Post your MCC memories!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheTNTPotato, Jul 26, 2019.

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  1. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't have many screenshots from pre-2017, but I'll try digging some up. My favourite thing to do was find one of my favourite Minigames and spend some time in the "lobby" camping with the poor NPC :( and clicking the signs randomly, to see which game I'd join. I really loved the old lobbies, but I do think that MCC has grown as a server in that time. :)
  2. Yeho

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Oh boy. I have an entire folder with screenshots. Ironically, it's the staff screenshots. So I don't think I'm really allowed to share staff chat, but what I can find, I'll share with you. It's not too much, but it was gold. Ohh, the gold days.



    Actually, why don't I put this in my signature?

    Alex :D

    Ahh, the old skyblock days..

    That's all I have that I care share without worrying. :D
    rayne likes this.
  3. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    My greatest memory of MCC was not having to deal with 3+ hackers every game. No I’m just kidding, there are so many great memories from way back when, just starting out in Minecraft, joining a new community and just being able to chill and make friends. You can still do that today, but somehow back in 2014-2016 everyone was just.. I don’t know, happier I guess.

    I also loved the old Skywars game selection where you could choose out of dozens of active games, that was always fun, and you had a select group of friends where you knew where they would be all the time. Just join the... center sign... of the bottom row....straight ahead when you walk into the lobby area I think. It was like number 17 or something? I can’t remember (if you remember please let me know!)

    Anyways it was a lot of fun back then, very chill and just a happy community in general. Of course this is still the best server out there, but it’s different. Things change over the years for better or for worse and it’s great to look back on the good old times once in a while.

    Thank you for making this thread to help reminisce over those times! See you all in game soon on the best server ever :)

    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  4. Yeho

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I know right? Ahh, the good days.
  5. AlexNicholls

    Aug 1, 2019
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    (no pictures because I have a new computer) but back in prison season 1, with my friends just relaxing, talking to each other, the little drama that was always going on between people, the fact that everyone was always down to help each other or just relax and talk about life, good times.

    (I know this is a bit off topic) but if anyone has any info on how to contact kittydino / ridlix, swiftykitten / fangirling, ryan / rhysdaley, or anyone from back then please pm me with some details. I would love to get in contact or atleast be able to just say hi
  6. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey potato!
    So my main memories don't all have photos, but I mainly remember when I was like 8 my sister and I would play MCC Non Stop, and we didn't read the rules, didn't have discord didn't do any of that. We would always get muted and stuff on our old accounts, and never knew why. Now that I am applying for staff and it's basically my job to know and understand all the rules, I look back and think about how stupid it was! With the old minigames waiting room with the rainbow wool parkour, I would never get past the ice, and when I did, I'd fall on the next jump. Never completed that parkour. Sad. I also remember back then how many people encouraged spam, of course me not knowing it was bad, did it all the time. Everyone would be doing the parkour, and people would go "say 123 to team!" That's something that I grew up with. If I'm honest MCC is actually quite a big part of my life. I started on the server when I was like 8 years old, and am still playing on it 7 years later! Seeing some of my favourite things change and be removed from the server was quite hard, especially splegg. But if I'm honest, MCC is amazing now. The staff contribute so well, and I personally think the server is great.
    Also a proper memory from last year was when I first got back into minecraft after a six month break, I started skyblock and was a rookie, the day I got diamond was Boxing day of 2018 and when I logged onto skyblock for the first time as a Diamond rank, EVERY ONE of my sb friends were saying "Congrats on Diamond Nikki!" as they were all of course Immortal. Being Legend now is great though :))

    In conclusion I basically just handed you a plate full of nonsense which is just a fraction of all my MCC memories. So, thank you for contributing to the server, and helping it be as great as it is today.

    <3 ~Nikki
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  7. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hopefully I don't incriminate anyone by posting this :grimacing:

    I remember a couple years back there were only 9 of us left in a CTF game. Logically we all agreed to team and wait out the remainder of the game.

    *I can't seem to get the photo to show up properly, sorry*
  8. Jane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Oh dearie, I have lots of memories unfortunately no screenshots :<. mainly bc i only screenshot the things that need reporting, and i just recently found out last year how to screenshot on a mac computer lol. I would just like to share a few things i remember about the old prison seasons, and the lobbies. most of the things i remember are from prison bc thats what i enjoyed playing at the time. A few things i remember was being on prison, i remember season 1 when you jumped down into the PVP by a hole (wow not that impressive ik i was 9 okay) but i also remember doing stupid things like tpaing to people who would glitch to the MCC sign in the PVP area and just kill ppl from up there. I remember /warp spectate and /warp mob in prison. I remember being a TOTAL noob at mc and not knowing how to run. I always wanted emerald so i could fly in the prison spawn and just go wherever when i used to be rookie. I also remember accusing staff as a hacker bc they were flying in PVP (bcs i was dumb) i thought that the red tag meant they were a suspected hacker (weird ik) I remember the first lobby with the 4 main options. I also remember redstone rank (rip redstone) Another thing was you had to click on signs for the minigames in lobbies. And lastly, my favorite... the old minigame parkour before the game would start... which can be found on creative, alorulz's 16th plot (/p h alorulz 16)

    Anyways have a good day/night!


    discord: ciney#0733
  9. SnupsAndPups21

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I used to grind me and my friend has 1k win streak in murder mystery
  10. Firebal676

    Aug 6, 2019
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    This has got to be one of the most iconic moments on Minecraft Central

    This screenshot is from one of the people in the first season of factions on MCC. Our faction was called Eclipse ran by myself, CH33ZE_POW3R, and FlameSkroll. It represents the only remaining memory I have of this faction. (There is a full video of the raid that we did, I just decided to upload a picture instead of link the video)

    Date: July 13th, 2014

    seekingattention likes this.
  11. seekingattention

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I remember this so well. That's me in the screenshot right there. Those were really good times and Eclipse really was a lot of fun back in season 1. Simpler times, wish I could go back..

    For me, I've had so many amazing moments over the years. Since the opening of the server to now, I've been involved in so many things, and it's so hard to even pick one. But if I was forced to pick, being involved in the SG community in 2015 was probably my favorite time in all of MCC. The community was booming and literally massive, with so many clans about and facing each other, and it was so much fun. I don't have any screenshots sadly, but I have so many unlisted videos of old CBs and fun moments with other people, and looking back it really was something special and can't even be compared to what we have today in my opinion. I'll attach a screenshot i found of one of the first SG portals in the old lobby from 2014 though
    commes and Firebal676 like this.
  12. Inj3ction

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Hey! I personally remember when the spawn was lava and wood, with only a couple donor ranks (vip) and Hide and Seek. I also remember the old game join signs a bit later.
  13. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    When epicmollusc bought me iron :)[​IMG]
  14. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I remember the "OLD" lobbies. In Ctf or Skywars, the waiting lobby was only a parkour map with a cake at the top, and a bit dark. Skywars was a bit dead in 2015. Only SG and CTF was the main hit.
  15. I only have a few screen shots but this was like 3 years ago when I was trying to buy a rank

    Attached Files:

  16. iamwilbur

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Hey, One of my most memorable MC Central memories (even though I only started playing a couple of months ago) was when I ended up randomly teaming with two people only for them to become my best friends even though they're from LA and It would be a while before I could actually meet them in person.
  17. Feeeh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Dang, I miss the old times. It was stressful, but it sure was a lot of fun.
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