Prison Season 8 Feedback

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Unadvised, Sep 5, 2020.

  1. Looneyy

    Aug 21, 2019
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    I think changing server locations to Montreal or Newyork would drastically improve the server however, it may be hard for Alex and Vislo to work on the server through FTP considering they would always be lagging and stuff would take longer.
    Xermes likes this.
  2. MorbiusWasFaked

    Feb 16, 2020
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    [QUOTE = "Não recomendado, postagem: 258544, membro: 7"]
    Além do lag inicial da rede interna no lançamento da Prisão 1 (que foi corrigido). O que você acha dessa nova temporada? Quais mudanças você gosta. O que você não gosta? Quais são algumas coisas que precisam ser melhor equilibradas. Informe-nos abaixo, este feedback é importante para nós!
    Eu realmente gostei do novo reforço de atualização pickaxe
  3. Yefhfcjghbnn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I absolutely agree, preventing people from dropping shit in the mines is a really quick and easy tweak.

    Another point I would like to bring up is the constant flooding of ads literally every second in chat. It is extremely difficult to talk to others in public chat or ask a question because the chat is basically 90% ads. Also, a lot of people will find that the brightly colored neon, bold, underlined, italicized ads are very annoying and disgusting to look at 24/7. A simple solution is to toggle between chats with something like /ads and /general. The ads chat would be used strictly for advertising plots or items on the AH. The general chat would be used for everything else like questions, egirls, drama, pvp, coinflips, etc. Another solution is to add a GUI where players can pay to have their plot advertised towards the top of a list and add a description of their plot, however this would take a lot more time to make than just toggling chats.
    Thanks for reading my suggestions
  4. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This will save soo many people from dropping their picks in the mine, I second this 100%


    I think there should be a feature where we can have a GUI where all the bought items from a sell shop would go into so that we can avoid having to make hundreds of chests with signs, and instead having one sign per ore, and having the number of ores sold to a player logged in a GUI so we can sell during a booster or whenever just by the click of the button. This is definitely an elite feature and would save lots of stress, and should be an extremely rare perk from Myth keys.

    The ability to toggle the scoreboard. /togglescoreboard or something like that.

    Refresh the scoreboard and server colors? I know some people may like the lack of change, but I think the scoreboard is due for a change in color theme, just my opinion.

    This would be such an amazing feature because it will enable players to have less lag at spawn, and mine easier. It's far-fetched, but it would be lovely to see this. PVP would be exempt.

    I know we talked about this a bit previously, but we aren't able to see the ores available in a mine by doing /warp mines that we do not have the level to. It would be nice to see it so players can gauge if they want the next rank or not.

    Add sorting functionality to /ah, I'm not sure if MCC's Auction plugin is custom, but it sure looks like the generic one so maybe it had inspiration from that one, but allow us to sort auctioned items by price and time of start bid, so we can purchase cheap things and flip them.

    Allow a perk to give a player the ability to instantly clear the plot to bedrock, so we can save hours of manual labor or cash to outsource it to someone else. Not sure how this would affect the backend if players were to abuse this, but I'm sure it wouldn't cause too much strain if it was a rare perk, giving only a few people access to it.

    /plot sell - I know this has been asked for a trillion times already but it would be a great feature. To my belief, this feature is already in the base plot plugin, but again I'm not sure if it's custom.

    Right-click to see more info about tokens - in the lore of a token say "Right-Click To Read More About Tokens!" and it will refer them to the /token GUI. Something cool to do since there's a rookie in chat every 5 minutes asking what a token is and what it's used for.

    Make /toggleannouncement for the player-end so that not only can Legends disable their message, they can also disable others' messages in chat too. Cleans the chat a bit.

    I know this is a bug - but it still hasn't been fixed although it's in the changelog. White player names in tab. Still not fixed, I'm sure you're already working on a fix.

    Give the ability to disable server announcements, like this one, they get clunky and take a good amount of the chat. This also goes for the server-wide sale broadcasts.

    Put in the lore of Apple Pickers that it is unbreakable.

    Beaconing is useless because /warp pvp is set too far away and sethomes are not allowed. In good time this will be fixed, but as a casual PVPer this would annoy me.

    Remove the CF tax. It's dumb.

    /lockstats - make is so other people can't see your stats (wouldn't apply to people on armor stands or heads at spawn)

    /tptoggle for normal players

    Change this gang text variable from white to green, make it more aesthetically pleasing.

    That's all I have for now, if I think of anything else I will post again.
    SpinvicDragonov likes this.
  5. SpinvicDragonov

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Mining Backpacks should have a feature to filter out items or at least let us take out items so we could save it for a 2x booster. Instead once we fill up a backpack with things we dont want to sell it becomes useless.
    Xermes likes this.
  6. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Bring back sethomes in pvp.
    Make it so backpacks can be emptied.
    Start punishing people for spamming when boosters end. It creates lag and is so fucking annoying.
    For token detector, can someone verify that it actually works?
    Get rid of the retarded custom enchants like Night Vision and Water Breathing. They literally do not have a purpose.
    Add more custom enchants (that actually serve a purpose). Perhaps something could be added to armor that prolongs the life of beacon effects by a second of two? (This might be too OP). Maybe an enchant could be added to pickaxes that gives XP as you mine.
    puposaurus and Xermes like this.
  7. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    One thing I forgot to mention is that the mines are super shallow now. They reset faster which is nice but since there's so many people mining at once you get around 30 seconds of time to mine and it is frustrating to end up dealing with when you mine.
    Xermes likes this.
  8. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Maybe community wide-challenges? I.E. You have to mine 10k diamond ore today to qualify for the prize, but 500k diamond ore must be mined in total.

    Simple things like that?
    Xermes likes this.
  9. cisean

    May 1, 2020
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    everything is really great so far! I dont know why though I feel like I'm getting tokens slower or maybe its just me.
  10. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Token rates are unchanged from last season.
  11. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Sethomes in pvp
    I'm aware this has been brought up a few times and most likely is getting added soon but that's one of the most important parts of beaconing.

    /p delete
    /p delete or /p unclaim is definitely something that prison is missing, as people usually sell corner plots, etc. Upon claiming a plot it will forever be yours, til the end of the season with no chance of unclaiming/selling it, in my opinion /p delete would be a really useful command and I'd love to see it getting added in the near future

    Toggling player visibility []
    I feel like that would be a nice thing to have added. Mostly for /spawn, where there's a huge concentration of players. This would reduce lag and FPS drops drastically
    Raqueese, Xermes and puposaurus like this.
  12. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I love this idea already. Could have 1 Community challenge per day. Everyone online when completed gets the reward. Or maybe the reward can be a mob drop loot booster. Numbers would have to be worked out. "Mine 10 million ores". "x Players jump into pvp" "x players rank up" "Find x beacons in pvp mine" etc. The more ideas we get the better chance of something like this happening.
  13. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is already a feature.

    There are many AFK players on at one time, the community-wide challenges should be that only 75% of the players online have to complete it for everyone to get the prize. There may be AFK players or players who troll and don't finish the challenge because they don't want others to get the prize.
  14. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Instead of rewarding ALL online players, why not set a minimum requirement for the challenge, and only reward players who 'participated?'
    For example, let's say the goal is to mine 1m ores. Make the minimum amount of ores 30k per person, and IF the goal is met, people who reached that minimum requirement will be rewarded. This would increase incentive to play for longer periods of time (and not just AFK, as someone mentioned above).

    Expanding on this idea:
    • A certain level of donor (Lapis+?) could have their requirements lessened to some degree. I.E. Only 20k blocks in the example above. Just an added benefit for donors, and another reason for non-donors to reach into their pockets.
    • Challenges such as "Kill X people in PvP" would just be cheesed with alts, or friends killing each other to reach the goal.
    • Make the reward for this either some random in-game prizes, and or a new type of crate key.
    • Perhaps randomly give away a low rank, or an ancient / mythical key to one or two lucky players as a 'jackpot' prize.
    • Some challenges that would work:
      • Place X amount of blocks.
      • Farm X amount of apples.
      • 'Donate' X amount of (in-game) money to the daily challenge. Challenge is complete when certain amount is reached.
      • Donate X amount of tokens to the daily challenge.
      • Break X amount of (specific ore).
      • Break X amount of any block (in the mines).
      • Earn X amount of tokens.
      • Rank up X amount of times.
      • Vote on all sites. (Almost like a vote party, if anyone remembers that old plugin).
      • Mine X amount (probably only 1 or 2) beacons from the PVP mine (stealing your idea there ;P).
      • Earn X amount of money. - Also could be cheesed quite easily. Perhaps only make this possible through the mine shops.

    And just while I'm here, a few more ideas:
    • Vote parties. When X amount of votes are reached, prizes are given out to random players.
    • Consumable token and exp boosters.
    • The ability to earn small amounts of exp from mining.
    • Some kind of item that automatically digs mines. I.E. A bomb or 'mine chicken'. Consumable.
    • A way to obtain backpacks outside of spending real money. This is a feature that almost all prison servers have, and limiting it to donation-only crate keys was a weird choice to begin with.
    • A backpack that automatically sells its contents every 1-2 minutes. - Heck THIS could be the backpack that can only be obtained via crates.
    • A consumable that gives you the 'Blast Mine' effect every X seconds for X amount of time. Perhaps this could be improved upon or 'upgraded' in some way to lengthen the amount of time / size of the blast?

    Again, not a new suggestion, but just to further explain:
    When you only have to reach level 2 on a custom enchantment like "Token Luck" or "Miners Delight" it makes the whole process incredibly boring. Why not make the enchantment less effective, but have it spread out over more levels? I.E. 10-100.
    I'd suggest doing this for ALL enchantments, and then allowing players to purchase the specific enchantment they want. Each book could have a chance of working or failing, just to reduce the economical impact.

    It's the journey along the way. If I can spend 2 days online and earn a full set of Token Luck armor, then it's done. There are no other useful custom enchantments I can buy, and my tokens are either going to be sold so that someone else can buy more spawners, or spent on spawners. Mob spawners do not need to be the only possible outcome of prisons. Give people other avenues to go down. If I want to mine tokens and spend them on maxing out an OP pickaxe over the course of a month - why is that a huge problem?

    Spawners are great, but when they are (and have been for the past 7 seasons) the only thing to look forward to, it just gets a little stale. Prison needs some fresh ideas and challenges. Not just another way to make money for spawner purchases.

    Something like robots would solve this problem. Don't make them too OP. Limit how many a player could have (based on donor rank or maybe even prestige level, again Incentivising people to reach into their wallets). Even if they made the exact same amount, or possibly even LESS than spawners - it would at least beat looking at a little mob in a cage kill themselves for my gain.
    puposaurus likes this.
  15. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there Unadvised! I am loving the new season so far. There isn’t that much I would change, but one thing we could add is maybe a percentage bar indicating how much money we need until we rank up. For instance, if it is 10k to rank up, and you have 5k, then the bar would be at 50%.

  16. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I agree this would be a better approach to the idea, Having a minimum requirement to achieve the reward. Maybe more you contribute the better the reward? obvious everything would have a cap.

    I am not totally sure about robots. I think we would have to get very fancy and unique with them to make it worth while. Yes they would be cool for a few seasons but just like spawners after a few seasons you just keep grinding for them, placing them and watching them afk.
    ThiccBooty likes this.
  17. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    It’s awesome!! The best part for me personally is the brand new start, if you check out my plot, you can see I am digging the whole thing out. It’s sad to see season 7 go, but it’s needed, at least I got recordings of all the stuff before it was unavailable to join. I also think the new lobby is good looking! But I hate to say this, I may be a positive person, but I got one negative thing to say... the PvP arena is.... small.... smaller then ever before it gives us rookies a disadvantage when trying to get some envoys. But, other then that, it’s WONDERUL!! THANK YOU ALEX MARKEY!!
  18. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Well, I sorta agree, but I kinda would like the, if they were available through voting because there are some unfortunate ones out there who can’t get the special crates, that would make it better!
  19. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    I like the idea of incremental rewards. Perhaps something like "Everyone mines 10k blocks - reward X", "Everyone mines 25k blocks - Reward Y". Brilliant!

    With robots I'd do something like pets. You can take them around prison with you (similar to pocket pals) to level them up through "watching you mine".
    Another great time / money sink would be if their output was based on what pickaxe you gave them. So you would have to level both the pickaxe AND the robot to get the best possible outcome.

    While I do agree that this would essentially have the same outcome as spawners - there are basically no new concepts that wouldn't. However, the more content you have, the less stale things will get over time. If we have 'pets', spawners and more custom enchants (plus more levels of said enchants) there would be a lot more to do with your time, instead of just grinding for spawners.

    Not so much solving the problem, but at least giving other alternatives.

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