Remove Sr-Mod access to view player's IP

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Deleted member 254, Feb 22, 2021.

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  1. No staff (aside from the Admin team) should own access to view the player's IP. Here's why.
    Before we start, a lot of staff would disagree with me and so would some members. First of all, I agree on IP checking being a thing. IP checking helps Sr-Mod determine whether it's the same rule breaker or not. But what I would argue about is for sr-mods to use this as their advantage.

    The method
    Player's IPs should be Encrypted . Instead of typing "Example IP: 000.00.00" It should be JIEUR#*Q.
    So what we have here is a specific IP Encrypted into particularly random letters. Why? I don't think people should trust sr-mods having other people's IP. These letters won't change for IP. If this user logs in with alts, the same Encrypted letters will be displayed.

    Why should it be added?
    I can argue with this. But a lot of sr-mods were known to DDOS and leaked other people's information. Some of them will just "IP check" you and note down the IP. If they hate you, they can revenge. Or after they get demoted they would probably leak or threaten those IPs that they have. I am aware of some stories on some past sr mods who leaked people's IP.

    This is a problem. There were incidents of IP leaks, so why should we keep on trusting this power? Sure, some Sr-mods are good with this power, but not all of them. I am aware that doesn't happen all the time, but can you trust this all? After several incidents that have already happened? I don't think you would go to the same grocery store where five people got murdered within the range of a year.
    I don't think Sr-mods should be trusted, with such permission to know your exact IP and location, and all of the IP should be Encrypted .

    I would clear things up more, this encrypted IP is known to the system (MCC database), so only MCC can figure out who this encrypted IP belongs to and ban them properly (with the real IP)
    Having IP transformed into an encrypted code (just for Sr-mod to see if this is the evader or not), if they punish based on that encrypted code, the database would know what IP it's going to ban based on the encrypted code. Sr-mods can tell wether the person was evading or, not but cannot tell what was the real IP of that user.

    I legit see no downside to this? This keeps users safe with their information, and Sr-mods can still check whether that's the same user by looking at the Encrypted IP. People's privacy would be safe by this method.
    I would be interested to see what some people would say about this.

    Thank you for reading this,
    #1 Deleted member 254, Feb 22, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2021
  2. Interressta

    Jul 30, 2019
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    An ex srmod already leaked IPs so it will probably happen again
    #2 Interressta, Feb 22, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2021
  3. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hi there!

    I understand your concerns with IP leaking and possible abuse, but on the occasions where this has happened it was handled as it would be with any other player. Only Admins having access to IP checks and IP associations would be seriously detrimental to our punishment system - especially when it comes to catching and banning IP Ban Evaders. While encrypting the IP address and assigning that IP a specific encryption message may be a good idea in theory, it is not very practical as many IP evaders will use a flexible IP that changes by 1 digit and would thus change the encrypted message.

    Also, our server has thousands of players and only 4 Admins. Admins are not always on or available. On days when there is a surge of hackers, we may have to check 100s of IPs to catch evaders. Believe it or not, Admins are responsible for a lot of things that wouldn't be handled if they have to spend all day checking IP addresses. On top of this, evaders would be able to easily keep evading without us being able to stop them if an Admin is not available.

    I hope my response to this is clear, there's a lot of other factors that go into this kind of an issue. Feel free to DM me on discord if you want to talk about it more!

    Have a lovely day! :)
  4. This wasn't how my method works,

    MCC doesn't have thousands of players.

    You miss-understood this all... Instead of returning to sr mod REAL IP, it would be a fake one. I am not saying only admins should own IP checks. I am aware of how this all works as I used to be a staff member.

    Sr-mods will get the player's IP (who evades), but this IP isn't a real one, it will still be treated as an IP. This is exactly the whole point of it being encrypted, sr-mods cannot read it but MCC database can.
    The encrypted IP would be something like 93819238, but it would still equal the real IP (just being a fake one)

    Edit: I would clear things up more, this encrypted IP is known to the system (MCC database), so only MCC can figure out who this encrypted IP belongs to and ban them properly (with the real IP)
    Having IP transformed into an encrypted code (just for Sr-mod to see if this is the evader or not), if they punish based on that encrypted code, the database would know what IP it's going to ban based on the encrypted code. Sr-mods can tell wether the person was evading or not but cannot tell what IP it was.
    #4 Deleted member 254, Feb 22, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2021
  5. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I've already explained this in the past in a previous tinfoil hat post about Seniors and IP related things. Link.

    We can not scramble IPs without it completely destroying the point of IP checks.

    Example of a fake players IP history:

    With the above we see a clear example of either sharing accounts, using a VPN, or something doddgy happening.
    We can also see potential similar IPs that they've used, as people with dynamic IPs can re-lease a new 'similar' IP by restarting their routers.

    If we were to encrypt as per your suggestion above, we'd see the following.

    Example of a fake players IP history with some sort of hasing/encryption:

    See any patterns? I don't, because its random garbage - as any encryption method and or hashing algorithm would output.

    I'd honestly suggest to not make suggestions against how things work without actually knowing how seniors operate behind the scenes with IP checks.

    Likewise, with any system, if we use a reversible encryption method, you could, in theory, unencrypt the data anyways, making it a pointless exercise in wasting both development and staff time.

    On the topic of the time where an IP leak happened, that was a once off.
    As with any system, anything is open to abuse if the wrong people gain access to the data.
    Moderators have to wait an exceedingly long time to be promoted to Senior Moderator, and to date, there has been barely anyone make it that far without being caught preemptively.

    The primary, if only, concern I see people having about an IP leak is "OMG I'll be DDOSED!!!" - which as per my previous response, states, that if this happens, CONTACT YOUR ISP.
    DDOSing is a real life crime, and is punishable in real life.
    If you have truly been DDOSed, contact your ISP, as they will most likely have some logs about it and be able to follow up on it and or forward it through to the appropriate authorities.
  6. Yeah I think we all seen that by now, and of-course you won't go against the sr-mod as your part of the team.

    Yeah Kiren! Screw the protection, let people's IP get leaked.Its It's not even pointless or wasting time. I have no idea why say protecting privacy is pointless.

    Random garbage is something to avoid sr-mods leaking into public. Trusted? Well sorry all of these "trusted" people leaked IPs in past.
    It won't be random all the time, i know this is hard work to do, that's why it's just better to say "waste of time" or "not needed." Well it is needed.

    You still have to be aware most people in here are teens, they can't call their ISP and say "Oh some MCC sr-mod leaked my IP can you please change it?"

    One machine stores the real ips, and whenever someone wants to read it, it won't be the real IP (ofc). Here's a catch. The machine shouldn't keep on generating random numbers for a specific IP, it should be the same. Instead of being an actual it's just a number (same with chatreport IDS), I think it should be something like that. This is possible to create.

    I don't understand why does sr mods needs players IPs lmao, I know to check, but if you want them to check let them check something none real, but at same time effective.


    I get your point on the IP being random and, you can't tell if that was their friend or vpn. I would clear up myself more.

    let's take this example.

    They shouldn't be:

    Instead: get the point get the point get the point get the point get the point
    #6 Deleted member 254, Feb 22, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2021
  7. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Can you please list these awful people who leaked IPs with proof? The last time an issued occurred was more than 2 years ago and happened ONCE, so I’m not sure why you decided to bring this up?

    You’ve never been in this position so you do not understand how crucial IP Checking is; it’s more than just for catching plain evaders
    TheKingOfTurtlez, luvbri and Lxvely like this.

    Dec 15, 2019
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    honestly i just dont like the fact fajo has my ip
    TheKingOfTurtlez likes this.
  9. I am not gonna stir up any drama, and many know what's happening. I got a dm from an ex mod who strangely threaten me, again I won't be naming stuff. This mod is blacklisted for DDOS. I wonder why an ex mod who is blacklisted for DDOS threatened me? With what? My guess was DDOS, but sadly for them, I changed my house (and IP.) So whatever they have now is useless. Yuh, I wonder how did that slip into their hands?

    Also, it's pretty bald from you asking who leaked this information. I don't want to call out any names. Also, didn't you see the video for JustEric? Look at support and type "leaked ip" I am sure you can find a lot of members complaining. There is no way to prove any of that, but interesting enough why do all people complain? I also had this issue? coincidence?

    There is nothing super op and secret about the sr-mod team. You act as if it's some sort of CIA agency lol. It's just a higher group of people who take on more responsibilities, that's all. There is no Cybercrime handeling, breaking into hacker's houses and arresting them its just a staff team that looks at a video game!!! Why make it look as if it's some sort of top agency? You saw nothing aside from MCC and some food restaurants, so why would you need to argue with me on this? I don't want to argue with anyone, I just want to talk about my opinion on this situation, that's all.

    I do appreciate all the work the sr-mod team puts in. I do know that it's not an easy job.

    However please, do not treat it like a biology research center, it's just mostly sitting at the computer and watching reports.

    There is one incident that I heard about, but it would be extremely bald to accuse call them out. I rather talk about this somewhere private but not in public. I did see shady things from sr-mods when I was a staff, so what makes you think that none of them actually records and leaks it? Sure, there is no way to prove it.

    I can bring up an example. Ever heard of Diana, Princess of Wales? She died in a car accident. However, the public knows this was an assassination attempt with the coverup. The cameras were coincidently turned off or turned away. As a citizen, good luck proving that this was an assassination attempt, but you do know it was one. Same here, I can't prove shit, but it is just pretty obvious at this point.

    If you want to talk about who leaked what, please do so, in discord DMS.

    Thank you, (no this ain't a rant)
    Yukihira likes this.
  10. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I made a thread on that not so long ago ( which had positive feedback by the vast majority of the community (players) but interestingly enough staff members did think otherwise. I do believe some senior mods may be using such information for other purposes than ipbanning evaders, and that’s why I also believe encryption should be a thing. +1 from me and I would really like this to be looked into, just simply for the fact that a huge part of the community feels unsafe with such information being provided.
    And that's where you've made a big mistake. The main reason why I suggested that in my thread in the first place was because I've seen it happen. Not only the one time with jess in 2018, but recently with someone who's currently a senior and accidentally or not pasted a screenshot of a player's /iplookup message in a private discord. I don't know what the intention of that was, but just knowing that someone who ought to be trusted as you've mentioned multiple times before is saving someone's ip is quite concerning, well at least that's my opinion.
    #10 guih, Feb 22, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
    laffinn, MAXILES, luvbri and 2 others like this.
  11. Interressta

    Jul 30, 2019
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    “Thousands of players” only like 500 people play this server
    laffinn, Rok, Yukihira and 2 others like this.
  12. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    you get my +100 on this because I have seen this happen before and yet they did nothing about it. owners/admins are the most trustworthy and should not have any sort of info about peoples ip that should be owner/ admin permissons only.
    luvbri likes this.
  13. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Unless this becomes a problem (and you can prove its an ongoing issue), this won't be implemented. You are also worried about the wrong thing. Every single site you access and interact with now has your IP; any sketchy site you ever clicked has your IP. All other servers you played, they also have your IP.

    DDOSing is a crime, as stated above, no one on the team will be noting down IPs. You mentioned that ex-mods and helpers threatened you; well they can't see IPs.

    - Locked
  14. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    There is no need to lock this as threads are suppose to be open for discussion.

    Rok, iiSean, JoaoOssucci and 7 others like this.
  15. MCCentralStaff

    Jan 20, 2021
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    The problem is, every single site you ever visit isn't trying to single you out. Whether there are straight up facts or not there are several cases in the community where players have gotten into it with staff and then their IP gets leaked on doxbin and next thing you know it is being spammed on MCC. Coincidence or not, I personally have been in calls when such things have been discussed and I know its going on. Every other major server has systems set in place so this cannot happen. When I beef with a staff member or a player on the server and they have my IP 5-10 minutes later, you are going to say its a coincidence? I have a personal experience 2-3 weeks ago and when I brought it up to some Sr.Mods it got swept right under the rug. I was dealing with quite a large issue on SB1 and It went in my favor and not the other players. Its weird how, I was in a server with the person who didn't get her way and she was in a call with a Sr. Mod I will leave un named in this public conversation. Less than 5 minutes laters, I am getting ddosed and when I see from where, its from her city. Everyone in this community knows that there are staff members that are corrupt. You can deny it, but it is inevitable. People are going to use their power for wrong doing and you can't deny it, its 100% true staff do in some cases. Yes, there are a lot of staff members that do keep to themselves and stick to the rules. But, I know time and time again there is shady stuff going on. There needs to be a system implemented or something. The community has had this issue going on for 2-3+ years. Its about time this gets uncovered.

    If any higher up staff members would like to speak more in private feel free to message me on discord:
    Joey.#1111 (dont forget the period)
    #15 MCCentralStaff, Feb 22, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
    forgranted, Yukihira and micunmuted like this.
  16. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As a former Senior Mod, I can say that checking IPs is important for us to have. Not only are they used for simple things such as IP banning people that are evading, but they can also help us with more serious or in-depth situations. Yes, it's true, there was a time where a Senior was leaking IP's and whatnot, but since then nothing of this sort has arisen. So while I understand why you may think it's bad because there is a potential downside, I'd say the upsides outweigh the small possibility of this occurring (as Ben mentioned, it happened once over 2 years ago).

    It's hard to come up with a real alternative for IP checks as well as Kieren went into above. If there was a reasonable solution that didn't hinder the Senior's ability to check for ban evasions, linked IP's, etc. then I'd be completely for it. But that's not really something that's reasonably available right now, so sticking with the current system is probably the best.
  17. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    They wouldn’t promote someone to Senior Mod if they didn’t obviously trust them. Also theres not very many admins, and it would be way harder to get confirmation on an IP ban if the Sr's didnt have access to ip's. What it is right now is fine. I don't see anything wrong with it.
    luvbri likes this.
  18. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    yeah, wierd since that has happened multiple times and the fact the people have had to make mutiple fourms about this is kinda serious. They wouldn't be joking about this and Ik you just want to defend the server look at the actual problem before saying "its fine right now nothings wrong" people recently have had DDos threats and then sr mods just get there ip easily and abuses there power and goes to far some mods are very trustworthy and then get promoted and abuse there power the thing is, they don't expect it coming.
    Yukihira likes this.
  19. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    fr this guy ben annoys me cus he banned me but i 100% trust this guy with my ip because i know mcc wouldnt let some idiot have access to ip's and also admins r really busy so they dont have time to check for the many ban evaders and alsooo if u think a sr mod shouldnt have access to ur ip and u think theyre doing something illegal wit it staff report them
  20. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Seeing as nobody has been willing to staff report the seniors that you supposedly believe are leaking IPs, I feel some of these comments speak for themselves. If there genuinely were senior moderators regularly leaking IPs, I imagine it would not only lead to an immediate demotion (and quite likely a blacklist), but it would also be MUCH more known than it is.

    That being said, the senior moderators in this thread have already provided further information on why encrypted IPs would be a bad idea. Moderator tag aside, I genuinely and truly do trust the current senior moderator team.

    DDosing is extremely prevalent within any and all multiplayer games, it is also extremely noticeable in the sense that you would be completely incapable of logging on or connecting to the internet for several minutes if not hours. If you truly do believe someone is using your IP to ddos you, not only do I recommend you contact your ISP, I also suggest you discuss the option of using a dynamic IP. Friendly reminder, your ping going from the regular 100ms to 200ms does not equal ddosing.

    As for the comments stating that this is something that regularly happens... It really really does not. I can 100% assure you that nobody on the staff team is spending month after month reaching requirements, helping the community ect ect to get promoted to senior... to have access to your IP. We have so much more to deal with, and concern ourselves with than holding grudges.

    If there were some way that requires minimal time and effort from developers that works effectively to ensure the senior moderator team can effectively deal with situations such as evading, it may be more realistic. But I don't believe belittling the maturity of the sr mods helps in any way.
    JakeOnPc, jemelina, Lxvely and 6 others like this.
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