Skyblock Reset Feedback Season 11

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Unadvised, Dec 23, 2020.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Thank you for the feedback on this thread. I am going to be monitoring this closely over the upcoming weeks. Like always, the more feedback the better! In regards the Autosell, let me elaborate on my point of view and our reasoning for the changes:

    Last season of Skyblock, we ended up going down a long rabbit hole, chasing down people making 100% afkable farms which were extremely overpowered (Some players went as far as spinning around in circles, locked in place via F11 and using water / minecarts to push them around, circumventing all of our Anti-AFK systems). Whilst creating the economy for Skyblock, AFKing crops was never intended to be part of the gameplay, and as a result can bring in an extremely unfair amount of money for the AFKing player if executed correctly.

    All of these new methods of AFKing which we had to chase down last season were made possible via what was then the newly added Autosell (as players no longer had a need to empty their inventory, all of the selling was 100% automated so it was one less hurdle to overcome whilst trying to AFK farm). With the new Autosell this season, the current highest rate you can get it to is to sell 80% of the crops you harvest. For a non-AFK player, this results in forcing them to use the '/sell' command 5 times less than normal (which anyone whom is not AFK farming, this should not be a problem).

    Alongside the above change, with the introduction of the new 'Teleport Pads' this season, would have come many more ways to create a fully AFK farm. The main issue with AFK farms is that they are very easily abusable. Even with the new IP limit for farming, with the know how, it is very easy to purchase a plethora of alts, load up a few vpns and set them all AFK farming, bringing in an extremely unfair amount of money for that player.
    mcrcus, notaspleen and InsaneIsMyName like this.
  2. SquiggyAmy

    Jul 10, 2020
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    I am a little bummed none of the suggestion that were made were added into the new season. I would have been nice to have some changes. Also I agree that auto sell should go to 100%. There really is no reason it shouldn't
  3. Grammar Police

    May 14, 2020
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    It appears you have made a minor grammatical error in your post. “AFKing crops was never intended to be part of the gameplay, and as a result can bring in an extremely unfair amount of money for the AFKing player if executed correctly.” It appears that you are missing a comma after the introductory phrase “as a result.” Consider adding a comma.
    #23 Grammar Police, Dec 24, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2021
    AlexMarkey likes this.
  4. hamburgerguts

    Dec 28, 2020
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    Hello, this is not my 1st post, but for some reason my account here was lost of something from last year. Anyways

    Season 11 isn't bad. There are a few things that could be improved, but overall not bad.
    The ore mining area could use an update, the dirt/clay stack is too small, and too many members there getting dirt. Maybe have 2 or 3 of them.

    Same for single diamond, redstone, Lapus, etc etc ore podiums, so many ppl hording to get ores from them. need more.

    About the Autosell on HH. I can see the server not having 100% sell on them to keep members from having legal afk auto farming. Not a bad idea to have it at 90% or so.

    Lots of good players, I'm setting at #7 rank is/level on SB1 right now, the highest single player island on that server (12/27/20 9pm). Since I have to work tomorrow.. I'm sure I will be passed up.. All good,, I've made it in the top 10. Have fun passing me by.. haha I will be lucky to stay in top 50, getting bored w it some. But visiting other islands is a treat. so much architectural skills out there. I am amazed.

    (edit, as I woke at is rank bumped to #9. haha I made it in the top 10 once. (Im good)
    Remember all, it's a game)

    I have started with nor used any "keys" this season. so.. it's all about having fun with self limitations. Please have fun and enjoy.
    #24 hamburgerguts, Dec 28, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
  5. hamburgerguts

    Dec 28, 2020
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    Im done with skyblock this season, it was fun for a while, but spending hours and hours harvesting cane to get 200-300k an hour just got too boring for me. Took me 6-8 hours RL to get a Snow golum spawn erfter a week or so, VKJ all alone on his island had 139 Snow Golum spawners.
    roughly would take 700-800 hours game time to do this, yet there is only 168 hours in a week. YEAH
    money talks and crap walks I guess.

    I quit at island rank #11.. Most of Those ahead with 3-8 members per island just out farmed me. I had 200,000 crops harvested on my HH and other members was at 2-3 3.5 million crops. So yeah, Hats off to those members.

    It was the same in Survival, Top island just out grinded everyone else. But there was also podiums for other top spots lie most blocks mined, top evens, top mobs killed and top quests. Survival just seemed more fun.

    And as I have said many times, the artistic and architectural skills by many on the server is just amazing.

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