Remove Sr-Mod access to view player's IP

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Deleted member 254, Feb 22, 2021.

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  1. JorjaoMilGrau

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Maturity? U Just Said a legit Guy was reaching 6 blocks, yes 6 blocks. I also +1 for this and maybe this hard tô do but If ur SMALL community dont feel confortable, só something is wrong, staff members arent angels, arent jesus, they aré human and make mistakes, If Someone dont Trust someone, PROB they have a reason tô dont Trust, look, If u encrypt this shit i givê a solution, no more ban evasion, everytime u get banned u get IP banned too, pretty simple, stop saying excuses.
  2. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree very much with what Myko has said here, and although I can see all POVs about the situation and can see the system being a nice addition IF things escalated, but in order to have senior mod, someone would NEED to be extremely trustworthy.
    I myself have absolutely no experience with what goes on with the IP checks, but from the reply from some of the most active sr mods suggests to me that the current system is beneficial and does not need to be changed at this point.
    This is a great idea, but the admins honestly do not need to be worrying about it to this extent, at this stage.
    MCC have not had a case of this happening with SR Mods for ages, and using an encrypted system may become faulty.
    I probably do not make any sense at all, but that's what I can see from the replies, and the stuff that I've picked up on & agree with.
    Thank you for reading my reply, even if it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
    Edit: Changed some wording.

    Dec 15, 2019
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    i saw a well known players ip in a discord call lol. although it was an accident and a really good staff i didnt report it
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