Small Ideas

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Stxrr, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. Stxrr

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I have one question before I tell my idea: Why can’t pocketpals be in minigames?

    First thing: We need more particles!
    It would be cool to have new particles swirling around you or have a cool design on your back, above you or even on the ground.

    second idea: Have the cool gadgets in in-game lobbies when you’re waiting for a game to start. Sounds fun and time goes faster when you’re messing around instead of waiting for people to join.

    third idea: Credits.
    As a long time player credits do tend to pile up and it would be cool to have other ways to spend it. Well this is my idea: instead of buying the perks you can instead “rent” them. Like once a week a certain about of credits get pulled from your “savings account” depending on the quality of perks you’re renting. The more credits you spend on perks the better they’ll get. If you’re running low on credits then hopefully this encourages players to play more and gain credits to get the best perks and perform better. I haven’t really thought it through but it sounded sweet in my head.

    thank you for reading this and hopefully this sparks up more ideas.
    mmmmm likes this.
  2. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Pocket pals aren't in minigames because it can interrupt them. In PvP games, the pocketpal can get in the way of someone attacking. Even in games like murder mayhem, a pocketpal might get in the way of an arrow. The only game that I can see it working on is in champion builder, but even then, people are flying for most of the time, and so they would be disabled anyways. I like the particles idea, perhaps they can add all of the colors of particles, so someone can just choose a plain color to swirl around them.

    I also like the idea of gadgets in the waiting room areas. They can bring in the lobby gadgets, maybe. If they do this, though, a lot would have to be excluded. For example, people can't just teleport to the end of the parkour or teleport out of the waiting room, such as with the grappling hook or smashdown gadget. The small gadgets, though, might be fun. I know that some waiting rooms are extremely dull, like the skywars waiting room. At least some have parkour.

    As for the third idea, I don't think anyone would do this. It would probably seem like a waste of credits to most players, and can get confusing. If you have a lot of credits, you can just buy whatever it is. Instead, they should just add a /pay credits command, although it's been discussed in other threads that it wouldn't be fair, since new players could just ask for someone to pay them thousands of credits instead of working for them. Having 200k or more credits doesn't really hurt anyone, though. The amount of credits you have doesn't affect gameplay, only the things that are bought with them.
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Going to be responding to the ideas individually.

    1. I personally don't use my particle effects but I really have no issues with there being more, though I do have a question for you: What happens to all of the people who bought the pack with all effects? Would they get the new ones automatically or would they need to buy them again?

    2. While it would be cool to have more than just parkour in the waiting lobbies, I don't really think it's needed. Especially on games like Skywars the lobbies fill up relatively fast, so the game would be starting before you even got a chance to pull them out. The waiting lobby isn't meant to be something you spend a lot of time in, it's just a temporary room that you wait in while waiting for other players.

    3. It's way too late to implement such a feature onto minigames in my opinion, since people have already spent tons of credits to unlock every single perk and ability for every game. To suddenly take that all away and make them "rent" it would piss off a lot of people. Would also make it even more unfair for rookies, as donators have the credit/xp multiplier, so they would have to work a lot less to keep renting these perks. Also not gonna lie, it would get rather annoying to start a game without a perk because I didn't realize the rental expired :joy:
    What I would recommend instead of this, is adding the ability to sponsor other players. For example, I can give you a stone sword or crapple on Survival Games, or an ender pearl on Skywars. It would cost credits to sponsor these items, and it would announce in the chat who sponsored who, and what they gave. Only spectators would be allowed to sponsor though. There could also be some kind of bounty system, where players can put credits on the head of another player. Imagine someone in SG with a 2 million credit bounty lmao.
  4. AndyEatsGames

    Apr 28, 2020
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    I definitely agree with your 2nd idea. I feel like you can't show off your lobby gadgets because there are rarely any players waiting in the lobby. If lobby gadgets / cosmetics stayed whilst waiting for a game to start, it'd give more opportunity to show off your cosmetics! I give this a +1.
  5. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like some of your ideas, but others I do not agree with, here are some of my thoughts and opinions on this topic!

    1. I do not like this, pocketpals can effect your play style in the mini-game. It is cool to have pocketpals for they are certainly cute, but when you are trying to bridge or pvp, they could hinder your hit style, or it could block out your view of your opponent, or the next block to place on your bridge. -1

    2. Particle Effects can be a burden and they can also be pretty cool and fun. Particle Effects can also hinder your vision in certain mini-games like in Skywars if you are bridging, it can be a burden for the particle effect goes under your feet which will prevent your sight to see the next block to the bridge. +0

    3. I agree with this! I love the idea with gadgets in the mini-game lobbies! It can be quite boring to wait in the lobbies for the mini-game to start, and having some sort of game or item to have fun with during the mini-game lobbies would be awesome! +1

    4. I like the way that credits are right now actually. I love to see credits just pile and pile up, and it shows how much I play this server and how much I love it. I currently do not have every perk maxed out (besides in CTF), but I still like to play the game, and spend them. Even if you can't spend the credits on anything, I still like to see hundreds of thousands of credits just pile and pile up. It is quite amusing to me!

    Have a nice day!


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