Skyscraper palette

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stevejock1, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. stevejock1

    Feb 12, 2020
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    Im making a city and my skyscrapers look a little bit too...numb. i want to add a little color to it to make it look natural, like a real city. Are there any tips? Also mine has only diorite . Any block palettes that goes well with polished diorite?Also, where should i put those other colors?
    usps trackingshowbox
    #1 stevejock1, Feb 12, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
  2. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Polish Diorite isn't a very popular building block and I only see it in very specific instances so I wouldn't really recommend using it to build a city, specially if you're a beginner, but if you do want to use diorite you could use Acacia Logs, Stone Bricks, Snow, Quartz and Light Blue Stained glass which would give it a 'snowy' theme(not my build). As for where you should put the blocks, you can place the logs in the corners of the building and just freely use the quartz, snow and stone bricks, but i find the pattern used in the building above the best one.

    If you'd like to use a different style of build the pallettes would really depend on what style you're going for. For example, stained clay and quartz are used in alot of modern builds, yet medieval builds use a lot of blocks like cobblestone and planks, but in the end everyone uses a different palette so you should try experimenting till you find the one that you like.
  3. JustANoob

    Oct 16, 2019
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    cute. hi. i personally like cyan stained clay. and the stones and grays. but sometimes i also like switching it up a little w/ gray color schemes like the light blue stained clay or really any muted color since grays tend to be on the muted side.

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