Solo Skyblock Leaderboards

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by mcrcus, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Howdy everyone! So I know that the reset had just taken place, and this wouldn’t be implemented for a few more months, but I would just like to say, that we should have a separate leaderboard for the people that create there islands by themselves.

    I know that this idea would be overlooked, and not many people would pay attention to it, but listen here. There are a lot of islands that have 3+ users that can take up the top spots. Now I’m not here to complain about people joining other people’s islands, because we are all here to have fun with each other. But I feel like if you have multiple people working on the same island, it can make leveling up a lot easier. So I feel like if people who are working on there own island should get there own leaderboard, while people with 3+ people (maybe 2), could stay in the main leaderboards.

    Now, one more thing I should mention, just because these leaderboards exist, doesn’t mean that the solo islands can’t be in the main leaderboards, because there are obviously some great players that can build there own islands, and they could be in both. Also, this leaderboard is just to recognize the people who are able to build up there own islands by themselves. Let me know what you guys think of this, please only positive replies, and stay safe y’all

  2. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I personally feel like the entire point of skyblock is the teamwork needed to become one of the top islands. I can't imagine it being easy to implement a leaderboard for solo islands either.
    turbotoby, ItsDrakonz72 and mcrcus like this.
  3. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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    Since the first season of skyblock, it has been a gamemode to play with your friends, it is an option to go solo, but still the whole point of the leaderboards is to show the top islands regardless if they are solo islands or team islands, in season 9 one of the members of my island managed to get in top 5 islands solo, so thats the proof that being solo doesnt slow you down
  4. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    I don't see the need for a solo Skyblock leaderboard - the server is not promoting working alone on your island and is not necessarily trying to highlight doing so. Additionally, it would be possible to abuse this system if a player sets up their island permissions to make it seem "solo" but actually have other players trusted & working together.

    Implementing this would be as if we added a separate /f top for solo Factions. While it's awesome that some players are able to get very far on the server by working completely individually, this isn't really the point of Skyblock and does not require its own separate system.
    mcrcus likes this.
  5. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey TorontoCanada,

    Whilst I'd love solo leaderboards (I'd 100% win it) there is no way to ensure a solo island is truly solo.

    Theres nothing stopping a top island simply creating an alt island and dumping a huge amount of wealth on it.

    As such, the idea of solo island leaderboards would never work.

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