Prison Reset Timer

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by LemonBumblebee, Sep 3, 2020.


What do you think?

Poll closed Sep 17, 2020.
  1. The Countdown Is Fine The Way It Is!

    5 vote(s)
  2. The Countdown Should Be Until The Server Closes To Players!

    5 vote(s)
  1. LemonBumblebee

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Hi there! I was preparing for the Prison reset by messing around and giving up all my stuff, griefing my house, giving away my money, etc. I got on and realised that even though the timer says one day left, the servers have already been closed to players. This brings up the problem of what if players haven't finished saying goodbye to their gang or screenshotting their house. I personally think the reset countdown should be a timer until the servers are shut down to public use rather then to the point at which they're reopened. Just an idea that might make resets a bit easier on players.
    #1 LemonBumblebee, Sep 3, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2020
    owch_ likes this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! personally i don’t see a problem with this at all as players are given a notice of the reset date a week prior. and if a player waits last minute to say “goodbye” to some subserver season then that’s kinda on them. factions shuts down a week before it’s reset date; although, it prolly could be argued that all faction reset dates are given/known more than a week prior as they reset every 4 weeks.
    i do not see the reset countdown changing as it’s a countdown to the reset date not til the server shuts down. as when a server resets its expected for the sub to be shut down, and active prison players know this and that’s why they do their prison things usually when the reset is announced and such.
  3. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello, I would like to give you some insight really quick.
    You know how sometime, it takes time to transfer a really big thing from one place to another on your computer? Well Alex Markey is basically transferring something that could be even in the size of terabytes from his testing computer to the server itself (idk anything that he has, but I’m guessing he has a computer to work out all the updates then tests them there too) but also, did you read the change log? He’s putting a new hard drive into prison realm 2, the old one was failing, so that takes time too. And also, after everything is transferred to the server, he can’t just say it’s all good, he needs to double check or even triple check his work to make sure everything is up to date and works better then ever before, he wants everyone to have the best experience on this server, and a rush-job will make the experience crappy, so you want that? I bet not, and plus, Alex has already experienced enough negativity about his new map, I thinks it’s fine, I don’t pvp much, but hey, I’m excited for it! Now, there is exactly 12 hours left on the timer for me, so I’m super excited about the new season, I bet you are too, so please, have a great day/night!
    Your friend -Alansar_trignot
    puposaurus likes this.
  4. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I think the countdown should include when the server closes to players and when it reopens as well.
  5. LemonBumblebee

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Howdy! I would just like to say real quick that I never said or even implied in my post that the admins should speed up the reset process. I know some friends who ran a small server and I know how tough it can be. I was simply suggesting that they add a second timer that counts down to the shutting down of the world to the public. Thank you for your concern towards defending Mc Central staff it's nice to see people sticking up for people who donate their time and energy towards a great project.
  6. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Oh..... ok, 2 things, one, I’m real sorry if I came about rude, I was just done with all the fricken negativity towards the new season, and 2 I like your idea
    LemonBumblebee likes this.
  7. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    People are getting impatient but honestly I like it how it is that's how they do it for every other reset now it looks like.
    Alansar_trignot likes this.

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