
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ssophiie, Feb 7, 2020.

  1. ssophiie

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So lately i have loved speaking to my friends about just random things that happen in our day to day lives because i just love hearing peoples funny or wholesome stories. So please, tell me yours!

    It could be anything to do with work, school, hobbies you do, anything just tell a cool story that you've experienced c:

    I don't mean to be nosey i just find it interesting!
    Can't wait to hear what y'all say!
  2. AyeItsBeck

    Jul 22, 2019
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    When my brother and I were around 8 years old we broke into someone's house by smashing their window with a rock. I crawled into the window, and unlocked a door so my brother could get in, and then we stole a hammer and left. Good times
  3. HowToFaction

    Jan 19, 2020
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    My Biggest Regrets in my Life
    Three years ago I meant my future best friend on a zombie game called "Unturned." We were introduced to each other by a good of mine back then called G-Man. But little did we know the next 4 months we will become extremely close friends. Due to personal information, I will be calling my best friend "Ryan." Ryan and I soon become close friends and started telling each other almost everything going on in our lives. When I was 13, I always thought it was odd for me to have "friends" on a stupid online video game. But, back then I was naive because to this day nothing could beat the experience I had online in the world. For 4 months, we both played Unturned 8 hours each day. Soon after meeting so many amazing people who made a huge impact on my life and who I am today I decided to create a clan.

    The clan was called "TK" short for "Team Kill" the name reflected my pain, struggle, and depression for the game. Soon our clan grew, and I created a discord server for it. At our peak, we had 8 members on the server and playing 8 hours each day. As a clan, we grew together as one playing multiple servers at a time. But, slowly throughout the months of clan's life span, we stopped playing Unturned. People stopped coming to meetings, everyone just slowly disappeared and I was back with my best friend Ryan...

    We made a decision that the clan will disband and we went out separate ways. It's been 2 months since we disbanded and I messaged him. "Hey, dude how you doing these days?" I texted, "Heyyyyyy! It's been a long time since we've talked bro. And I haven't been doing much besides hacking on a bunch of kids on Minecraft" He responds, "You'll get banned if you cheat lol" I respond, "So? I got like 50 MC accounts" He responds back, "50?! Yo hand me over one" I respond totally not expecting him to say yes due to me knowing an MC account is like 27 bucks, "Yeah sure dude" He responds and then proceeds to send a list of emails and passwords. I was in awe, I thought those accounts were extremely expensive since MC accounts aren't cheap I thought back then. I started logging onto all the accounts and they all work. After me freaking out about how many MC accounts I've received I decided to log onto a server. The first server I've ever logged onto was (Insert server name). The account was banned on there for "Cheating" I thought it was strange so I decided to ask him about it since I know he wouldn't give me the accounts that he has hacked on. "Hey Ryan, why is (Insert IGN here) banned from (Insert server name)?" I ask, "I don't know, probably because someone hacked on it. It's an NFA after all." He responds, "What the heck is an NFA?" I asked, "It's non-full access it means that anyone can have access to it and do anything" He responds, "That's so stupid" I respond.

    After a couple of weeks, I narrowed down to 3 accounts that I know no one else uses those are (Insert IGNs here) after that I used those accounts to play servers without any repercussions. Then slowly I was introduced to Factions by Ryan. At first, I wasn't interested but slowly I got extremely invested in it. The server that got me into playing faction was a very casual friendly server called (Insert Faction server here) Ryan made a friend on here and due to safety reasons his name will be "John." Right off the bat when I talked to John I didn't like him. But I thought that I was just being suborned and shouldn't judge someone on how they talk. But the more I got to know him the more I disliked him... He didn't give people respect, he refuses to listen to anyone, and most importantly I gave him a TP to my private vault which later he blew up. I got sick of this so I messaged my friend to either kick this guy out or I'm out. Thinking about this from a calm and professional perspective I realized how immature back then I was. I honestly couldn't believe I would make such a demand even if the guy did a horrible thing.

    After waiting for about 4 days with no response, I decided I would take things into my own hands. Now keep in mind insiding factions we're completely allowed on this casual faction server and so I did. I became the very thing I despise... A betrayer, a traitor, an insider, a sin, and most importantly a person you can never trust again. There were tons of spawners in our base... I grabbed some TNT and a flint and steel and blow it all up... Nothing was left... Nothing insight...

    I went to sleep the night and woke up to Ryan spamming my discord "WTF DID YOU YOU?!" He spammed, "You choose John over me. It had to be done." Now looking back at my reasoning and what I did, I quickly realize how dumb this whole drama was. I could've simply just quit the server without saying anything instead of doing that. But back then I was naive and immature. I regret everything... I don't know why I did it. Why did I do the very thing I hate? Why wasn't I more mature? Why was I a failure? Just things I look back to and feel disappointed at.

    After not talking for a while Ryan finally messaged me "I stopped talking to him, I haven't talked to him for weeks. I'll never talk to him again while with you. Is there anything else you want?" He texted, Normally in this situation, you would try to repair your trust and friendship but that's not why I did back then... "Block him on everything. Steam, discord, skype, everything." This by far was the biggest regret of my life. It isn't that I'm ashamed that I said something so stupid and cringy it's that I'm forcing my best friend to choose between two friends... This was extremely screwed up and I wish I would've just accepted what he said and apologize for my mistakes...

    Ryan accepted my terms and for some reason continued to trust me. and 2 and a half years later coming up on our 3rd year we're still best friends. We might not play together every single day on Rust, Unturned, or any other game but we're still the closest. Whenever we are in trouble we come to each other. I'm truly grateful that I can look back to my pass and able to say what I did wrong and what I should've done differently. I'm grateful that I had so many amazing long term friends that turned my life around. I'm extremely grateful that my friends influenced me to become who I am today. And I stand here today to be proud of who I am and what I've accomplished in my life currently. One thing you should take from my story is to always look back and see how you've improved as a person. Do it every day. Look back today to yesterday or years from now. Ask yourself have you improved? Should you continue to improve? Why should you improve? What could've you done differently? Are you ashamed of who you were back then? Are you proud of your current self? And most importantly "Are you happy with your life currently?"

    Thank you for reading my long story of me spilling my philosophy as a human being and how to become a better one. Although this wasn't "cool experience" it was definitely a worthwhile experience that I can look back on and talk about it. And make sure to have a beautiful day/night!

    - Jen/HowToFaction
    sinderr and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  4. HeckTheThicc

    Sep 1, 2019
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    When I was like 6, my older brother told me to shoplift Chicken nuggets. I got 9 boxes. Somehow I got away with it XD

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