Prison possible new updates?

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by DeathStrokeDevil, Dec 2, 2019.

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  1. DeathStrokeDevil

    Jul 22, 2019
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    These days people know me as a moderator but I used to be baltop back in season 3 & 4. I hold the biggest banner shop back in the days as well. I am here to raise some voices for the upcoming seasons. Many of the community were demanding many new features about what they want for the next update. To sum it up, I asked the prison discord community to gather all the information and I am here to present what the majority of the people want for the new update. I really hope some of these become part of our next update since it would be awesome to get something new.


    This user-requested:
    1) Having /fly re-enabled after you leave PVP.

    My answer: This topic has be raised quite a few time but I doubt they would add it but it will be convenient for sure.

    2) Prison quests (similar to survival quests)

    My answer: This would be interesting since this increases more objectives within the sub-server and it will match up more with other sub-servers. I would definitely agree on adding this to our next reset.

    3) /pledge command (players can pledge to give money to someone who activates a booster it could take their money and then when the person activates the booster then they get the money)

    An area where people can stack their money up (like a bank) for an award on whoever boost the sub-server. So an extra award to the user who is paying their $$$. /pledge would be like an inventory screen where you can click either the diamond (charity booster) or emerald (market boster) and then enter the amount you want to pledge. Then the next person who activate that booster gets the total amount pledged by all the players for that booster.

    My answer: Although, it sounds complicated as it would mean that there will be new commands. I would really like this idea. Many announce saying like, donate me certain $$$ to get it boosted, this way there won't be any scamming from people announce as this command will decrease chances of getting scammed. I really like this idea.


    This user-requested:
    1) More custom enchants (explosive pick) (speed boots)

    My answer: I am -1 with explosive since it will to OP or useless. Not needed to be honest since it's not skywars. Speed boots would be nice since it would be an awesome additional feature.


    This user-requested:
    1) Boosters available in myth crates

    My answer: Awesome idea in my opinion. I think this should be added to both ancient keys options too!

    Anyways, I am done with the suggestions that people vote. In my opinion, I want to remove the anvil around spawn since they give extra lag to the server. I don't know why they decided to add anvils. Comment something if you wish it would be a great idea since prison discord might have missed something out.

    Thanks for reading my post and have a nice day.


    Contact: DeathStrokeDevil#7256
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  2. OwenCW

    Jul 22, 2019
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    First off, i just wanted to say a big thanks to @DeathStrokeDevil for creating this thread as I know me and others from the MCC Prison Discord are passionate about prison and its nice to see how we can come together and share our opinions on what we would like to be implemented.

    My opinions:
    I feel like the addition of after leaving /warp pvp having /fly re-enabled shouldn't be to hard to implement (as it has been done for other subservers for example; survival).

    The idea of quests definitely isnt a necessity however I feel it would be a good idea as it offers a reward to players for doing random tasks. It would make the mode a bit more interesting and gives players additional optional tasks they can do with maybe the reward of prison tokens or money (similar to how quests work in survival).

    Now onto the main thing I would LOVE to see implemented, the /pledge command. I feel like this would be a great thing to implement as people would buy more boosters (more money back into mcc to help fund the server) and also it would keep prison players happy and have more incentive to grind. In its current state, prison has nearly no boosters that are activated as we all know we are coming to an end of this season however with this edition I feel like more boosters would continue to be activated longer keeping players wanting to play.

    The extra custom enchants suggestion is also a good one as most of the custom enchants in prison (yes i'm talking about you water breathing) are very lack-luster and almost useless, with a few exceptions. I am not sure exactly what extra custom enchants to add however I feel we definitely need more.

    Finally, the boosters as mythic crate reward. I would like to see this added (as boosters are very helpful to us on prison) and if the /pledge command is added these 2 features will go hand in hand making the player potentially a lot of extra money by activating their booster when players are demanding one.

    Once again, a huge thank you to Deathstrokedevil for creating this thread and i hope to see these features implemented into our next season of prison!

    Have a wonderful day, OwenCW :D
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    owen’s suggestions-
    1) +1 // i’d really like to see that happen as ik they do it on other sub servers n’ such. as well as, back in s3 i used to have a *plot* that was really only friendly for players w/ fly so.. if i were to recreate that in s7 :flooshed:

    2) +1 // i’d like to see quests added into prison, and i made a thread on it a while back kinda explaining more of what i think it could be.. but idk if those would happen.. either way +1

    3) +1 // although i don’t think majority would use this command, i still like the idea and for those who are kind and willing to donate a ‘lil extra to people, who purchase boosters, would be nice and wholesome (*'ω'*)
    as well as, would there be a minimum and maximum for this? like $1-$1b or.. like at least $1k.. and would other players be able to see the pledge “pot”... or would it be unknown until someone activates a booster.

    endermeep’s suggestions-
    1) explosive pickaxe: i am also a -1 on this // once you hit lapis it emerald pickaxe speed is almost all the same on ores n’ stone when you fly for break speed. so i wouldn’t see a full use in this.. especially if you were to hype your sensitivity up and go crazy :flsushed: as well as, in prison1, mines get cleared quite quickly already at the beginning of a season and when a booster is activated.. having this would just be another factor for the long waits for mines to reset
    speed boots: i am +1 // as a p gosh darn pvp logger i would find these boots a lot easier to log in.. even if someone is bow boosting (;

    i find that more custom enchants would be nice, but maybe not explosive arrows or anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    katanchic’s suggestions-
    1) -1 // i feel that boosters are meant to support the server n’ help others in community which is prolly why they don’t get affected by the sale(?) idk. but if the pledge command were to be implemented and boosters could be found in keys, i think players could find a new reason to complain that prison is “p2w”

    deathstroke’s suggestions-
    anvils) i seem to not get lag from anvils in spawn, but i think removing them could encourage players to not be super super lenient on that given to them and they craft their own.. which isn’t that hard since there’s donar and pvp mine that gives iron blocks and you get iron in mine D or something.

    something i’d like to see implemented is the option to reset mines... like ik it’s not as common on p2... and i’ve seen it happen a number of times on both realms. I can see that this could be bad as someone could continue to reset ‘em... but maybe make it where if there is no blocks w/i that volume of blocks, it can be activated that way :)
    i’ve seen this suggestion float around a few times and would like to bring it back.

    anwyays have a great day :)
    OwenCW and MicroSquid like this.
  4. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Blast pickaxes could work if they only work in the plot world. Faster way to clear out your plot.
    Yefhfcjghbnn, Incarnati0n_ and W5vil like this.
  5. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Boosters in crates ew great way to brake ecow ith tips if u ask me, great way to brake eco in general.
    Pickaxes IN THE MINES that do this + bigger mines and more enchants for picks
    Prison quests be epic
    /pledge be pretty epic

    g day/night kids
    pretty good at prisons
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  6. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    They all sound good to me, although some are a bit unrealistic *cough*exposive picks *cough,* not saying its a bad idea, I just doubt that it will be implemented. Once more think that I would like to add is a sperate pvp area because then pvp would not lag as much since it is not connected to the main lobby with all the going on's in there creating lag for those insense pvpers. Finally, all I really want for prisons at the moment, is a RESET xD
    puposaurus likes this.
  7. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think /pledge is a wonderful idea as people throughout the season who activated boosters would have to see if players kept their word about paying them for activating a booster as scamming isn't punishable.

    Thanks, Olli
  8. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I agree boosters should not be a key reward. i am almost certain that will not happen.
    ThorKingOfAsgard and puposaurus like this.
  9. zak_warrior

    Nov 10, 2019
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    a few players /pay for boosters activated every time and i have spent many seasons rallying pledges from the community to encourage a booster ,/pledge would be a massive help to that cause and would lead to many more boosters being purchased.

    If its possible i see no reason as to why you wouldn't add this , though we have been asking for it on and off for 2 or more seasons now.

    As for puposauras thinking it wouldn't get used not sure which prison u play but early game have you not seen the rally cries for donations for a booster....maybe its just a P1 thing and u live on p2 ?
  10. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    I totally agree with alot of these amazing ideas! The blast picks would help so much clearing out a plot, and I like the idea of them not working in mines too. The /pledge command seems pretty dope, I would definitely use it, and im sure many others too!
  11. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    I agree with the blast pickaxes idea. The reason for that is I'm tired of digging a plot which is tedious and takes a lot of time. Blast pickaxes will save me a ton of time. I think blast pickaxes is a great way to dig up a plot faster. I hope this is implemented on the server.
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