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Staff Team on mcc is very pathetic..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FalseReports, Apr 11, 2020.

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  1. FalseReports

    Jul 24, 2019
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    MCC Staff Team..?
    Hello my name is Austin,

    I just wanna make a post talking about the current staff team and how we need a serious revamp for it honestly in a way.. I been playing MCC for a very long time as of 4/11/2020 when I am making this forum post. If you don't know me I am FalseReports/Unlocking/HitJuulsNotGirls/JuulingMyPain but anyways I feel like the staff team we have is actually pathetic. I am a NA/EST player and I get on MCC around 1-10AM to start playing TSW since I am trying to get lvl 5k which at this rate is not happening for another 5 years.

    If you go ahead and look at this following picture you can tell that NA staff do not exist at all and if they do then they're not doing their job as a staff member. I will say I am mainly talking about Moderators + Senior Moderators since let's be honest "Admins" don't care at all about the community and think they're very powerful and can do whatever they want.

    download.png download.png

    Now I will say this makes MCC unplayable since the people who are trying to grind leaderboards for these mini-games can't do anything but go afk for a good 5 hours or until when there is staff. I noticed that JapanCrafter does sometimes help out the NA players but it isn't always there when he is able to and I do not know what timezone he is so I can't say anything bad about him. I am also not gonna include "Helpers" in this situation because we hardly have much and they try their best. I played over 12k skywars games and killed over 20k players and I have not seen a single change in the staff team at all which makes hackers less of a issue. I also don't understand why the damn "fly hackers" have not been fixed yet like it seriously can't be that hard like you get so much money from people donating but yet we still have a trash anti-cheat and staff team.

    I will go ahead and break down every single staff member after showing you the whole moderator team below.. ( my opinion on the current moderators)


    MasterChheda = Restaff, Good Staff Member 10/10 and He tries his best when he is on

    AZXG = I don't even think I seen him once in my game at all and I play multiple gamemodes

    ItsGuih = Another good staff member and one of my MCC bestfriends 10/10 , he does his best when he is on and very funny and nice person

    Cxrtr = Gotten mixed comments about Carter and I see him on here and there so 5/10 for me honestly (Teddy's eboy)

    Draecotic = I seen him on here and there like Drae does their best when they're online so 7/10

    Master_Aqua = She is good staff honestly and is very fair across the board plus Aqua is funny and nice so 10/10

    kvng_steph = My bestfriend , very fair on MCC and does his best when he gets on and listens to the community so 10/10

    Hypnoticxd = Seen him around before and he is faction so instant 10/10

    PorkChopH3X = Seen him around here and there is very good honestly so 10/10

    httpmeme = seen meme here and there I believe they do their best when he can so 7/10

    LongDays = Seen him around before and like Hypnoticxd, LongDays is also a faction staff so instant 10/10

    Muel_ = Always seen this man around on the network and he is very funny and chill , he does his best and is very fair with everyone and actually cares so 10/10

    monkeymeatballz5/seekingattetion = I been told seeking does "MCC Youtube Videos" , SG Player and I seen him around a lot and he is a good person so 10/10

    xBenz = Mostly seen him on forums and is special but he does his best honestly so 7/10

    Pizzicato_ = Good staff member and they do their best so 7/10

    TrippedUp = Seen him here and there but is ok so 7/10

    MicroSquid = Seen them somewhere but is ok I guess so 7/10

    Abar = Seen them somewhere but decent so 7/10

    Vervain = Most useless staff member honestly like she got staff barley with requirements and muted me for something dumb >_> 0/10

    PlayerUnbound = Seems chill and seem them around so 7/10

    ray01 = Arthur's slave on Skyblock 2 and she is a special human being so 8/10

    Altuh = Hardly seen and think he just takes up space so 0/10

    DeathStrokeDevil = Banned me from his guild/discord but he is chill and funny so 9/10

    Composures = texas egirl who is annoying and never see at all so 0/10 (she also got her ebois to grief me on prison 2 in the past)

    Recrement = Beautiful mod , he is chill and funny and super helpful! 10/10

    BoofPacks = SG player so I hardly seen him and he got lucky in the ArenaTour so 5/10

    fajoszz = He got mod too fast because of UglyKidSteve , he also hacks with his szz butt buddies but nothing happens because UglyKidSteve protects them so 0/10

    JapanCrafter = one of my long time friends , he is really funny and chill and does his very best at all times so 10/10

    yourbbg = she is such a good staff member and when she was helper she was doing her very best like 10/10 staff

    Now since I went over all the current moderators I will go over one more section which will be our lovely HELPERS!! (my opinions again)


    Incarnati0n_ = Prison player but I only heard good things from them so 7/10

    Minninq = biggest cutie helper and really good staff and deserves moderator 10/10 (Best Helper ATM)

    sindeer = seen them around but has good forums stats so 6/10

    Bequty = Steve's egirl like she is real nice and some how manages to stay with that nuthead so 8/10

    iSloth = was once a tryhard wannabe staff but he deserves to be staff since he is better then most mods so 10/10

    fableking = hardly seen him but I love his forum stats so he deserves helper so 10/10

    JakeOnPc = cringy singer and I hate him for saying "F Team Skywars" and heard he ban someone who was bhopping for Autoclicking but 10/10 staff

    Personalisation = Good staff and does his best so he deserves staff 10/10

    Just let me know what you guys think about the current staff team and if we need to do anything or if it is just fine, personally at the end of the day some staffs need to get removed so we can get NA/EST Staff members..

    EBallan likes this.
  2. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    All staff members have lives man. All staff members do their hardest in-game and off-game. Staff members can't be online 24/7 and staff members try their very hardest! Another way to make sure a hacker gets banned is to report them on forums, here is a link to the report players.
    Link: [Here]
    Staff Members try their hardest and you can help out the staff members with reporting players on forums, and recording hackers in game. I can understand your frustration, but you can do your part in the community and help others! I believe that if we help each other out we can make this server amazing, and make this server the most fantastic server in Minecraft. Admins, and SrMods have much different items on their agenda, Moderators and Helpers are the main ones in the Discord and on Forums for Admins and SrMods have other things to do. Admins care about this game very much with helping upcoming staff members, and Admins also help out SrMods (new SrMods) with their job. Admins also carry out information to Owners, and Quality Assurances guides. Admins do their part and they are crucial to the server. SrMods, however don't seem very active, but they are. Moderators who have trouble with something alert a SrMod and they will help them. SrMods do a ton on the server and they help out with every bit of detail. Also, since there are a lot of hackers one staff member can't be there everytime. Every staff member does their part in the community and you can do a good part as well. As I said before you can report these hackers on forums and help the server out!

    I hope this helps!

    If you have any more questions or concerns please contact me!
    Discord: ObjectiveArcade#2232

    10Controls and mxbel like this.
  3. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey there,
    In my opinion, the end of this post has absolutely no reason to be posted except for starting drama and controversy on different staff members. I'm not going to comment about your rating of the staff team, because that's all personal, biased opinion with no concrete facts to back it up. If you would like to discuss that, feel free to message me on discord. Otherwise, I'd like to give my input on the things you wrote before that.
    Here, you mention that you are a NA player with an EST timezone. Then you start to talk about how when you're online, staff don't exist. However, you do need to consider that the majority of staff are NA timezone, and are not normally on, and are currently asleep, at "1-10AM" which is when you said you play TSW. There is no reason to bring up your timezone if you don't play during normal hours of that timezone. In addition, you also need to consider that staff members do have their own lives and can't be on 24/7. This includes not expecting them to reply immediately in support. Let's take a look at the pictures you provided.

    Your two screenshots show what was going on in #support today, starting at 6:13am PST. I'd like to note that you did not provide screenshots of staff that replied at 6:53am PST, meaning that not only are they awake so early in the morning, but doing their job and helping out. This info is relevant because it shows that Staff do really do their best to get on even if it doesn't line up with their timezone. I'd also like to mention that during this, there were staff online in SW. Some staff prefer not to talk in the discord, and that's perfectly fine- it's personal preference. There were 2-3 mods online for the short time I popped in SW, and the hacker problem was resolved at 7:00 am PST. This is actually a great difference to what it was before, so I'm not sure about what you mean by the staff not changing.
    A new anticheat has been confirmed to be coming out with the minigame revamp before 2021, however, I agree that it's an issue that we currently don't and have not had a working anticheat. The good thing is that while change is slow, it has been confirmed so we should look forward to that. In addition, I'd like to add to your comment about "[getting] so much money from people donating but yet we still have a trash... staff team". Donations don't really affect the staff team. The staff team is made up of people that genuinely want to help the server, and there's no relation between how much money MCC gets from donations and the work they do. I'd also like to add that with the current situation, the staff team has become a LOT more active, and hackers are banned almost immediately when staff are online. I observe this through PST time, usually 8am-8pm. A way to fix your problem of having to "afk for a good 5 hours" is to simply change your sleep schedule. Staff are not normally online at 1am EST. These issues are all frustrating, but there's no true gain to starting beef with the staff team, nor is is there a point to trashing on a team that's trying their best to help the community.

    Tl;Dr: I understand that it's frustrating when your normal gameplay is affected by cheaters, especially when the situation's been the same for a long time. However, the decision to write a thread about rating staff members isn't the best way to resolve this. All we can do is hope for the new anti cheat to release sooner, and simultaneously relieve staff of the pressure to always having to do the job of one.

    Have a good day :)
  4. Chilo_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Locking this thread as it is just going to start drama :(

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