Scamming and manipulating is out of hand.

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by miritelm, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I see in chat everyday multiple people are saying "don't trust (username) he is a scammer" or something along the lines of that. And, I am a fairly new player, even though I used to play multiple years ago. I got tricked to trust a player to my plot, he stole both my spawners, my best pickaxes and griefed slightly (if curious his name was wasabimaster1234) and I lost all motivation to even play another second of prison. The fact that I have no way of reporting him is outrageous. And lets also not forget people who kill you by either fall damage (I always have fly mode on so it doesn't affect me) or with lava buckets or drowning which killing outside of pvp arena should quite frankly be ban-able. If pvp isn't allowed on a plot then you shouldn't kill at all. The amount of people doing this can do this quite easily because of newer players and younger players constantly on the server. This game is the worst when it comes to this on the entire server. Please MCC, make your server playable again.
    PumahKITPVP, JohnMon_ and puposaurus like this.
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand your frustration but I believe that we don't need to start banning players from prisons because many people make money from scamming. It's something that would change the overview of prison as many people would stop playing it because they like making money from scamming. Talking about people who spam things like "dont trust (ign)" you can simply /ignore them or if they're spamming you can chatreport them. Have a nice day
    - ItsGuih // MCC Helper
    Pimp likes this.
  3. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I'm assuming there is an unwritten rule, where griefing and stealing without consent is not allowed on the server. And ignoring the spam is just to clear chat, I had no way of knowing this guy had bad intent. I payed $80 dollars for the my rank for the server and it is totally unfair that scamming which is literally not supposed to happen, happens and it is accepted by moderators. Imagine buying $50 worth of ancient keys and getting the items and put them in a chest, and then someone steals them all because you didn't know what /p t means. The fact a command like that is abbreviated astonishes me, because I had no clue. I was trying to help the guy out because he asked me to do it for experimenting something for his plot. It is similar to the popular command /p h which made me thing, oh it is probably for visitors when I come to realize it is for trusting someone to have access to your plot. And those $50 worth of keys are all gone, so you personally just lost real USD currency because someone apparently harmlessly scammed you, because moderators cannot apparently enforce literal STEALING. I have no negative intent for MCC, infact it is my top server to play, I want the server to actually have rules enforced however.

    Also I don't think banning players is necessary, the only thing personally if I could get justice, is to have my stuff back. I spent multiple days trying to get the money to get the spawners, and thanks to poor maintenance, my progress is all in the trash.
    JohnMon_ likes this.
  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    So first off I just want to say, I don't think there is ANYONE out there who would give "consent" to being stolen from. Second, ignoring is not clearing chat. When you /ignore someone, it will stop you from seeing any messages they send in chat.

    Moving on, Scamming and Death Trapping are both allowed on Prison, as it fits in with the "theme" of prison, it's full of delinquents who like to steal :joy:. Also I must say it's quite fun to see all the methods people can come up with for scamming, there's some pretty crafty bastards out there. Stealing has been allowed on prison ever since it was released, and I don't see this changing any time soon. In regards to the items lost, it sounds like the "poor maintenance" was on your part. Who the hell just runs a command without first checking what it does, especially when someone else tells you to run it? This is why they have /ci blocked, so random idiots don't clear their own inventories. PlotSquared is one of the biggest plugins out there, you could've at least done minimal damn research.

    There are plenty of anti-scam measures in place, it's up to you to make use of them.
    puposaurus likes this.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey wasabi uwu!
    i get what you mean by there's an insane amount of scammers on prison; however, that's kinda what makes prison and that's how a lot of players make money. Also, don't forget i think you scammed in your time [aka season 2] as well, and although it was long ago.... just remember :)
    also, to prevent your stuff being stolen by other players, you can always store stuff in your enderchest /ec. and unfortunately staff cannot give back items that were stolen..
    also, i've gotta agree with what ankh said. sometimes i enjoy seeing what people come up for new scams n' all that..
    anddand.. uhh.. i think most of what i said was mentioned by guih or ankh, but yeh. hope this helped someway

    okie.. byebye

    Have a great day!
    ~puposaurus :]
  6. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    So I have never played any other prison server in my life, honest. And I always thought the reason it was called prison is because you do manual labor to make money, but I never thought it was literal prison. So I can see I was in the wrong of accusing the wasabi guy. So if any mods see this, please, like skyblock give players rules. I still am in disbelief that the game thinks you should be capable of literally stealing. Also if any of you read the entire thing, you can see that there is literally MONEY BASED STEALING. I think the system is still bad, and don't blame the player, always blame the game. I usually don't get outraged at scams. Like someone killing me on their plot, I didn't come here because of that. I came to the forum to discuss the fact that people can easily manipulate people like me and other people to take away days on days of progress. And if the game is really trying to be like a prison, why does it look like every other progress based game on the server?
  7. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I am aware what they stole from you. If you don't want people stealing things from you, then don't leave them in plain open sight on your plot. And, as I said, don't run a command if you don't know what it does. You have no one to blame but yourself for this.

    The rules on scamming in prison & factions have been the same for years. Nothing was changed the last 100 times this was brought up, and your post is no exception.

    Though I can agree on the last part there. Pretty much every server now is just a shitfest of afking spawners.
  8. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yup, it's been this way for years. Players are allowed to scam and deathtrap because of the nature of the subserver. People come up with new ways to scam on there all the time, but over time you learn what's a scam and what isn't. If something seems like it's too good to be true then it probably is.
    If you don't like scamming/deathtrapping, Survival may be more up your alley. Scamming isn't allowed on Survival so it doesn't happen nearly as often (it still happens but a lot of people like to follow the rules there). It definitely isn't as intense as prison and there's no rankup system, but it's a lot more peaceful if that's what you want.
    Invader and puposaurus like this.
  9. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I believe that scamming should be allowed on Prisons and Factions only, which is currently what is stated, but good ways to avoid scammers on any sub-servers, is to play solo, and to not trust anyone, and keep your money stored in a chest. You can also make a banknote to store in an Ender-Chest or a normal Chest. The command to withdraw money is to /withdraw (amount). Currently if you scam on any sub-server excluding Prisons and Factions, you can get banned for scamming.

    If you have any more questions for me, contact me on Discord at 4Nut#2232, or message me on my profile page!
  10. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Thank you for the replies who weren't being a little harsh. I fully understand now that it is the way it is and that is the way it always will be and it should be that way.
  11. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    When it comes to irl deals on the server always use staff as a middle man. Then you wont have a problem.​
  12. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    No, I can't blame myself. See, being a veteran on this server since I have been a donor for almost 5 years when this server is probably a year older than 5, I have to say that the way that I had no clue that it was ok, made me upset about the manipulation more than I should have. Also, do not blame me for not knowing what an abbreviated command means, and also my spawners were in a door-less room. I'm simply justifying myself for not being ignorant, but misinformed because the server does need some work on informing and giving a little summary in a book or something about the game.
  13. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't see rules getting changed anytime soon... or actually, ever. The rules for prison have always been this and scamming/deathtrapping has kinda always been something that shapes prison. i said this earlier but, just be more cautious before you add/trust someone to your plot and when someone does "/tpahere". As TheTNTPotato said, if you don't like scamming and deathtrapping, you can always move to survival. There are for sure some factoring differences between the two subservers, but by the sounds of things, you really seem to hate scamming n' such. "literally stealing" is allowed on prison, unless it's an irl deal. if it's an irl deal you can always get a staff to middleman it (as unadvised said above).
    okie hope this brought up al your points
    miritelm likes this.
  14. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    If you've been here for 5 years, then you should know how Prison works. You've had more than enough time to learn that it's pretty much based around scamming. The fact that you would just type in a command without seeing what it does first is mind-blowing.

    This entire situation was caused by your lack of checking what a command does before typing it in. Even simply just typing "/p t" into the chat would've printed out this message:
    So yes, I can, and will, blame you for not knowing what an abbreviated command does. You were not misinformed by the server, you just didn't bother to look before you leaped.
    #14 Ankh, Jul 27, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2019
    puposaurus likes this.
  15. Pimp

    Jul 27, 2019
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    you must be retarded, only use a staff mm its your fault dont blame others *******
    Sahmir likes this.
  16. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As a Prison player myself, I have been playing for over 2 years now. I understand the frustration of being scammed or griefed but that's what Prison is about. You can't trust almost anyone and if you do, consequences might come along. Prison would be almost boring without people trying to scam. It adds another level of difficulty to prison which makes it even more cool! I've been scammed a few times myself and it's really frustrating but you'll see that a few days will go by and the frustration will fade, trust me. You'll start playing again and getting "OP" again and you won't care as much anymore.

    I hope you have a better day miritelm :)

    puposaurus likes this.
  17. NoobAidan

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Scamming is allowed
  18. monkeyboyr

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Prisons is like an anarchy server (no rules) but prisons has a few rules like no hacking, the owners want to make this kinda realistic by allowing scamming and deathtrapping and that sounds fair, but a point you may wanna aadd on to, back season 2/3 irl scamming was not allowed, (guy who was paying ingame couldnt scam irl but other way round could) i thnk irl scams should be bannable.
  19. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    scamming irl deals is already a bannable offence, a way to not get scammed is to have a staff middleman your deal.
    how middlemans work is- you give your ingame money and other items to a staff, then the other player does their end of the deal by paying for whatever on buycraft. once that player shows proof that they payed, then the staff will give them the ingame items n’ such.
  20. KingKottlewing

    Jul 22, 2019
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    IRL Scamming is allowed, it isn't bannable.

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