Staff Issues

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by yungjunior, May 6, 2020.

  1. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I was just chilling in the lobby minding my own business (since I can't really play anything on my 5fps computer) when I saw someone tell some kid to 'shut the f***' up. Now I'm not really a big chat reporter but one of my most recent mutes was for saying the exact same thing. Literally. So I thought I'd CR and check if they would get muted so I could see if my mute was actually false. 20 minutes later the CR had still not been checked and I only had 5 minutes till I had to come offline. So I thought that I'd go to the one place I knew where to find a staff member so I could ask them to look at the report - factions. I went there and sure enough a staff was on tab, so I /msg'd him and asked if he could quickly check a CR for me as I had sent it 20 minutes ago and I wanted it reviewed before I logged off in a couple minutes. I was met with a reply saying "please don't ask me to check cr, other staff are currently going through them".

    In all my 5 years playing MCC I've never asked a staff member to check a report/appeal and been told no. And if you check my punishment history, there are a lot of appeals I've made. Also, I'm pretty sure there weren't any other staff checking chatreports as I waited 20 mins without receiving a response, in fact I don't think I've ever had a chatreport reviewed before 2pm in the UK.

    I don't see why you can't sacrifice 2 minutes of your time to check a chatreport for a player asking for your assistance, the tag next to your name says 'HELPER' so shouldn't you be helping people who ask for it?

    The point of this post isn't to complain (I know that's not how it looks - I'm sorry!!) but to suggest a couple of things. Firstly, I think there should be a little bit of demand for staff in the UK and/or staff in timezones where they can be active from 10:00-13:00 UK time. Which I might add is when I encounter the most hackers! Secondly, I think that staff should be more willing to help those asking for it. I remember back in 2015-16 when staff literally helped you with anything. I remember asking an old mod how to make my lag stop. Now they won't even check chatreports for me. (Actually typing this I kinda think that the second suggestion is a complaint not a suggestion but I don't really care at this point ).

    Doubt many people have got to this part but if you did thanks for reading my really long rant! Please be nice in the replies I don't really want to start drama on a thread over someone defending staff

    Have a great day!
    Lexxonist, Kutez, stiva and 2 others like this.
  2. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Let me try to address your concerns here:

    Staff members aren't really obliged to check anyone's chatreports or anything. I understand they've been appointed to deal with CRs and the like, but it's not always their job. Staff members also play the server and want to have some fun here and there. You also don't really know what the staff member was doing, as he could've been in the middle of a deal or helping someone else, which takes priority over chatreports. If he told you to be patient because other people were dealing with the reports, then that's really all you can do.

    The staff team is also in need of members who are active during EU/AU peak hours, as around this time most NA staff members are offline and there are very few EU/AU based staff members to deal with the community. Recent promotions have helped alleviate this somewhat, but it's still an issue and will be until the new EU/AU helpers get promoted.

    Of course, things have changed on the server since 2015-16 and obviously the playerbase has been one of them. I know older staff members were very heavily engaged with the community and worked hard to keep up their reputations, but that's not really the case anymore. It's a little unfortunate, but there are many other things staff members have to do and they can't spend all their time bonding with communities.

    I will also add that your chatreport would have been denied, if it was dealt with. The rules were changed last month to make terms such as "f*ck you", "gtfo" and "f*ck off" not punishable unless they were included with other disrespectful words or phrases. Your most recent mute, according to your punishment history, was for racial slurs, which is pretty unrelated.

    I hope I was able to touch on everything you talked about here. Have a nice day.
    Xermes, Lxyne, Rev3rse and 2 others like this.
  3. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    Thanks for the shoutout :')

    Anyways, I think your concerns about your situation are valid. I understand that it can be frustrating to be waiting for your report (either on the Forums or CR) to be responded to and you would like to see a rule breaker be brought to justice. However, as Zonafer stated, it is simply unreasonable to expect that the staff team is constantly available to respond to every single player's specific request. The staff team has internal processes to handle all of the systems they have in place, including reports.

    Thus, while it may be annoying that your report has been left open for a while, you can rest assured that every single report will be responded to no matter what. If a player is indeed breaking the rules, they will receive the punishment necessary. It may not happen instantaneously, but the staff team is working as hard as they can to fulfill their plethora of responsibilities on the server.
    jaeuhr, Lxyne, Zonafer and 1 other person like this.
  4. Owen Smith

    May 8, 2020
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    Hello. I don't even know if this is where I post an appeal, but I'm pretty bored and would like to ask for a lift on my ban. I have been banned before for using a hack client in the PVP zone on skyblock. These hacks have been removed from Minecraft because I've been banned from pretty much all the servers that I have on Minecraft. I was perm banned a couple of months ago for having an inappropriate skin, and I understand why. I was being stupid and wanted to get a rise out of people, I guess.
    Anyways, I spent 60 dollars on this server buying a rank, and really enjoyed playing on it. One day I searched up this server website and looked at the rank prices because all the immortals had such good gear and what not. I was looking to buy a rank, but saw how much they are. I decided that I would wait for a flash sale, and a couple weeks later, I got one.
    I was getting into prison when I got banned, and was working my way up the ranks. I've been super bored lately and this game is really the only thing that I have to do. This server is also the most fun and has the most option. Hopefully someone can read this and see where I'm coming from here. It would mean a lot. Thanks!
  5. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    mxbel and 10Controls like this.
  6. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can see where you're coming from. It's very frustrating when staff cannot do something when they're asked. Let me explain:

    When staff members are asked to do something, they cannot always answer your question/needs. Here's why. The staff team is constantly busy. They're tasked with monitoring chat, providing middleman services, and monitoring forums, and the Discord servers, chatreports, forum reports, and reports through Discord. When any particular staff member I call on for help is busy, I understand because they are always busy, and it comes with the task at hand. You can't get mad because they didn't look at your chatreport. Sometimes, chatreports take up to 6 hours to get to because of an influx of reports. I like to look back at the appeals rule, where when a punished player asks their punishing staff member assigned to that case to look at their appeal, it is automatically denied because of the trouble the staff member went through. Processing appeals is not easy, because you need to look at evidence and reason why you should be unpunished. The same [should] go for chatreports, forum reports, or Discord reports through PMs, but simply asking a staff member to look at it will annoy them.

    It is completely reasonable that you wanted your chatreport to be looked at because it is important for players to be brought to justice, however, staff cannot simply be at 4 places at once.

    Like I stated above, chatreports can take a while to be processed, because they must look through evidence. Please be patient with the staff and give them time to process them. I hope my stance helped.
  7. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Swinger has answered your question, but if you'd like me to help you process an appeal just reply and I'll help you out. :)
  8. centjeuh

    Sep 28, 2019
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    I can imagine that staff receive hundreds chatreports and they have to read them all so that takes some time! Also sometimes staff want to just chill and play mcc themselves. Yes they are staff but they're also human. If you don't get a reply you can always report the people on the forums [here]

    If you need to log off but you want to know if the person got muted or not you can check it here.
    Just type their username and you'll see it.

    -Enjoy your day-
  9. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hi there,
    I completely understand how you may feel, and I do think it's quite an odd reply. Personally I think whoever the staff member was, most likely had a reason for saying what they said, as they were probably busy. While this may not be an excuse when you meant to help players, they may have been doing a Middle Man, or something. The server definitely needs staff in AU/NZ timezones, as well as the UK since most of the staff are from the NA region, however, there are a few from each region, so there is always a staff member on the server at some point. I do think it's odd that the staff member said that, but considering the chat report was only disrespect, there was most likely more important things to be dealt with at the time. I understand how you must feel frustrated, and I understand where your coming from, but as you mentioned there weren't many staff on at that time, so the few staff who are, have a lot to do. Unfortunately, as obvious as it sounds, only people who *want* to be staff can become staff, and sadly a lot of players overlook it. For this reason, the server is in great need of active staff members.


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