Staff wages

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ImConcerned, Aug 20, 2019.

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  1. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Currently, from what I am aware of, there is no wages for the staff team and it is 100% voluntary.
    The server makes hundreds, if not thousands of dollars every day.

    I am making a suggestion that staff get a wage if they reach certain requirements every month/week.
    I know that there is already playtime requirements that staff members have to reach to maintain their staff position.
    But there is no doubt that staff will be way more driven to come online and ‘work’ if they receive a payment every month/week. Even if that payment is low.

    I suggest payment/wages should only be for Moderaters+ as Helper is really just the development stage of your staff career.

    Requirements should be based on playtime on minigames and every subserver, banned hackers, muted players, accepted chat reports, forums messages and discord messages. And a certain amount of middlemanning. You should possibly also have to spectate maybe (5) uhc’s per month too.
    I also suggest that Staff subteams should receive a bonus but, there is also requirements for them too, for example, the reports team has to have (100) accepted reports per month.
    It would mean that staff would be competing to accept reports and the report team would be online way more frequently which would benefit the server and reduce hackers and cheaters while the anticheat is being worked on.
    (The numbers that I have mentioned are just examples and they will almost definitely be varied if this is every implemented)

    I just feel that for all the work the staff team put into the server already, they should maybe receive a reward for all the time they spend making MCC a better place for the normal players.

    This is just a suggestion and I would like if some high staff members could possibly take a look at this thread. It would be very appreciated if you could give your take on this. I thank you for reading this thread and please have a lovely rest of your day :)
    -ImConcerned (Nathan)
    deleteduser and AcceptedAppeal like this.
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Since I’m an Ex-staff member I might be able to explain how staff payments work and make things clear.
    If helpers/mods/srmods meet their chatreport & minute requirements they are awarded with a 10$ mcc store coupon. Staff of the month gets his/her 10$ coupon + a 15$ bonus coupon. The top minute staff member gets a 15$ coupon as well. The top chatreports staff gets an ancient key, and so does the top forum reports staff.
    I hope this answer your questions, have a nice day
    ImConcerned and puposaurus like this.
  3. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I am trying to suggest that staff members receive a real money wage because I know that the server makes a of lot money every day and just store credit as a reward doesn’t give as much reason to work. Staff members will see it more as a ‘job’ rather than a hobby or pastime if they are receiving a real life payment and they will make sure that they are playing as much as possible.
    Thanks ;)
  4. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Since the owners have to pay hosting services (which are very expensive) and as all staff members are always volunteers i dont think that’s ever going to be added. -1
    ImConcerned likes this.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    tbh, i don’t think this is anywhere near a good idea. as mentioned above by gui, staff are rewarwed with buycraft credit if they meet their requirements. also, if staff got paid wages like any other job more than just losing money for hosting would go into play. this would mean possible further development could slow down since less money could be going to that and other similar deals like that...
    i mean there’s so many factors to why this wouldn’t work out... im not too too familiar with how to explain it and how it fully works... but if you want, i can send you some through discord (poopoosaurus#5963)
    overall, i don’t see this idea ever going into play, there’s so many things wrong with it (ik i only listed 1 or 2... but there’s more than that)... n’ all tha’ good stuff // -1

    have a great day!
    ImConcerned likes this.
  6. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey ImConcerned!

    I see where you're coming from with paying staff, but it's still a -1 from me.

    On top of what the user's mentioned above, the whole idea of "Not paying staff" adds character to their work. The ideology behind BEING a staff member is the willingness to serve and the sheer desire to help the community. Adding payroll to the equation limits that character quality that is so highly desired among staff members. The BuyCraft rewards has already given the staff enough drive to meet their goals on TOP of their own desire to help the community and help Markey in a voluntary way. If people are given payment, it might completely change a motive and the staff team will no longer consist of people who are just born with the amazing desire to help others. If somebody joins the staff team JUST for a paycheck, you could see how that would create problems. Some people who work harder than others would feel like their pay was unfair due to lesser work being done by people that were being paid the same amount. Or, people would just complete their requirements and go no higher than that for the month just to get said paycheck. The people on the current staff team always go above and beyond what is expected of them simply because they joined the staff team with a desire to help and knowledge that they would not be paid for their work. Nobody currently joins the staff team JUST for a $10 BuyCraft card every month, BUT it's plenty reward enough for somebody who does this voluntarily simply because they love working with others in the community.

    Have a nice day/night!
    ImConcerned and puposaurus like this.
  7. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can assure you, this will never happen. This will cause people to apply for the wrong reasons and it even states in the application, this is a volunteer position. Remember that its quality > quantity. We can have a staff team of 100+ players that are lazy and hardly do anything, or have a team of around 40+ that work hard and dedicate time to the server.

    Plus, as Guih said already, we do get rewarded with either Buycraft, Keys or positions like SOTM, which is enough to drive motivation on a game. Don't forget, this is still just a game.
    ImConcerned and Maffy1230 like this.
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