/staffmode on Mini-Games

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by EntityWrong, May 27, 2020.

  1. EntityWrong

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I really suggest a command for moderators+ so that they can use it when trying to spectate hackers due to the report spams on #support in tye mcc community discord... That would make it easier for the mods because usually when they try to ban a hacker the hacker just logs offline because he sees the staff’s name
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Good Evening!
    This is actually a very popular suggestion, and I do agree with how this would be helpful. Personally I think an easier permission to grant Mod+ is /nick, since a lot of the time the hacker knows they're staff and logs, as you said. A lot of the staff would like to see it added, but only time will tell. For the time being, forum reports always do best.
  3. To add on to Nikki_

    To implement this vislo would have to re-wamp his plugins, because this system wasn't for-seen in the first place, so in oder for this to be achieved a brand new system must be made (to all minigames).

    It is much easier to just use "/nick", but I still don't think that would be any time soon as well, since this all have been suggested like 3 - 4 years ago, and it doesn't seems like its gonna be added any time soon (or is in progress).

    Even with /nick (its same thing as an alt, or just hacker has no idea they are mod, so it is indeed kinda useless as well).

    The best way to get rid of hacker (during an on going game), is by recording and praying for a mod to look at it as soon as possible to ban them.

    This is all my opinion.

  4. UrBorinq

    May 27, 2020
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    Know adding on /staff mode can be added on its own bc /staff mode it’s is own plugin and if anything they can just download the plug in and give prems to mods and above but I mean in there GUI /punish I think it is they can add it on were it’s like a staff mode if anything. Now with /nick it’s a good and effective way because they don’t know who you are and just seem like another player but u feel like /nick should be given to all the staff given helpers because if anything they can record/ss or given mute if they need to. Thank you have a good day-UrBorinq
  5. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't see a purpose for /sm in mini-games since /nick will be added. Staff will be able to hopefully /spectate in mini-games when the revamp happens as well (these ideas were both noted down). It will happen, but all important mini-game ideas will happen when the revamp happens, which will most likely be during the summer or at least before the end of the year.
    guih likes this.

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