feedback down below < 3
  2. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    I feel like adding a new currency will make it 10x more confusing for new players. Mining blocks already gives money so buying the "NC" with normal cash isn't going to be effective in the economy. Prestiges are set so people have a set amount of spawners on their plot to not over crowd it. If there was a new currency, what would it be used for?
  3. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I personally think that this shouldn't be added for a few reasons. One is that prison tokens are obtained by mining
    and prison tokens can be used in /ah as well. Two, prison tokens are only used for buying spawners. Three,
    it would be a total confusion for all the prison players because there are multiple currencies and adding
    a new one would make it more cluttered. Finally, you missed a question, what would it be used for and how will it help?
    Thank you and have a wonderful day!
    #3 JustBeChill, Sep 23, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    Master_Aqua and puposaurus like this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    broskii. i can barely tell what you’re proposing, but from what i can tell... this seems like a bad idea.
    the prison economy already has a lot to it with mining, spawners, prison tokens, irl deals, coinflips, auction house/selling items, pvp kills, scamming, profit shops, etc. adding more to it, would just make things more confusing, and more ways for players to break the economy.

    anywyas. bye.

    edit: nvm. JustBeChill wrote a better response >.<
    Master_Aqua and JustBeChill like this.
  5. iCryztal

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Hey man. I know everyone's been kind of shutting down your idea, and that sucks. Honestly, this wouldn't work. The point of prison is to make the most money, however that may be. At some point in every season, people are mining. While it's become a far less essential part of the prison community, I personally enjoy it. It's made the community a little less grind-y, and the mines aren't anywhere as cluttered as they used to be.

    I'm sure something like this could be implemented, just not exactly in the way you're thinking.

    ** I'd just like to follow up**

    They did nerf spawners in the sense that you now need prison tokens to purchase them. Maybe in the upcoming season you can only gain tokens by mining? that's a thought!
  6. Airpxds

    Aug 25, 2019
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    I don’t think this should be added for a few reasons.
    1. You can get prison tokens from mining. You can also sell them for like 25k on prison 2 and 50k on prison 1. And also can be used to buy spawners.
    2. It would make prison so much more confusing for new players.
    3. It would make prison super cluttered.
    4. There’s just no need for a new currency.
    Have a Good Day!
  7. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    I see what you are trying to explain but its just adding another step into the economy. Tokens already do this and it works perfectly. You example of NC you said you can use money to buy it but then spawners which give money is just being used to get the different form of money. In my opinion this is a waste of time, however, you could add it to where there is a new currency only for something like custom enchants where you have to buy them with a separate thing but tokens already do this.
    My thoughts

    Leader of money gang
  8. PorkChcp

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Im going to have to disagree with since my man since it would be practical. There already are tokens from mining which is enough in my opion.
  9. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Currency as a whole makes the economy what it is. It would be really hard to incorporate another currency as that would confuse everyone and you'd have to take into consideration that we would have to figure out what this new currency would equal in money (the actual currency), and what items would cost in this new form of money. Adding tokens was a leap enough, and some players still do not understand why they were added and what purpose they serve. Some even want them removed. Overall, I have a strong belief that this will not happen any time soon.

    Hope you're having a great day or night!
  10. Pathetc

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Imo, I think it'd be cool to have no spawners on one realm and on the other one you do. However, this would also mean that your [A/Z] rank will not transfer to the other realm since it's way harder to get higher up without spawners than with. But, I do think that this would be nice since imo spawners ruin the prison vibe =D

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