Skyblock (Inspect +)

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by ImJared, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. ImJared

    Jan 28, 2021
    Likes Received:
    I am going to make this short and simple but personally I think it would be great to see a feature where it shows specifically how many levels/blocks a player has placed for example it would show a list and when u hover over the player it gives you a list and then on the right it would show the blocks and how many placed.
    I also want a feature similar to this for spawners because I would like to know who is doing their job and how many we have placed seperately.

    JaredHasCovid - Coal Blocks : #
    Iron Blocks : #
    Gold Blocks : #
    Emerald Blocks : #
    Diamond Blocks : #
    This is per player and it is of course different for every player depending on how many blocks they place.

    BlockyBeach, LinaRaine and DomoMini like this.

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