Prison Sell Wands

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Kxrmaa__, May 26, 2021.

  1. Kxrmaa__

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I would like to specifically aim this issue towards Prison 1, however, this would have to be implemented into both subservers to make these suggestions fair.

    Sell wand prices are becoming an increasingly bigger issue for the economy, especially prison 1, I feel there could be a couple of ways in which this could be combated because the situation right now means that barely anyone has the ability to open up an ore shop, due to the ridiculously high prices.
    • Suggestion 1: The first thing I can think of that can combat this issue is to increase the drop weight of sell wands within treasure keys, and I think this goes for voting, ancients, and mythicals, right now this is the only place that wands originally come from, and the least that can be done is to make it a little easier to get them, as there are so little in circulation.

    • Suggestion 2: I noticed a suggestion made by a few players in prison 1 chat stating that sell wands should be obtainable via /shop. I personally think this is a great idea, and the feature could work in a similar way to spawners.
    Note: These are just example prices, feel free to suggest your own in the comments :)

    Example Prices:

    • 500 Use Sell Wand - $2.5mil + 25 tokens
    • 2500 Use Sell Wand - $12.5mil + 125 tokens
    • 7500 Use Sell Wand - $37.5mil + 375 tokens

    • Suggestion 3: Despite this causing a few issues with people who disagree with P2W, I would even suggest adding them as a purchasable item from the MCC Store. Now I won't suggest prices on that if the suggestion was ever implemented I would let staff decide, but I think as long as the price is fair, the server could be played out a lot smoother, instead of half the eco players spending most of their time complaining that they don't have enough uses to keep their shop open.
    Now obviously if any of these were to become possible, you couldn't have both suggestion 2 and 3 together, but you could combine 1 and 2, but increase the prices I have suggested, or implement 1 and 3, and make slightly higher IRL prices for the wands, but to be quite honest, I would hop that at least one of these suggestions can be considered for the server, and I would like to think a lot of people would agree with me.

    - Kxrmaa__
    - Prison 1 Player
  2. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Hey Kxrmaa_

    Personally I do agree that sell wands are a big problem in the prison eco atm. But the prices u have seem kind of too much, especially with the token prices being the way that they are.

    What I would do is give everyone an infinite sell wand, but every time you use it, it automatically takes 10k from your balance. This would still keep your tokens for spawners, it wouldn't ruin the eco, and also it would allow sell shops to stay up for longer into the season, rather than dying out. Also having the sell wands in keys and stuff is totally p2w and ppl will not have any wands at all. Also they are super rare from voting keys as they are a legendary item.

    This overall would be really easy to do, as I know other servers have something like this as well. (Mostly in factions with like sand wands and such, but its basically the same thing).

    Great post though, as sell wands are the biggest problem for the prison eco!

  3. RealJeffie

    Dec 16, 2020
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    Great suggestions. You are right about the eco. It's messed up for sell wands and we should try to do something about it. I personally like suggestion 2 and that makes suggestion 1 redundant. Suggestion 3 would be indeed a P2W which we should not stimulate. Okay, back to sugegestion 2. I like the idea of being able to buy a sell wand from /shop. I think there should be only 1 sell wand instead of 3 as you can click the multiple button to add more 500 uses to the wand. Prices should go up just a little. I think 3mil + 30 tokens is a good steady price for 500 uses. Besides, I would like to add a 4th suggestion. Make a /kit sellwand with unlimited uses on it but its 10k per use. Or make all the sell wands from keys go away and make this unlimited sell wand a legendary item in mythical key.
    fattr and Kxrmaa__ like this.
  4. Kxrmaa__

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I personally never thought of that, thanks for the feedback and a great suggestion! :)

    - Kxrmaa__
    - Prison 1 Player
  5. Kxrmaa__

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I'm glad you liked my idea and I appreciate your feedback, I agree with just having a 500 use in the shop and having the option to buy multiple, great suggestion! :)

    - Kxrmaa__
    - Prison 1 Player
  6. Tidala

    Feb 22, 2021
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    I'm really on Myko's side with that one, however I think the infinite use wand should be difficult to obtain at least. A one time buy per season, or maybe a as a perk from keys.

    But having this wand may also make the sell all perk useless, so there's a problem there too.
    Kxrmaa__ likes this.
  7. Kxrmaa__

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I'm starting to think Mykos's idea is the best one, the way it is executed is a different story, yes, but I appreciate the feedback! Thanks :)

    - Kxrmaa__
    - Prison 1 Player
  8. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Hello there,
    The sell wand issue effects p2 as well as p1. The short supply of sellwands makes shops very hard, if not impossible, without the /sell all perk (small shops).
    Increasing the weightings of sell wands in keys would help, although i think the rates must be balanced with other items in the prize pool, along with a general re-balancing of keys. +1

    Now: Here is a problem with your /shop suggestion:

    The suggested prices, while they may be possible for p1, are outside the realms of possibility for p2 where sell wands still go for 800k each. Additionally, putting these prices in /shop would be focusing on those who, able to build up spawners and tokens, can now open sellshops - a problem which could concentrate the supply of sell wands into the hands of the few...
    These prices would also be really unrealistic at the beginning of seasons, and would only be relevant to p1 as p2 doesn't inflate that much.
    RealJeffie's price... well... see the issues below.
    Even with different prices the
    main issues are:
    1. Are sell wands going to be worth buying, or will it just be a key drop as the prices are too high?

    2. Are you devaluing the sell wand by putting prices really low? It won't be a useful key reward with low prices.

    3. Are these prices acceptable on both subservers? P1 and P2 have drastically different economy sizes with a massive player imbalance. Putting different prices on the servers leads us to the next problem...

    4. Are these prices fixed? Changing the price of sell wands to match inflation would help with #1 and #2, but how would you value and quantify the inflation? Token prices? Sell shops? These items can be inflated and the economy manipulated to provide only for those who own these shops.

    5. Ultimately, who will buy them? Beginner rookies? Prestiges 5 and 6 legends and immortals? People who can afford to purchase a ton of mythical/ancient keys?

    Unless these problems can be resolved I am a -1 for the /shop idea.

    Putting sell wands in the MCC Shops might be considered P2W as they aren't cosmetic items and might tilt the scales in favour of those who have irl money to burn.

    Now for Myko's suggestion:

    Problem with this is that, once again, you must set the price for using the wand fairly - being balanced and fair towards all players and at all times in the season; ensuring the prices aren't so low as to render them free for people selling stuff in shops, and not so high as to be inaccessible.
    Also, how would one have this wand? Just putting it in your inv when you start? Scamming is legal, people die and lose their stuff. If the sell wand is to be infinite, where would you keep it? What happens when you die with it?

    These are just my suggestions and are only of my own opinions - feel free to respond!
    Have a great day/night!
    #8 BlockyBeach, May 26, 2021
    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    Kxrmaa__ likes this.
  9. Kxrmaa__

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I'm very glad you responded with this much detail, and I completely agree with your point about the economic difference between prison 1 and prison 2, and therefore I can see why the /shop idea would not work. The way Myko's idea could work is making it take 2k-5k every time you use it, and this may level out the economy ever so slightly, but again, I am unsure. Based on this response, the only thing I can suggest is that they just increase the drop rates from treasure keys.

    - Kxrmaa__
    - Prison 1 Player
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  10. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Basically they can buy it from the shop for lets say 1 mil or any reasonable price. The main costs though are just from each use.
    Kxrmaa__ likes this.
  11. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Na it should be easy to obtain from /shop. Making it from keys is P2W. Also this doesn't affect the sell all perk at all, cuz most people either use it while mining or buying things from other people (like witch profit shops).
    Kxrmaa__ likes this.
  12. Deesal

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Hi All,

    I see everyone's suggestions and there doesn't seem to be a perfect solution to the sell wand issue.
    It's very clear that MCC is going for a less P2W stance now and there needs to be some change since fewer sales mean fewer keys opened and fewer sell wands obtained from keys.
    I've put together a few suggestions myself below.

    Suggestion 1
    Changing around Voting Key Rewards.

    At the moment, 500 use sell wands are Legendary from Voting Keys. Looking at every other reward in the Voting Key rewards... The spawners are useless, people just sell them for nothing and an 'Epic' reward, they are in my and most people's opinion, terrible. I think the ability to get a 1k or 1.5k wand as an Epic reward should be added, with the possibility of removing these low-grade spawners.

    Also, I think another option that could be good is a second voting crate that could be used and accustomed to getting Sell Wand uses. This would be so people who vote could choose to either use their keys on the original Voting Crate right now or a new Sell Wand based Crate with uses ranging from a 10 use wand to a 1k use wand. This would help sell wands become more available and increase the number of people voting for the server.

    Suggestion 2

    I do like the idea of adding Sell Wands to the shop, the only issue about this though as stated above by others is there isn't an accurate price you can set it as. Also, adding them to the shop means you are going to have a more stable price for sell wands when involving tokens as tokens will inflate with the economy, but finding the right amount of tokens per use would be difficult.

    But I suggest just doing a straight-up trade for Sell Wand uses for Tokens. With a cap on how many uses you can buy per day, the higher prestige you are, the more uses you can buy daily.

    For example,
    5 tokens for 10 Sell Wand Uses.
    25 tokens for 50 Sell Wand Uses.
    250 tokens for 500 Sell Wand Uses.

    Prestige Cap:
    Prestige 0 - 50 uses.
    Prestige 1 - 100 uses.
    Prestige 2 - 150 uses.
    Prestige 3 - 200 uses.
    Prestige 4 - 250 uses.
    Prestige 5 - 300 uses.
    Prestige 6 - 350 uses.
    Prestige 7 - 400 uses.
    Prestige 8 - 450 uses.
    Prestige 9 - 500 uses.

    This can be flexible and changed to different amounts, but the idea of it is there.

    Suggestion 3
    Remove Beacons!!

    I think personally within each of the Key chests, Beacons should be removed. All I have found myself doing each season with beacons is placing 100s on a plot just to flex. Now with no beaconing in pvp, I don't see the point of them and there is no need for them.

    Replacing beacons in the rewards with a lower sell wand for common, for example:
    Ancient Key - 1k wand
    Myth Key - 2.5k wand

    Would go across much better for people so the keys are actually decent and the chance of getting sell wands are better.

    I'll probably think of more suggestions, but currently, those are what I could think off the top of my head.

    - Deesal

    Xermes likes this.
  13. osobionico

    Feb 16, 2021
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    500 Use Sell Wand - $2.5mil + 25 tokens keep it at that and you will still be able to stack, there is no need to discount while the capacity increases. the 500 use base is fine
    Kxrmaa__ likes this.
  14. Deesal

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Also, just to add on about the infinity sell wand, I do like the idea of this but then this gets rid of the sell wand economy full stop.
    Adding the item will make it so sell wands aren't an issue but also removes the buying and selling aspect with them.

    For example, for the prison players that simply buy and re-sell, the current market for that is p4, tokens, backpacks, perks, spawners & sell wands. So removing it would remove that section from it.

    Also, this would allow people, for example now at Prestige 8 to be very rich from ore sell shops. As there is no cap on Sell Wand uses, then they could make 10k signs of sell shops and make so much money which could make spawners worthless and going just for prestige be worth it. So I would against that idea for this reason.
  15. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Definitely agree with you on this one.

    Also about your earlier suggestion with keys and buying sell wands for tokens - it seems good however it would concentrate sell wands in the hands of those with token shops. Inadvertent effects could mean mass token inflation where p2 gets to 50k and p1 100k within one month of the reset.
    Yes, you can get them from mining, but as not everyone is going to spam buy sell wands only for themselves, token hyperinflation is a nightmare scenario (people will still sell). Yes, you could organise deals to devalue tokens
    , but it only takes one to ruin a collective price reduction effort.
    Also with prestige caps - this would limit the sell wands currently in circulation, and with limited votes per day, people will still have to spend big on sell wands.
  16. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    A better suggestion to reduce the demand for sell wands, but keep them valuable, is to make them have unlimited uses, but the trade-off of only getting 75% of the value.
    So it's a convenience vs reward option.

    Right now with sell wands having charges, you 'pay' a price anyways from using them.
    The people who primarily benefit are those who hoard the wands early game for cheap and use them all season.

    Having them give a flat percentage reduction means there is no need to hoard sell wands, and also it rewards effort vs convienence.
    Kxrmaa__, Xermes and Deesal like this.
  17. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Interesting suggestion, Kieren.
    This will eliminate any randomness on the part of obtaining the sell wand, but it will cause the percentage multipliers of oreshops to balloon much more quickly to try and overcome this value reduction. It may also
    limit the size of oreshops if people want to sell using /sell all to get 100% of the value. As this will change the sellshop strategies and affect the economies of both prison servers, more discussion will be needed around this issue.
  18. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Hey Kieren!
    Personally I disagree with the getting only "75%" of the value because of sell shops, you only make about 10k-15k per dub chest. Doing this would make it so you dont even make any money at all. They should just charge you a certain cost per sell. (Like 10k per use). Charging anything more will just not give any profit to the user, making the economy not grow at all.
    Kxrmaa__ likes this.
  19. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Myko,

    The 75% was a random number. Naturally, it'd be a configuration if it was to ever be implemented.
    Do note, that whilst people use sell wands to sell their ores, currently, they are 'spending' money per charge they use on their wand.
    So ideally the percentage would be balanced around some number that allows profit shops to continue existing, whilst allowing sell wands to not run out.

    The main downside with sell wands being added historically is people stopped making 'profit shops' (where people would buy from chests to empty them), and more have gone down the mindset of hoarding everything to sell with sell wands for max profit.

    Having a percentage-based payback from using a sell wand would hopefully reduce that, bringing things back to being more community-driven where people would buy back from people to re-sell for slightly higher.
    This still allows the economy to expand and would make sell wands less of a scarce resource as the season progresses.
  20. Kxrmaa__

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Honestly, at this point, I think these suggestions are aiming towards a revamp in the voting rewards or an InfiniteUse wand of such, which I still wouldn't have an exact idea on how it would work, but 10k per use seems generally fine, however, it may have to be less due to the lesser economy of the prison 2 sub server. The idea of removing beacons from keys is a great idea, especially (like Deesal mentioned) since beaconing has been removed from PVP. And yes, the low-tier spawners are just completely useless in my opinion, they barely sell for anything if you are to list them on /ah because there is not a huge purpose for them.

    - Kxrmaa__
    - Prison 1 Player

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