Stop hating on magma spawners

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by PoloGoat, May 1, 2021.

  1. PoloGoat

    Feb 19, 2020
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    Hello everybody, I have played prison for quite sometime now and as many of you who has played over the seasons know, magma spawners was the goat back in the day with a full layer of hoppers on your plot. Anyway, I am here to do my duty as I'm still using magma spawners this season to put some spotlight on them. I can't believe how ya'll betrayed magma like this for witch spawners. I encourage everybody who's reading this to sell your witch spawners and buy some magmas for the nostalgic dream.

    out of context:
    feel free to send me some duel requests if you see me online :)
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey qsss,
    While I'm not exactly the biggest prison play, I do remember the time you were talking about where magmas where the main way to make money. Now that prison has introduced the tokens, upgradeable pickaxes and more recently the private mines, mining has become the 'goal' of prison, and is really the centre it is based around.

    This is a similar case for Skyblock. Back in about 2018-2019 it was all about magma spawners and enderman spawners and AFKing your grinders, however this changed to help flatten the economy a bit. Skyblock is now all based around farming with the compost bins, harvest hoes that are now upgradeable and many other new additions.

    While it's not the exact same, it is a similar situation. If Prison re-introduces / re-values spawners, it will take away from these amazing plug ins, and will have less people using private mines, which makes it difficult for those who already have one.

    I hope my explanation made a bit of sense :)
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  3. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Hello qsss,
    IMO the shift away from spawners levels the playing field a tiny bit more, away from a more pay-to-win system from just spamming keys for spawners. For example, P2 has rookies at prestige 2 - something nearly unthinkable previously, when they would be trampled by people with alt accounts, some irl money, and 4 plots for spawner placement.
    This is just my opinion, feel free to respond, and have a nice day!

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