Prison /warp pvp loot protection

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by pablo eskkobar, Aug 19, 2019.


Should loot protection be added to prison?

  1. Yes, loot protection should be added to Prison

  2. No, loot protection should not be added to Prison

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  1. pablo eskkobar

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Over the 3 seasons i've played Prison, I think I can speak for everyone who pvp's at /warp pvp can agree that it is annoying when you spent 20-30 minutes fighting one individual player for them to die and a swarm of people try take the loot dropped from the player you just killed. I think that a loot protection feature similar to kitpvp should be implemented to prison.

    Post your thoughts in the poll
    puposaurus likes this.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Being both a kit PvP and Prison player, I can understand what your proposing and see how it is a thoughtful idea, however I feel as if it is unnecessary as if a player worked hard to kill someone PvP, the risk is always there that they will have it stolen. If you care so much about picking up someone’s loot after killing them, just be quick as there’s always going to be players trying to steal it, which is fair because of the P2W, so just be quick and pick it up.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    broskii-broskii, i’ve seen this topic ‘bout loot protection be brought up multiple times for almost all subservers. i personally agree that this should be added into prison and kitpvp (but not skyblock >.< ).
    ik this topic is kinda hot and cold to a lot of people, like, some people are all in for it, and some don’t want anything to do w/ it.

    i think some reasons why it’d be added would most likely be -
    *stacked players with almost full inventory of armor can be allowed a bit more time to go through the loot
    *rookies don’t just hop in, steal the loot, and skrt skrt outa pvp...
    *even if you don’t have a full inventory like i said, most times, not all of the loot gets picked up because they most likely had some-what of a full inventory and it’d prolly be a lot to go through
    *this one isn’t common, but sometimes in pvp, you’ll come across someone with good gear & sword, but they fill their inventory with sticks and when you kill ‘em you only pick up the sticks then someone else picks up the good loot

    although it can prolly be argued that these reasons are just “players not being smart” or “it’s the players fault for having a full inventory”, i still would like to think these would be the main issues in pvp for why it’d make sense to add this.
    and also,some ways to fix those issues can be (if this isn’t added)
    >> bring a ‘lil broskii bucko to pick up the loot for you and help you go through it
    >> don’t involve yourself in fights
    >> good vibes only m8
    >>invsee the player before hand just to know what to expect to get if you kill ‘em (with swords, fire, and kindness ofc)

    now for some flaws in this idea...
    *people steal your kills if it’s somethinf ridiculous like a 6v1
    *someone does some cleaning / kills you before you have time go through the player you killed’s loot
    *tbh im kinda biased and can’t think of any more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    okie m8, i see where you’re comming from ‘bout prison being p2w, but there’s a good amount of rookies that ain’t alts that have multiple sets of p4, s5, god bows, grapples etc. so i think even rookies would like this and that they would feel frustrations ‘bout people stealing loot from someone they killed. i feel that the problem here is that most times in prison pvp people have inventories full of p3/p4 and if they want to pick it up there’s always rookies and lower sonar ranked players who steal mostly ‘cause player can’t pick all of the stuff up. Although this is on the player for stashing, say, 5 sets of p4, loot protection would steal be nice.. and i feel it’d also prevent whiny 16y/o eboys getting depressed after they die in a block game pvp.

    OkKIeeee! overall, i agree that this should be added, but it prolly won’t happen *sad noises* // +1
    i hOpe this helped.. and it’s understandable, i started losing some brain cells writing this ‘cause i was talking about prison pvp... my brain is almost mush now
    have a great day!

    Master_Aqua and pablo eskkobar like this.
  4. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I don't think that should be a thing because prisons is an anything-goes environment and adding something like loot protection would draw away from the main game which is everything goes. (Except of course no breaking rules made by staff :))
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