Return of old maps and choose by sign - Sky Wars

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by _Oprimido_, Dec 15, 2019.

  1. _Oprimido_

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Upon entering the 2 year old server, I noticed that several Sky Wars maps were removed so that new ones could be placed. I also saw that the classic boards for entering a match, allowing the choice of map were removed, giving way to ender pearl.

    After asking the opinion of some players about the new way of entering a match, several, or rather everyone said they preferred the old way, even if it wasn't as practical as the current one. Several arguments have been said, such as:

    - ''I preferred the old one, as I am currently sent to maps I don't like'';
    - ''On the signs I could choose the map, by the way, no'';
    - ''Before I could repeat a map as many times as I wanted'';
    - ''Now rarely appears the map I want'';
    - ''Lots of map repetition''.

    (Among other arguments).

    Analyzing such opinions, we found that the preference of the players were the sign. Of course, as some prefer the current mode of choice, the solution is quite simple: - Have the choice of maps by sign and by ender pearl. The sign would be in one of the staterooms, as it had been in the past, and the one for ender pearl would be the compass or some NPC in the Sky Wars cabin.

    Well, but now getting off the subject of signs, let's go to maps.

    So, as usual, I asked some players what they thought of the new and old maps. Without winding up, I already say the preference is the old ones, but even so, some said they prefer the new ones. Too:

    - ''I prefer the old maps, but I like some new ones'';
    - ''I prefer new maps, but I like some old ones'';
    - ''I like the new and old'';
    - ''I like both, but some, not''.

    (Among other arguments).

    Seeing these opinions, I think they should replace the most beloved (old) maps that were removed and leave the new ones (which aren't even that new), since it's not a large amount. Or even poll here in the forum about which ones to come back to.

    The golden age of Sky Wars here at Minecraft Central was when it had the old maps and sign system. It would be amazing and nostalgic if that time came back!

    Thanks for reading! :blush:
    #1 _Oprimido_, Dec 15, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019

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