Maybe add a thing on which we can write what we want to write on a sign and just click it on chests (instead of making a sign for each chest) which would make making profit shops MUCH easier since now it takes so long to place all the signs.
Hello I’m -1 with this idea. Prison is about grinding and placing signs if you want to have a sell shop is one of those grinds. I feel that automating this process would make sell shops too easy to make. Doing chestshop signs isn’t super hard and if you have a good system to follow it becomes even easier. Also figuring out the least amount of characters you need to type on the sign will also decrease the time. Incarnati0n_
He makes a very solid point. To add onto it, maybe you guys can add a copy and paste feature? Go to the anvil, write out what the shop sign is designated for and get the amount of shop signs then right clicking over the chest it would automatically display them there.
I agree, but it should still be somewhat of a grind. It shouldn't be completely automatic, but I also slightly agree because you would still have to craft the signs and place the chests
It could also be a thing like a sell wand, so it has its limit uses and it can be obtained from vote keys or others idk
I get ur point but yet when u wanna make a shop with like 3k doubles it's not so fun putting all signs and yall can make it a key thing like sell wands(just less uses)