Staff activity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Akhu, Aug 10, 2019.

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  1. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    This is no more a complaint than a inquiry,
    Now i mainly play tsw on McCentral, and i seriously rarely see staff go on tsw.
    and me even saying
    rarely would be far off.

    Is it hard for the 23 moderators to go on tsw each for at least 15-30 mins daily?
    Or the 13 senior moderators to go on for the same amount?

    Ok forget helpers, chat reporting can do a good enough job, kvng_steph is one of the only moderators which i see them playing tsw regularly, i mean i know they have to go on other sub servers too but 3+ hackers are going on tsw per game and for hours and hours not one staff member comes on.

    There cant be at least an alternation between 23 moderators each playing 15-30 mins each? or even 10 mins?
    I mean ideally it would be 40 mins but as the state we are in now.

    I mean 740 people are playing it right now it deserves some attention at least, and i am talking from months of playing tsw, if they were in active for like a day or even a week ok, but this is lasting months.

    can anyone please enlighten me on why these staff members cannot undertake such task?

    And its not like the staff are focusing on sub servers, as i am typing this there are 2 staff members on the sub servers
    Pizzicato_ and
    #1 Akhu, Aug 10, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2019
  2. SilentWhispers

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand your frustration regarding this issue, but you are forgetting to consider timezones and that we do what we do voluntarily, devoting our own time. We aren't, and can't be on 24/7. With timezones, we have a lot more NA staff than EU and AU, meaning AU time, for example will be less covered for. We try our best, but it's impossible to be there for every subserver, the presence in one results in a lack of presence in the others.
    Nonetheless, if you come across hackers, please try record them or let us know through discord!
  3. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    While i understand you're reasons, when a problem gets so severe that i disconnect from mccentral because tsw is unplayable, your reasons are not valid enough to justify fully for the horrible state of tsw. I mean can there be a separate staff for mini games? Its not like this problem is playable that we could cope with tsw, it is in such a bad state.

    Go have a look in tsw and try to play it for at least 20 mins.
    Maffy1230 likes this.
  4. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I agree with Akhu, the hacker amount is too much. Although I try to put in as much hacker reports, they still manage to get new accounts and start hacking again. We have talked about ranked skywars earlier. Ranked skywars would be a good idea for the hacker problem in skywars and may be the only way to fix it. These are my thoughts and I know other people will have their opinions. The hackers won’t get that far before getting punished.
    Akhu likes this.
  5. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can understand your frustration because I do aswell really enjoy skywars and if not team skywars. Though skywars isn't the only minigame out there. Mcc has 6 other seperate minigames to play on. Otherwise, 7 seperate subservers. There's a time in the day where hackers are on more than another time and you'll just have to find the time where the hackers aren't on as much. Of course this won't make you feel better about the hackers as we know that they are still there but staff's lives aren't just about Mcc, they have irl jobs and other things to do apart from Mcc. As SilentWhispers said, they obviously cannot be on 24/7.
    You can try Cakewars. It's really fun and the games last much longer than Skywars.

    Hope this helped a little.

    Akhu likes this.
  6. Inj3ction

    Aug 8, 2019
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    The staff do the best they can.
    I do agree they need more staff,
    and there should be separate minigames staff.
    But, the players also need to do their part, reporting them on the discord,
    and forums, helps the staff find and ban the hackers on all of the subservers.
    Akhu likes this.
  7. Suiicide

    Aug 10, 2019
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    I completely agree with you but the staff do there best to be one at certain times, you have to consider what they're doing in day to day life, timezones and other servers aswell. I understand because im knew here and the amount of hackers on tsw is a joke. but there is meant to be a new anti cheat or some form of anti cheat that will help stop all the hackers playing. the best thing to do is wait patiently and hope its sorted soon.

    thanks for reading, james.
  8. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Adding to what SilentWhispers said, we cannot be online only in TSW. We also have to moderate other sub-servers and different types of minigames, which is why you don't always see a staff member there. You can always ping staff members on discord if you need help.
  9. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    While it is understandable that staff can not be online 24/7, I played for 18 hours straight on a Saturday/Sunday (The days that most people including staff members are online) and my friends and I did not see one staff member online the entire time. That is an example where I KNOW that staff should have been there somewhere (we were playing TSW the entire time) yet we never saw them. But we did see plenty of hackers.

    This really isn’t a criticism because I done want to start an argument. We just need to have a better solution to staff activity, and we can’t use the excuse that staff can’t be online all the time forever.

    One possible solution is making sure and promoting more players that play in different time zones. Instead of a single (or a couple) time zone perhaps on the east coast of the United States. This also applies to staff members that enjoy mini games, so that they can keep enjoying these games while having the privilege of staff. It’s a win win for all.

    This would help to balance the staff response time and make sure that all the staff members have the opportunities to do what they signed up for.

    Questions, comments and thoughts are of course welcome.

    wunderly and JustBeChill like this.
  10. wunderly

    Aug 6, 2019
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    I definitely can agree with you, now again I'm not trying to offend anyone, but maybe we could stop using the excuse " we can't be on 24/7" because it has been made clear that staff are just not on SW. I mean with 700+ players on the mini game 24/7 it deserves to have staff on it, and that is just not happening. And the amount of hackers on it is just disgusting.
    #10 wunderly, Aug 14, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
  11. Other

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Making a forum post like this won’t change anything ** as been reported a problem before **
  12. UrbanDictionaryy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    More forum posts on the subject will let the staff realize the problems we are having and how severe the problem is, as long as there is no spam I don't see why he/she can't make this forum.
  13. Other

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Uhm never said he wasn’t allowed to make this and I was just adding this was already a pretty big problem from the old forums I just feel like if there was more staff members (Example people who make post like this) should apply and dedicate the time on there then making forum post solve the problem instead of waiting for someone to solve it for you ya know
    UrbanDictionaryy likes this.
  14. Maffy1230

    Aug 10, 2019
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    I agree, this is actually a serious problem that needs to get fixed within MCC. Yesterday in Skyblock there was some guy making very racist comments, all of which I will not say. I chatreported this person, and hadn't gotten any word back for maybe 45 minutes. I even went on the MCC discord support section, someone said they would come but never did. This seriously needs to get fixed and isn't a problem that should just be blown off.

    Discord: maffy#0002​
    Hugh Mungus likes this.
  15. UrbanDictionaryy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I do agree we do need more staff members especially ones that care about the server and actually try and help in the places where they think the server needs the most work.
    Other likes this.
  16. ZePhyr474

    Aug 15, 2019
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    In all seriousness, the server is very good. It has a good community but, what it lacks is the activity of admin's, especially in Skywars. Because there is little staff online during some times of the day, right now in the span of less then a day I've filed around 20 reports on hackers utilizing speed hacks, fly, aura kill and more. Maybe if they lowered the necessities for applying for staff it would make more people join in, therefore increasing the number of active staff.
  17. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    The staff are trying there best remember they moniter the forums as well as in game on the server If there are no staff there instantly then I would say your best bet is to get evidence and report it.
  18. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As part of the staff team, all the staff try their absolute hardest to maintain and enforce the rules in Forums/In-Game/Discord. We try our absolute best. If something takes awhile, it means that something else is happening, or they are just not available at the time. All staff (at least most of them) are all in school now, so we can't do as much as we did in the Summer. This can also include TimeZones, with people in [NA] and in [EU] and in [AU] times can also impact the amount of time a staff can be online.

    As a Helper, I try my absolute best, and so does everyone else. I hope this message could ease some of the stress, and allow you some good proof, on why some of us can't be on 24/7.

    If you have any questions for me, just message me on discord at 4Nut#2232, or write on my profile page!
    Akhu likes this.
  19. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Many people don’t know this, but they use bots to boost the amount of players appear to be playing a minigame. 700 of people on Skywars are bots. How do I know? I’ve waited for Skywars for 10 minutes + while it’s says 700+ people are online. Obviously this does t line up. Secondly, speedy walls does not have 50 players always lmao. Try to play speedy walls, u will find yourself waiting for HOURS for a game to start.

    My point? They do t have 700 players to moderate, they have 40 something most of the time. 1 staff playing a minigame for like 20 minutes a day could remove all hackers for a few hours.
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