random suggestions(credits, lobby, minigames)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fattr, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. fattr

    Jun 4, 2020
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    hii I have a few random suggestions that I have thought up while I'm in quarantine. first off, when you play mini games, you get credits. credits purchase perks, and there are numbers of perks. say someone, whose been playing for years, have purchased all possible perks, so their credits just keep storing up never to be used again? what if there was a way to share them, like how in prisons you can pay other players? idk its kinda random and idk if its possible I just think it'd be cool.
    another thing, again idk if its possible, but when you open the cosmetic chest at spawn, it takes a longggg time to load your item. if I could open the cosmetics faster, again comparing it to prisons, I'd probably WANT to use my 68 cosmetic shards that I've just left there due to the amount of time it consumes.
    as a murder mayhem player, I've noticed that the leaderboard for it is based off of wins. I think it would make the game more challenging if it was based off of murderers shot, instead of just wins. I've been in partys with people, and they don't want to join a new game after they've died just because they want the win. again, just an idea :)
    Rok, Atohmic and bdqt like this.
  2. bdqt

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Web_Photo_Editor (2).jpg [​IMG]
    YES ABOUT the sharing credits! I need some credits cuz i only have like 4,000 and some ppl
    might do give aways...and it can be like saving money here on the forums
    I agree....But I suggested the same thing bout lobby cosmetic chest and all they said was
    "JUST BE PATIENT DUDE YOUR SO DUMB"! Yes I think they should make it short cuz thats
    wayyyyyy to long!
    #2 bdqt, Mar 1, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2021
    fattr likes this.
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    hiya, I just wanted to touch on this a little.
    on the old forums site I made a very detailed post about being able to share credits, and the general response was it defeats the value in grinding for them. If an immortal with maxed perks can easily give 10k credits to your friend with no perks or rank it defeats the value in the items in which they are spent on and ruins the point of playing.

    as for the cosmetic keys, this is 100% something I am hoping can be fixed. I definitely agree that many people are in the same boat with you on this one.

    leaderboards are something I'm hoping will get a good revamp for as well. I'm hoping they can be updated to show specific event wins such as LMS on prison/facs, mob madness and such. I also think murder mayhem should show bystanders killed as murder as well!
    LeafyTiger24, fattr and bdqt like this.
  4. Atohmic

    Jan 30, 2020
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    I completely agree with this that you should be able to share credits. i have 800k (i know people have more) but i wish i could give them out to friends that are new or even newer players so they can get going in the minigames community. Also i do believe the Murder Mayhem should be more balanced with the way it lists off the monthly players and i dont think the lifetime players would change much but the monthly seems a little weird since it goes off of how much you win.
    fattr and 89p like this.
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    transferring credits & more cosmetics that are obtainable with them would be really cool to see in the upcoming revamp, that way more people would grind to flex their cosmetics (custom kill messages, victory dances etc). +1
    fattr likes this.

    Dec 15, 2019
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    i like the idea but honestly i dont think giving credits would be a good idea. working for them would b more fun then giving half a mil to an alt and getting fully upgrades in 5 min. i think buying victory dances and things like that would b cooler
    fattr likes this.

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