Prison Season 8 | Mega Thread

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by KierenBoal, Jul 14, 2020.

  1. Tasc

    Aug 26, 2019
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    tf xD
    Xermes likes this.
  2. Arkythepvper

    Apr 20, 2020
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    2 <---- little typo but no issue. I do approve of some of these new updates, but there are some that i disagree with. Ill make a list.
    1. The Unbreakable treasure item would be too op for pvp as it would just matter when to gapple and how many you got.
    2. the loot magnet enchant wouldn't do well because then you could go to a public grinder which is meant to be used for xp purposes only as the owner of the plot is suppose to get the mob drops.
    3. Removing p4 from the immortal kits would be unfair to the players that have immortal rank, now if you gave the immortal rank players a different kit for enchanting p4 to balance it out that would make more sense

    Other then that, i think the other updates would be a great idea! Keep it up!
  3. jellt

    Jul 28, 2019
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    This is what epearls are for. I think the issue is if people feel like they cant run from a fight (without a bow that is) then they will do so far less often. The people who run from 1v1s will naturally be
    5v1ed by 5 different people out of frustration. When someone 5v1’s today the only one doing anything is the player who is fastest with a bow boost bow. The other 4 are just there chasinf being getting nothing done. If there arent bows all 4 people could contribute to taking down the runner.
  4. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi Kieren! I agree with 99% of the things you've mentioned in this thread and I really think it would improve the overall quality of life within the Prison community and really bring new possibilites plus rehashing some of the old Prison traditions. I'm just gonna list below the things I somewhat disagree with or would have a sort of different suggestion for how this could work. I also have a couple questions along with them since I'm curious on specifics if it were to be seriously considered!

    » Default Plot

    I do see this being something cool being implemented and agree with this suggestion but I just want to ask if these plots would be the same as the plots we have now except with a different aeshetic? I'd be fine with this as long as I'd be able to edit the ground and stuff to kind of make it our own rather than being stuck with a bed and only being able to edit above the ground. We also don't really 'sleep' on Prison either so I'd assume the bed would just be a decoration to give it that effect?

    » Plot Border
    If this were to be added I would prefer a toggle option kind of how Skyblock has right now. I personally wouldn't want to be confined into my plot and would have more fun being able to run around and run along the plot road. The Prison vibe I think would already be achieved if a new default aesthetic were to be added but I get how this would be interesting to bring it over the top.

    » Apple Pickers
    I'm all for this idea besides the fact that it could drop regular golden apples. I personally think that regular golden apples really have little to 0 use for Prison PvP and Prison in general. I do see that they could be used for miscellaneous things but they'd have absolutely 0 use in PvP since it's more 'OP'.
    Fun Fact: If you mine leaves with a fortune pickaxe you have a higher rate to obtain saplings & apples!

    » 'Unbreakable'
    For me this would just be entirely too OP if this were to be able to be put onto armor or anything for that matter. I could see this being implemented for really only pickaxes and it would entirely ruin an aspect of PvP where players practically fill up their inventory with extra sets in order to stay alive. It would be better if players still needed to grind in order to get a bunch of armor instead of simply opening some keys and being able to make it unbreakable.

    » '/kit pvp'
    I'm sorry to say this but this feels completely useless and I wouldn't want to see this added at all. I completely get the concept behind it but the items that would be supplied wouldn't be the right type of items plus Prison really isn't a 'KitPvP' type vibe at all. It's all about working up to get a good set of things to enter rather than clicking a sign and jumping in. I think there's already enough chaos with PvP as it is and I just feel like this wouldn't be a good fit for Prison. This is something I could see moreso for Survival or Skyblock given the contents of the kit.
    If the /kit were to be changed to include more items that were more Prison oritented I still wouldn't want to see this added regardless.

    » Beaconing for 2nd PvP Arena
    ⇧ THIS. I just say either add beaconing back completely or just leave it out of the gamemode. PvP is really fun either way and I think people can live with whatever the outcome is.

    I'd absolutely love to see /sethome be re-enabled for PvP too. It makes fights more exciting when players pop out of nowhere and have sort of an ability to 'teleport' around the PvP Arena.

    Everything else I haven't mentioned I 100% agree with and would LOVE to see implemented. Especially removing Protection IV from kits!

    That's all from me. Thank you for the wonderful thread and bringing everyone together to discuss ideas for the upcoming reset once again. Have a lovely rest of your day.
    fouffy and puposaurus like this.
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Good point
    Maybe adding /fix all as a perk that costs like $5000 per use?
    Aussierules123 likes this.
  6. Zeroe

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Agree (Things I believe should be added)
    • /g target
    • Killing mobs for tokens.
    • Shorten large numbers
    Disagree (Things I don't believe should be added)
    • Beaconing
    • Second Arena
    • Removing Prot4 from /kit
    • Adding kit pvp (coal kit is there for a reason)
    • Unbreakable (this will make fights 100x longer than they already are)
    • Remove 'Dropping mobs for XP'
    Anything I didn't mention, I have no opinion on it.
    Xermes and Aussierules123 like this.
  7. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Kit pvp would be available to all users, therefore you wouldn’t need a rank to use it. You need a rank in order to be able to claim kit coal
    1handy likes this.
  8. opensideflanker

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Hi Kieran

    Here are my opinions on each and everything you have said with any improvements or disagreements but also praise and agreements all in one reply:
    I absolutely love this and agree with it hands down. The fact we are in a prison server makes me feel like the default plots should have a rework with stone and maybe even iron bars being their main feature!

    Again I cannot fault this idea, one problem is this may put targets on top players backs! But I think it’s still an interesting concept that I would love to see incorporated in some way!

    I like it, however it feels pointless. Yes it would bring a new dynamic for top players however for lower players playing prison for fun I don’t believe they would want to do this if there was no sort of payback and they would have no chance of reaching the top

    Yes and no... I think I’m some ways advertising plots is a quick way for people to get engagement with their plot I think to add 1, 10 mins is fairly long and I don’t see the need for a new rule (my opinion)
    I definitely agree something needs to be implemented against afk typing right before a player can be muted as even if they are a minute apart it can still feel like spamming.
    Option 3 is also a good choice I think it would eliminate people setting up chat advertisers.

    This idea again is a great idea, I think with every level up or every few level ups then yes features should be added to the Pickaxe. However I think maybe the normal upgrade able pickaxe should be removed if this is added and these be handed out to everyone but you need to mine a lot before gaining level up features making a focus back on mining for good loot etc

    I think it’s a good idea but maybe instead of focussing, although if making gangs enemy’s and allied gangs then this feature wouldn’t be needed as such

    I feel this will feel less prison like almost like un natural maybe just some iron bars and stone blocks around the plot would give a similar sort of confined feeling when first arriving at your plot!

    I like this idea. Nothing to say on this one!

    I think for most new players tokens seem undesirable, they don’t really know what to do with them other than sell them to players offering around 70k for them. However this is useful for levelling up quick early game. I’m my personal opinion I haven’t had too much trouble gaining tokens quickly however I can’t say I have played enough to give a full opinion on what should happen on the token front

    No real opinion on this I haven't directly experienced this myself

    Agree completely

    Agree it should be higher, I’d prefer it if it was even higher but I know there needs to be a level of challenge and I’m probably being selfish wanting more chance ha ha!

    Great ha ha this is needed desperately, however what would it cost and how would you gain such a chest I think some level of challenge would be needed!

    Great I would love to see that over just leaves, maybe with no chance for golden or god apples you should still have to obtain the gold for yourself. However we don’t want too many god apples flying around pvp and the chances of apples should still be very low.

    Yep agree again!

    Again agree nice suggestion!

    Yes this could be an enchant or just a default considering everything mined is automatically placed in inventories aswell!

    I like it however maybe keep the enchantment only available for tools and not pvp related items?


    Nice yeah easier to pay would be nice and to type out trust pay would probably take up the same time as typing pay then pressing the up arrow again

    Nice yeah! It can always be confusing and a long process to set up a chest shop so this would cut down time more!

    I don’t see the need for this as a legend donator but perhaps other players would find it useful?

    Again nice love the idea

    understandable will freshen up pvp too

    Abit like skyblock I think yes this could be added but then being obtained easier from mining would not be needed as such?

    Not really got an opinion on this but if suggested by various players it may be a good thing to add?

    This is something I fully back I like it

    New boosters are very interesting and fun to play around with it may open possibilities for even more boosters but this one seems good! However I think it would need to be balanced if an enhanced upgradable pickaxe is added so that the features are not too easily obtainable?

    This may seem as if I am nit picking But these are solely opinions on each and every suggestion that has been raised!

    I think any updates to come in season 8 are exciting to think about and will make the new prison season more enjoyable. I think the community would accept most changes provided not too radical!

    Hope you have enjoyed reading my take on these suggestions!
  9. Zeroe

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Then what would happen to kit coal? It would have to be buffed then buff all the other kits by 1 as well.
  10. SpaceAcademy2

    Mar 17, 2020
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    Wow As A New Player To The Prison Sub-servers,
    Im Really Excited And I Hope This Brings In New Players, It Seem More Fun To Play!
    I Really Appreciate The Time It Took To Write This Forum.
    Enjoy Your Day/Night!

    30Seconds likes this.
  11. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i like the new achievements and giving all the different types of prison players a llittle light for them to shine, but for mobtype, im not sure if it would be used a whole lot since players dont really kill mobs except for blazes for exp and newer players who dont have money. public grinders arent as common as they are in skyblock and a lot of prison friends i've known have really only used spawners for money, and would have profit shops to give back to other players or spots where they can afk and theres an area w/ 2-3 spawners giving free items... not really players killing the mobs

    i like the idea for the "Enhanced upgradable Pickaxe", but i just wonder would the defeault things be upgradebale too (like fortune and efficiency). like, would it come w/ eff.10 and it be upgraded like they are now or start w/ eff.<a number> and only the thingfs you suggested be upgradable?
    also, letting players get p4 that easily would kinda break prison in a small awy making it easier (especially for rookies in a sense) to get it, and also making it more disposable. and i kinda doubt people would use normal gaps, they were barely crafted from the times ive been playing prison and really the only time i've personally crafted them was for someone back around season4 when lms let you bring your own gear and materials and there was a gap maximum, but not for normal gaps.

    the sheers thing is cool, but (in my opinion at least), i think part of getting gaps is either paying high amounts to avoid the work or to use ancient/myth/any high fortune pickaxe to gather them.. and thats just my opinion, i think if the sheer thing for apples was added it would make making gaps a lot easier and faster

    i think unbreakable would make prison very op, but if it were (for some reason) to be added, make it so if a player dies with it in their inventory or it being equipped to them, it either disappears (like the 1.12 "curse of vanishing" enchant) or make it so the durability is to where its about to break
    i think it'd definetly drag fights out a lot longer to where instead of whoever has most sets and gets most hits n such, it comes down to whoever runs outa gaps first.. overall i don't think it'd be a good fit for prison

    yes add beaconing back perdiotd.

    i think in addition to that all, make/add objects/things in pvp/wilderness climable again, it's kinda weird thing, and it's not a huge thing since its just something fun sometimes for players who like to hide in trees or epearl back into obscure places (like in season3 when ppl epearled to the jelly fish or the top of the mermaids head).. and they dont really get in way of fights unless some silly dood has autojump on and trips on a rock or smth

    i saw this suggestion too, but change it back to where u can sethomes in pvp like in season2 and 3.. especially if beaconing is readded (it'd be annoying if beaconing was added, but also a good thing since it can also encourage some players to beacon and kinda just add a lil more spice to pvp other than a bunch of kids following someone else and making some crazy 4v1 or something)

    overall great post and im glad u brought some things up from season7's post like the quests and think it'd be cool to see that happen
  12. Foola

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Many people have addressed the stuff in the thread like unbreakable armor and beaconing but I'll take about what wasn't talked about. As of now, PVP is dead. I think something like /g focus will be helpful but nowhere needed to bring back PVP. However, I believe changing the map and adding events like Koth and other events will heavily increase the PVP community. As far as the map goes I think not making it O shaped will help as you can run in circles. Having events like Koth will encourage more fights and more people to drop in PVP. There can be loot rewarded for completing events which will also help. I also think that /gangtop shouldn't be based on kills as losers will just farm nakeds and make PVP even more dead. Instead, make points based on completing events and kills. I think that this will bring more people into the PVP. As far as 2 PVP arenas idk just do what you think is right but twizz is right its gonna be dead so just stick to 1. Also if you do unbreakable armor PVP cant be gapple PVP anymore. You would have to change it and even at that armor breaking is something you have to deal with and that enchant would just be to op. Running is a huge problem in PVP. I don't really know of any solutions other than changing the map because its hard to think of how to not encourage running or how to find a way for someone to catch up. I trust the staff of MCC to not let this problem go unheard and instead will address it in this coming map. - Foola
    (also koth probably shouldn't be the only event. I mean if it is it's fine but like think of more things)
    also yes sethome in pvp is nice
    #32 Foola, Jul 15, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
    slick, Twizz, jellt and 2 others like this.
  13. Flip

    Nov 2, 2019
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    Add beaconing back :)
    Twizz likes this.
  14. Aussierules123

    Aug 18, 2019
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    Koth would be absolutely awesome in Prison. I haven't PvPed in prison in a long long time, but if Koth was added I'd 100% PvP again, atleast just to attend Koths!
  15. Foola

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree I think maybe doing something where you have to stand still for x amount of time to get out of pvp would be helpful because if not and there are no bows then the same problem would arise where the person runs away and /spawns fast. So make the combat timer the same and to get out u have to stand still on top of that or something like that
  16. Twizz

    Jul 26, 2019
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    If you epearl at someone and they epearl away its impossible to catch up, thats the point im trying to make
  17. 1handy

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Its interesting because i've never seen pvp this dead even all the old maps were way bigger than this one? This map is just boring as hell even its big, you guys just made a flat ground without any special extras.
  18. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As someone who grew up on this server only directly from prison, I can say beaconing will bring back a lot of excitement into the season, and I am so happy to see eyes being open on that. The issue with beaconing was mostly due to ender pearls. Those made a big issue with that.

    Also, sethomes. I am hoping we can bring back us being able to set homes in the pvp arena as some previous seasons.This brought a lot of strategy when it came to sneaking up on people. At the moment, set homes are pointless.

    /kit pvp sounds amazing and fair! Thank you for this as well. Love this thread

    THIS ^^^
    I think beaconing should simply be everywhere. It is avoidable with a simple gapple, and issues barely occurred when it came to beaconing UNTIL season 3 when it also came with ender pearls.
    puposaurus and mcrcus like this.
  19. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    My compliments on the way you conducted this thread. I was surprised by the number of people who were opposed to some ideas. You have an enviable ability to stay updated with fresh ideas and help opposing parties reach an agreement. Thanks for helping us all find the best updates to prison.

    I agree with everything but the unbreakable enchant and the P4 nerf. The enchant will be way too OP and will enable a few select users to gain unlimited access to a god set. I don't agree with the P4 nerf because it's worth a lot already and is a good way for people who don't PvP to sell to players who do for loads of cash.

    Everything else looks great and I'm looking forward to hearing what Alex + Jeremy thinks of it.
  20. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey so while i think some of these are totally great i do see issues with some of the Ideas.
    1, Removing stacked xp.
    2, Removing P4 from Kits
    3, Making Custom enchants require xp.

    1, Stacked Xp.
    The problem with removing stacked xp is you then cause it to take ages for a player to collect xp. This causes problems in regards to your other two ideas as xp will be more highly sought after and will be harder than ever to get.

    2, Removing P4. Okay so my problem with this is 1, a lot players have immortal for there kits and this would in a way be cheating them out of what they payed for. i personally think the kits should remain untouched as changing them would be unfair to players already owning the rank and players who intend to get the rank. another issue is with the removal of P4 you would have to craft p4 which uses at-least 40 levels to get 1 P4 enchant. combine the removal of Stacked xp with the removal of P4 and you have a dead pvp. we already require Xp to repair items and craft Bows etc so removing p4 is just another thing that make xp so hard to get.

    3. honestly this idea to me is ridiculous as it means you would have to have some way of farming xp just to get good mining gear. this would make custom enchants impossible to get early game because of the lack of xp. combine this with stacked xp's remove and once again it makes prison harder and will make players stray away from the main aspect of prison, Mining.
    Aussierules123 and Xermes like this.

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