Special Chat Announcement for [Z9]

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Buster__Man, Jan 14, 2021.


Should there be a Special Chat Announcement when players reach [Z9]

  1. Yes

    28 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. Buster__Man

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Hello everyone, my current in-game name is bnuuy, but you may also know me as Buster__Man. I have decided to make this forum post in order to discuss an idea I have had for a while and felt MCC has been missing out on for a long time now. My hope is to bring some attention to the idea and give a place for you guys to share your thoughts on whether this should be implemented into prison :)


    Current Prestige Announcement System:

    A relatively recent update added a feature into prison that sends an announcement into public chat notifying everyone that someone has prestiged. Though I am quite happy with the addition of this announcement system, I feel it excludes a very noteworthy accomplishment that is much more "announcement worthy" than just prestiging from one rank to another. By this I mean, the overarching goal of prison is to reach the highest rank possible, [Z9].

    Add a Reward For Beating the Game:
    A new feature should be added to reward the players that accomplish the difficult task of ranking up all the way to [Z9]. Currently there is no reward system in place for anyone who reaches [Z9] nor is there a chat announcement in place that congratulates the player for literally beating the game!

    How Should They Be Rewarded/Acknowledged?:
    If it isn't in the server owners' or admins' best interest to reward [Z9] achievers with Mythical/Ancient keys or MCC giftcards for that matter, then I think it is a completely reasonable request for them to grant those who accomplish the feat of reaching [Z9] with the bare minimum reward of a Special Chat Announcement. I would like to point out that the same style message is announced for each prestige no matter the significance of the level. Whether it be from prestige 1-2, which most achieve within the first couple weeks of reset, or from Prestige 8-9, which only a few players accomplish over the many months of each season. So, preferably, it should much more grand than the ones given for prestiging. After all, they did just beat the game.

    My Suggestions for a Special Chat Announcement:
    I suggest that it take up more than just one line of public chat. Perhaps take inspiration from the server-wide advertisements that MCC displays for voting, checking leaderboards, or to apply for helper. It should definitely POP more than just the dull colors of the current Prestige Announcement in place. It should also be more personal than just saying:

    [Player Name] has just ranked up to [Z9]

    I feel like it should give some statistics along with their name and give everyone a sense of just how much that player has accomplished:

    [Player Name]
    from [Gang Name]
    with [x amount] of kills & [x amount] of blocks mined
    has earned their freedom from [MCC] Prison
    by ranking up to [Z9]
    This is just an baseline idea obviously. I am by no means an artist, but you get the idea. It should be a grand announcement because its likely that fewer than 10 people will even reach [Z9] by the end of the season while literally hundreds of people have been given announcements for prestiging from lower ranks.

    Why Closure Is Deserved:
    Basically, an announcement should be put in place that gives a sense of closure to the achievement of [Z9] rather just have an anti-climactic build up of 28 Billion dollars worth of rankups (YES that's right! 28.349 billion dollars to go from [A] - [Z9]) just to advance to the final rank in complete silence. No pay off. Just silence.

    Tell Me What You Think:
    Should people who achieve [Z9] be rewarded? Or at the very least acknowledged? Is it about time that the completion of Prison be celebrated just as much as, and if not more than, a prestige? Let me know what you think down below. Hopefully this gets some attention!

    - Buster/bnuuy
    Deznk, abbs, Incarnati0n_ and 2 others like this.
  2. RealJeffie

    Dec 16, 2020
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    Great idea! I like the chat announcement with "Congratulations".
    abbs and Buster__Man like this.
  3. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Lol no
    Imagine having a gigantic message like that in your chat every once someone ranks up to z9. I think that the current message does bring a little bit of hype already, but I do believe z9 is a special occurrence and the message could be made a little more special, perhaps making everything bold and colorful? But a massive message just like the one you suggested.. heck no.
  4. PainfulCombos

    Aug 4, 2019
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    yeah guih youre saying it like people often rankup to Z9, theres max 5 players per season to get Z9 most seasons, sometimes even less so i really think a big message like that could be announced
    abbs and Buster__Man like this.
  5. Buster__Man

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I actually feel that a few months worth of work absolutely constitutes a grand message similar to, or even bigger than the one I made. But I agree, I'm not suggesting one EXACTLY as big as the one I provided an example of. It is a bit grandiose for my taste as well, but its what I could think of in the moment. And as I said, I'm not an artist.

    However, I see nothing wrong with a big message like this popping up "every once someone ranks up to z9" considering that only happens once in a blue moon. I mean only one person (Sevairity) has made it to Z9 so far about a month ago, and it seems like hardly anyone else besides me and Yresry are even close or driven to make it to Z9 this season.

    Thank you very much for your input, and hopefully a reasonably sized and appropriate announcement can be added sometime soon!
    Yresry and Xermes like this.
  6. Yresry

    Mar 30, 2020
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    What bnuuy wrote overhere^^ And its not like every week someone reaches z9.

    Great idea of bnuuy
    abbs and Buster__Man like this.
  7. NoIGN_

    Oct 6, 2019
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    Buster coming in clutch ngl - Heavily agree
    abbs and Buster__Man like this.
  8. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! Unfortunately I personally disagree with some of this idea. I agree with Guih that there already is enough hype surrounding the message that broadcasts in chat now. I don't think there needs to be a giant message for a player who ranks up really, it seems way too extra. The notification is enough and the hype that players contribute after the fact I think show more than enough gratitude. I'm always open to something being tweaked to make it a little more special however I don't think it should be taking up multiple lines in chat or be a HUGE visual thing. I appreciate your example though and thank you for the suggestion!
    Buster__Man likes this.
  9. Buster__Man

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I don't think you quite understand what I'm asking. Currently there is absolutely no public message made for people that beat the game. When someone ranks up to [Z9] as of now they get their own personal chat notification that tells them they have ranked up as does everyone, each and everytime they rankup. However, no public announcement is made for the months worth of work it takes to get to [Z9].

    Yes, there is a prestige announcement for when someone prestiges from [Z8] to [A9] but there is no announcement for ranking up to [Z9]. Though I would appreciate ANY [Z9] announcement even if it were the same style as the prestige message currently in place, I still don't understand why there shouldn't be a special announcement for when you reach the final rank? It takes weeks, if not months, just to rankup to [Z9] from [A9].

    I understand what you mean about the large chat notification being a bit extra, but literally only 5 or so people make it to [Z9] each season. I do not feel that a special multi-line announcement is asking too much for beating the game, especially since it'd only be a one-time notification which so few people would even achieve in getting.

    I am not trying to argue, I'm just trying to plead my case. I would honestly be very happy and grateful if ANY public [Z9] announcement were implemented into prison, but as of now there isn't one, so while it is still a discussed idea I feel is it the bare minimum to ask for a special announcement to be put in place that is more grand and celebrated than just a prestige announcement because reaching [Z9] literally means you've completed the game.

    Thank you very much for your ideas, hopefully some form of a public [Z9] announcement can be added in soon.
    Swaggle and micunmuted like this.
  10. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    I love the idea and think people should have that when they reach it so they feel acomplished and other people are saying gg its basically like when you get a rank on a server and makes a notification that someone got a rank and this is basically the same. I think this would be a good thing to implement in the game all in all, +1
    abbs and Buster__Man like this.
  11. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    AH thank you for clarifying, my mistake! I had already thought there was a notification for whatever reason but I recall now it’s only for when you prestige to the next A#. In that case there totally should be some notification for that since that is a big deal. It’s a bigger deal than before this new system was implemented given all the new prestige levels you need to go through instead of the simple Z1 > Z2, etc. Thank you for responding!
    Buster__Man likes this.
  12. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Overall +1 from me.
    However, I have another suggestion along with this. I believe that they should add incrementing announcements for prestiging. It would go like this, Prestiging to A1 would keep the notification it already has. Then when you get to A2, it would be the same message, only a tad bit more flair(extra colors). This would keep going on until the player reaches A9, in which it would be a grand message, only topped by Z9. I feel like this would be better incremental as the higher prestige you go, the less announcements for that prestige happen so it would balance it out while respecting the player accordingly based on their grind.
    Buster__Man likes this.

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