Reporting hackers with evidence

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by IdoBTW, Mar 15, 2020.

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  1. IdoBTW

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Hello, recently I tried to report hackers that I have video evidence of them hacking but when I tried upload to the skywars forums my 2 minute video I couldnt because the file was too large.(if my grammar is bad i'm sorry)
    I tried to message staff ingame but I couldnt so I hope one gonna reply to me. :p
  2. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hi IdoBTW,
    Have you tried uploading the video to YouTube? I don’t believe uploading files are compatible with this website’s format (I mean, they may be idk). Whenever I report hackers, I upload my video to YouTube and make them unlisted. In my report, I just copy the link and paste it into the description of my report. However, if you don’t want to go through that process, I highly recommend going to the MCC discord, specifically through the Support channel, and just put the IGN, what rule they’re breaking, and where. It’s usually more effective. I hope this helps!!
    mxbel and IdoBTW like this.
  3. Pizzicato_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi Ido,

    Make sure when reporting players you do it via our Report Players section under MCCentral Punishments. Posting them on the Minigames forums won't get them banned (if that's what you mean by uploading to the skywars forums). Your video is under the maximum minute count of three minutes which is great. Maybe if you're having issues uploading due to size, edit the video to pick out the obvious sections of players hacking. As Fable has said, using Youtube shouldn't cause any issues. Alternatively, you can try out Steamable or just search video uploader on Google.

    You can as mentioned tag us in the Community Discord if they are hacking but this is no longer appropriate as they are most likely offline now. If you see them ingame again before the report is accepted, don't hesitate to ping us.

    This link here is the one you should be using to report players:

    AU Moderator
    Community Events Team Member
    mxbel, ThorKingOfAsgard and IdoBTW like this.
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