Reversing Chatreports

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by mcrcus, Oct 19, 2020.

  1. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Howdy everyone! This might seem like a useless idea, but you never know until you ask am I right?

    So there obvious cases of people getting there /cr denied, but there is sufficient evidence that the player broke a chat rule. I had a similar scenario like this just recently, where they accidentally denied my cr. I messaged a staff member and they got punished accordingly.

    Now I’m not here to bash on staff members for doing that cause we all make mistakes in this world. Nor am I ranting about the subject that a staff member denied my cr. But I would like to ask if there could be a way to reverse the denied cr and turn it into an accepted one.

    Like I said, it is a useless idea, but let me know what you guys think? I personally think it should be added. Your cr that got denied, despite it showing evidence that the rule was broken. And that player being punished according later on. But yeah, give me your perspective on this topic.

    BlockyBeach likes this.
  2. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    This seems like an interesting idea.
    However, you can always screenshot a chat infraction, and if the chatreport gets denied (and there is sufficient evidence to show the player broke a rule), you can report the rule-breaking on the forums.
  3. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    This is a pretty good idea, however I don’t see it necessary to add. Staff make mistakes, as a ex-moderator i did a a few times by accident of course. But, this occasion rarely happens so I don’t find this a necessary to add. I understand how it can be frustrating when you want good CR stats but one gets denied by accident. I love the idea but I don’t see it getting added as it isn’t too necessary.

    In the end the only thing that matters if the player gets punished accordingly if they break a chat offense.

    Have a good day!
    BlockyBeach, mcrcus and mxbel like this.
  4. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi, as a staff member, I totally agree with this. I don't think it's fair for a player who reported someone correctly to have a denied chat report in their history permanently.

    Adding to what Simplistiq said above, the only thing that really does matter is that the player who broke the rules gets punished. I also agree with what they touched on about staff making mistakes. All in all, the one denied chatreport on your history doesn't really make a difference on your history (if you're going for staff)

    I imagine this working something like /reports reverse <ID/reported user> <accept/deny>

    This is a great idea overall, and I'd like to see what comes out of this!
    tayhlor, BlockyBeach and mcrcus like this.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello very interesting, as i think this could be somewhat useful for both parties (applicants and staff) but not really necessary nor there would really be no real way to manage/enforce some rule to make sure staff update certan mistakes and mishaps. so many CRs get made a day and even more a month. as I have lots of CRs that are either denied by accident or denied falsely and eventually the player gets punished afterwards (of talking to staff who denied). however, the people who want to apply/care about cr stats is very low compared to the rest of the community (minus the spoofed players). as well as, kieren himself has made a comment on how looking up a report (based off who reported) wouldn't be necessary (shown at end of post) so why would doing something like what you are suggesting be much of a thing just to change a stat or whatever.
    chatreports are quite easy to obtain to level out the stats, as you likely are already aware of this since you help keep chat clean w/ crs. Trying to bend rules or whatever to look pretty for an app is more work than just vibing as a community member and then maybe applying like damn.
    anyways as already explained in responses above and a little bit in my response, it's not very necessary and there isn't a huge demand for it since, again, it's about 1% of mcc who is considering applying/going through app process. I'm not pulling 1% outa my arse.. legit, take # of members in spd then # of members in comm disc and it ends up being 1% w/ some change (bots and staff and all that not accounted for).

    anyways x2 no and -1
    gn (gn kisses)

    kieren's comment:
    BlockyBeach and mcrcus like this.

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