Shorten chatreport cooldowns.

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by _Noxid, Oct 30, 2020.


Should the chatreport cooldown be shortened?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I think that the /chatreport command's cooldown is way too long. The cooldown is 10 minutes, and whenever you chatreport a player, the past 10 minutes of that player's chat has been recorded.

    Today I had a situation where multiple people were breaking chat rules, and I couldn't report them all. By the time the 10 minutes were over, they haven't broken a chat rule in the past 10 minutes, which means if I do report them, nothing would show. I think the normal cooldown should be 5 minutes, and if you have an accepted report while you're still on cooldown, the timer shortens to 1 minute. That would stop abuse of chatreport.

    Let me know you're thoughts. I will also post a poll. I just think 10 minutes is a bit too long.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    hey there,
    I see what you mean as it can be hard, however I feel like the situation you've described is slightly different to the resolution you've proposed. From what I understand, when multiple people are breaking chat rules, and you must wait 60 seconds in between each report, only 10 people need to break a rule for you to not be able to report them anymore. (if that makes sense) I personally don't see what the 10 minutes has to do with it, because it doesn't stop you from reporting multiple people within that time.
    The issue I see with the 10 minutes however, is that someone can get an alt to chat report their main and then break a bunch of chat rules and then no one else can report them, unless they forum report. If this is what you meant, I definitely see it can be an issue, however there's nothing really that can be done.
    Even with 10 minute intervals, people constantly chat report the same person for something that happened 2 hours ago saying "you didn't mute him he did offence" even though there's nothing in the chat report. If we were to shorten the time, this is going to happen a lot more.
    just my opinions,
    -nikki <3
    mcrcus, stampyrhodes and BlockyBeach like this.
  3. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    As Nikki said, the cooldown is different depending on which player you're talking about. If you're the player being chatreported, you can only be chatreported once every 10 minutes. This is to avoid staff having to sift through many different, but nearly identical, chatreports to punish basically for the same offense. If a player breaks a different, more sever offense after being chatreported, a forum report will help deal with that situation, as Nikki also said.

    If you're the player chatreporting someone, you have a one minute cooldown before you can use this command again. This is to avoid abuse of /chatreport, and I don't see it getting removed, nor do I think it's necessary. If multiple players are committing a chat offense and you witness it, one of two things will happen. Either you CR the second player after a minute has passed, in which case the offense is obviously still logged, or another player will notice it and chatreport the second player. In either case, the offense will be noted, so in my opinion there is no significant reason to remove the /chatreport cooldown, while there is a reason for keeping it in place.
    stampyrhodes and BlockyBeach like this.

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