Severity 3 Application Change

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by LendingGalaxy, May 31, 2020.

  1. LendingGalaxy

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Hello! I would like to talk about getting a sev 3 offence and then having to wait 6 months to apply for staff.

    Yes, there's a decent amount of people wanting to apply for staff. The fact that they just had a severity 3 offence, which is very rare for someone wanting to apply for staff, waiting another 6 months is just crazy, as some sev 3 offences take 6 months to appeal. Yes, sev 3 offences aren't good, but the people just wan't to help the server out and this is blocking that if they receive this. Sometimes, it could be an accident, but 6 months is just overboard. Maybe change it to like 2 or 3 months, or maybe even 1, but it's one of the only consequences out of a few that you get if this ever happens. What are your guy's opinions? Should we change this? Why and why not? Leave your honest opinion and have a great day/night.
  2. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I have been wanting to become staff for some time now but I can't. I got all the requirements with ease, and just a week before I was going to apply, I got banned. I was banned for an Illegal Cannon in factions. It wasn't even my cannon. I just placed a few blocks in it, and I had no idea that it was illegal since I'm not too big on cannons. I even appealed and it was accepted. Anyway, I think Sev 3 punishments should stay at 6 months, but not all of them. Things like DDoS threats and hacking should be 6 months, but something harmless and small like an illegal cannon should only be 1-3 months. Just my opinion and sorry for ranting about my punishment lol.
  3. iZyro

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Hey, I don't think the 6 month wait time before someone who has received a severity 3 punishment can apply needs to be changed. I think the 6 months between the expiration of a severity 3 punishment and the time someone can apply is a good amount of time for them to prove they learnt from the punishment, as well as its a good amount of time for them to completely familiarize themselves with the rules so they can avoid being punished again. Severity 3 punishments are severe, and they should not be taken lightly, which is why there is such a long waiting time to appeal most of these punishments, and why you have to wait a long time before you can apply if you have received a severity 3 punishment.
  4. seretinsky

    Jul 28, 2019
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    No. I don’t think they should be changed. It’s not easy to get a sev 3 ban and to do so you clearly weren’t following the rules in the first place, so why on earth should you be entrusted as a staff member to enforce them. Having the 6 month wait time to appeal and apply ensures that you have matured by then and that you can show the staff team that when you have been unbanned and let back on to the server you can follow the rules. I also don’t think it would be fair if someone with a sev 3 ban in thier history can come back onto the server and just get staff within a month regardless of whether you want to help or not.
    Zonafer and puposaurus like this.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey you! i think 6months is a fair amount of wait time despite the applicants other punishment history or whatever it may be, as it can give the applicant some time to reflect on it (whether or not if it was a sev3 ban or smth crazzzzy like that) and also gives apps team a lil sense of dedication and seeing if/how the applicant could fix their past mistakes to prevent from remaking them n like how they would have coped w/ receiving a severity 3 punishment and waiting out the 6months. in your sense, not well as you've made, like, at least 2 posts on your ban on the fourms and have gone a lil mad in the community discord initially.
    i don't understand why changing the time would do anything beneficial to the server as applying for staff isn't for the tag and you can help the community in a fair amount of ways w/o some tag.. unless.. you're- you're implying that you're applying for the tag :o i mean, like, you already seem to be sliding into ppl's dms from #support in the community discord while youre ip banned so what difference would it make if you waited another 6months...........................
    coming from someone who has two severity 3 offences, yes, both were some-what accidents but its the actions before that lead to those accidents. for my client ban, it was for giving my login info out, and for my mute, it was mostly for being annoying to staff in old prison days.. for you, it was using a public alt gen when it has been warned multiple times by staff not to use it, and a forums thread by timppali in the faq discussion prior to your ban.
    as i already mentioned, i think 6 months is perfectly fair. 2-3 months is kinda short tho ngl.. thats like the amount applicants wait after they have beef w/ someone so they think apps team would forget about it.. from mentees, as you already know what these ppl are, who are/have applied and some staff out when they were applying.. i think even 5 months is such an awkward number and doesnt look pretty.
    6 months is a pretty number, is a fair amount of wait time, as it can help apps team try and figure out if you'd pull such sev3 offence in the future.. as there have been staff who have commited sev3 offences durring their staff term, whether it be hacking or using a public alt gen or even having excessive mute offenses prior to applying or even making swat threats to users on discord. whatever it may be, apps team and furthermore, admins want to ensure that an applicant wouldnt fuck up so badly like other staff have as staff.

    anyways, as izryo and morrrisons had mentioned and touched on, it helps show that you have learned from your punishments and ready to take the next steps to stop trying to bend rules or something to get your way and mature up about it and follow the path thats been made for quite a while on mcc now.

    overall, -191928723716368721637825173t127837
    thave a gMAGNIFICENT DAY!
    Simplistiq, forgranted and seretinsky like this.
  6. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I think it shouldn’t change. All the points above are good. I’ll speak from my own experience. I was muted on 6 May and I wanted to apply for staff but had a small mistake which cost me a mute and therefore I have to wait 1 month. During this one month, I have actually learnt a lot about staff and I’ve been given so much insight for staff. Imagine what someone could do with 6 months? They could literally train for it and probably ace it because they’ve been reporting a lot and doing a lot of forum reports. Yes I do agree with you that it is very long, but I don’t agree that they should remove that. If they were very motivated, they could do a lot in that 6 months. I hope this helps you to understand that maybe the 6 months won’t be all that bad... and that this could possibly lead them to be grateful for becoming staff after waiting so Long, which shows their passion to become staff.
  7. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I feel like 6 months is just enough to show whether you’ve changed or not. It also shows if you’re rushing the process or not. I feel that the rule doesn’t need a change, I myself have struggled because of that, but I feel like the wait time was needed. Apps submitted as soon as requirements are met usually get denied for rushing the application process, therefore I myself would recommend waiting at least 8 months to apply after a sev 3 punishment. I wish you the best of luck in your app
    seretinsky and puposaurus like this.
  8. Prismane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Just like puposaurus said it does give time for the player to reflect, and truly understand what they're applying for. But, maybe for people that had their application accepted there should be a look into those and separate them from things that players had to wait out or just serious punishments like DDos threats, leaking personal info, etc...
    _Noxid likes this.
  9. LendingGalaxy

    Aug 7, 2019
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  10. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    6 months is fair considering you broke had a severity 3 punishment. I have gotten muted a few times, which can slow down application process. But it happens, and overall all of the punishment wait times are reasonable. -1
  11. TheMythicalGames

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I'm sorry you had to go through that and I agree with every word you said. I think that hackers and DDOSers should have to wait 6 months or longer since they committed a serious offense.

    But something like a cannon in factions shouldn't stop you from applying especially this case since it wasn't really your fault. I'm glad you appealed and got accepted. I hope to see you on the staff team!

    Anyways I hope that this issue can be resolved and something that's not too harmful can still not be a hold on applying

    Thanks for listening and I hope you see you all soon! Cheers :blush:

  12. Cessie2u

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Just putting this out there-

    Plenty of qualified players that don’t have a significant punishment history apply every day. To mirror what many others are saying, it’s hard to obtain a severity 3 punishment, and frankly in my opinion, someone who has one shouldn’t be trusted with a staffing role for a while.

    Be well!

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