Every single time you look at the "mccentral community discord" there is staff in their private calls for us all to see when we have to join public calls. 1. They could just private call each other but they don't they show off their private rooms which we don't have in the "mccentral community discord" "community". 2. They also have their staff discord where they could join calls. What i am trying to say is its a discord for the community and they have their own private calls. You're not special join the same calls like the rest of us. Your not gods, you're teenagers with a role. Take some advice off of the chillzone discord. They have mods and staff in calls at all time. They switch between calls to make sure there is 1. no ear rape (which is a big problem on mccentral discord). 2. No threatening/doxing (which guess what there is a lot of that too). But obviously this post wont do anything. They will keep their 19 different private call so they can stay away from us "nons". Tell me what you think -3 bonculous by 3 7 channels less in a community discord lol.
Hello! Those private channels are given to Senior Moderators+ for various reasons. a.) Some senior mods do staff training here (before they get invited to the staff discord) b.) Some seniors do interviews here (as its the official way) and this gives them privacy c.) The staff discord is for staff only, these channels allow friends of staff to join private calls d.) SOTM gets rewarded a channel for being an outstanding staff member for that month I am not understanding your argument here or how it affects anybody. Some staff can private call if they want or they can join their channel to allow other staff / non-staff to join; there is no conflict here. - Locked // Your arguments do not show a problem.