Post your MCC memories!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheTNTPotato, Jul 26, 2019.

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  1. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Post your old memories on the new forums!
    What are some of your favourite MCC memories? Post some screenshots of them!

    I don't have many 2014 screenshots anymore but I have a few 2016 and 2018 ones. Don't wanna spam this too much so I'll just post 2.
    Here's a memory of my first time doing minigame parkour! This is from January 8th, 2016.


    Here's a more recent screenshot from 2018! These are my favourite types of screenshots since I like to go back and see who was there and if they still play on the server. :D

    Post some of yours below! If you don't know how to, upload your screenshots to Imgur, come back to this page and click the "Image" button. Insert the direct link from imgur beside "Image URL". You'll know that it worked when your screenshot appears in your post.
    Invader and Horace_Altman like this.
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don’t have many screenshots from when i joined as I reseted my old pc, but i can say that the first prison season was incredible: people scamming to flex their beacons, (blacklisted user) flexing his 100m in the last week...
    I can also remember when huge youtubers joined mcc and made lobbies laggy because lots of people would join the lobby to take a screenshot with them
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I remember back when staff were still allowed to nickname, they came up with the most creative names. In fact, I still to this day remember the exact colors you used in your old nickname @TheTNTPotato :joy:

    Also when Staff still had their donator ranks beside their staff rank, rip the good old days.
    puposaurus likes this.
  4. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I also, unfortunately, do not have any old picture from MCC, however, I do remember back in the days were TheTNTPotato, TheKlodster, and many more people were mods. All of this was before the addition of "Helper" rank, "legend" rank, and "immortal" rank. But looking at it, MCC really has just grown much better.
  5. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It is nice to see not only you in that tag but also KeeganMcConnor! I haven't seen or talked to Keegan in along while. I took a screenshot of my first ever win inside Survival Games back in the year of 2015 but unfortunately, all those pictures were either lost or corrupted so I have nothing from my past days in the community. I wish I did, anything that I'd have would be on the archived website.

    In 2015 there was a small group of people known as the "Bi*** Squad" which included players like; EctoBiologist2, AmericanSofia, JaegarFighter23, sugar_queen_sama, Toto, these are some names you may recognize back in the 2015 CTF, Survival Games, Skywars, and Team Skywars communities. Being in that group and knowing all these amazing people and all the others of (the names I unfortunately forgot) in the group - were some awesome memories on MCC, some bad but overall good to look back on.
  6. Joshy

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Before I start off, I want to thank TheTNTPotato for creating this thread, because, without it, I would have never been able to look back and try to find all of these amazing screenshots and have them gathered in one place. I'd also like to thank everyone apart of these screenshots as they have made this game the best thing that I could have hoped for. Please enjoy:

    By clicking
    here, you can access an island tour from 3 years ago. It was my first skyblock island that I played heavily on and had tons of fun building. I miss those days, but it's in the past. I truly don't like that intro, but it's okay.

    By clicking here, you can access an island tour from practically 2 years ago (Feb. 2018). This was the first island that made it onto the top ten leaderboards. This was the first of a consecutive 4 islands that made it to the number one spot. Below is a picture that I took as soon as we made it onto the leaderboards.
    By clicking here, you can access a cringeworthy video of me talking about my history in MCCentral Skyblock. This was also on the island listed above, so you can get a better look at where I stored all of my stuff to sell during a booster.

    By clicking here, you can access a video of what the island looked like when I first joined. Most of my videos are from that first island. Although I will try and dig up some screenshots from other islands I have been apart of.

    Right below this text is my Skyblock 2 Island after one week of building. I didn't main Skyblock 2 so this was like 10 minutes here and there. Pretty fun playing on there.

    By clicking here, you can access a video created by my island member, DomoMini that showcases parts of the island that I was on during December of 2018.

    Below is a picture of me (DomoLarge), IceyPoop (DomoMedium), and DomoMini lined up at spawn after he paid both Icey and I $250k to change our names. In my own opinion, it was a steal. pc: DomoMini

    Below is a picture of our warp on our latest island. This island was the last island that I was a part of that got me into the number one spot. pc: DomoMini

    Please be aware, by clicking the link, Discord will automatically download the video. If you do not want to download a video of Domomini dancing in-game, don't click it. By clicking here, you can see some random video of DomoMini and me at /warp PVP quite some time ago.
  7. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, I dont have many screenshots.. but thanks for sharing this!!!
  8. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey! i'd say one of my favorite memories is when i was diamond ranked and i played mcc with some old friends 'til 5am andd uhhh... yeh it was fun :)
    i recently wiped my computer clear so i don't have any old ss, but i have this ss from when timppali was mod ;)


    thanks for making this post!

    edit: I found this useless picture from prison season2
    #8 puposaurus, Jul 26, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2019
  9. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It's fun hearing about your guys' memories! Even if you're a newer player, it's still awesome to hear about some of your best moments on the server. :D I found a couple 2015 screenshots to share too.

    Here's BlueBear (ex-mod) and I exploring Creative together to clear plots. This was one of the great plots we found.

    This screenshot is mainly showing a Halloween skin I made (I was a kid when I made it so it isn't that good), but what I love about this is that this is my first ever Prison plot. I first made it in April 2014! This was back when spawners didn't exist and ChestShops were the main way to make money. I had a small donation wall and a massive chestshop above the plot. It wasn't the biggest chestshop on the server and I wasn't anywhere near the richest person, but prison was my first ever subserver and was the main reason I kept playing. This might actually be my most memory-filled screenshot so far. :D
    Invader likes this.
  10. teddy3684

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Maddie! Nice to see you back on the forums.
    I don't really have any screenshots unfortunately but I do have some memories. I remember when their was hide and seek and I used to play that for hours with my friends. I also remember when I got into factions when their was 2 faction realms instead of having 1 today. I used to be in a faction called Walmart and I loved playing that. Another memory that I would have is the old lobby from a few years ago. I believe that their was no compass and when you wanted to go to a specific subserves you had to step on a grey pressure plate for it to warp you there! I also had so much fun playing the arcade games back then as well. Also when I joined MCC you used to be able to apply for moderator straight away. Unfortunately I do not have a screenshot of this but this was before the helper rank was created.
    Thank you so much Maddie for asking this question!
    puposaurus likes this.
  11. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Just found this on google, it's a picture of Survival Games and Skywars before they added the new backend, back when you still had to click the signs to join a game:

    Also found this on google as well, rip Hide and Seek. :sob:

    EDIT: Also, now that I see teddy2 sharing a story, it reminds me that I have a story of my own:

    Back when I first got Helper in 2015, me and a few other staff were browsing plots in creative, just fooling around. We came across this plot where someone had built a somewhat sexual pixel art of a female in a bikini. It looked so good that no one wanted to clear the plot, so one of the Senior mods there ended up building a black and white CENSORED sign over the bikini top on both sides of the pixel art :joy:

    Gotta love the good ol' days.
    #11 Ankh, Jul 26, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2019
    puposaurus likes this.
  12. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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  13. thiccleader

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I remember not being IP-Banned, good times. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

    Attached Files:

  14. Draecotic

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!

    I'm glad I saw this post because it's been a long time since I've looked at my old screenshots, and I miss some of the old things on MCC. Most, if not all, of my screenshots are back from 2014. This first screenshot, of all things, was when me and a friend of mine built our "skin competition" on creative. Keep in mind, we were not the builders we are today so we were really proud of this, especially with World Edit and trying to do the floor. It was also great when you could get W/E from voting, it was great because I was a rookie for the longest time.


    This next screenshot is pretty basic but it was when Hide N Seek was on MCC. This was probably one of the greatest minigames on MCC, and I would play this game non-stop. If I would want one thing back on MCC it would be this game.


    This last screenshot isn't really significant either, but if you look at chat it shows that someone made a donation. It was an interesting feature on MCC, but it was cool nonetheless. It gave some recognition of when someone donated to the server, and a lot of people I know liked that. Granted, the server probably got too big to have this so I understand why they removed it but it was fun while it lasted. Not only did it announce the donations but also when someone voted for the server. I miss those old features.


    I've had some good times on this server, and there's many more to come!
  15. Shadowkiller

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is still one of my favorite pictures this was back in early 2015

    Sadly I've also been banned on McC before but I think its fine now
    Let's just say Max was a bit weird ;) Also been ages since staff had custom names on Mcc

    Best time for me was when I got level 1000 as one of the first people. I believe I was the fifth or sixth person ever to obtain this level.
    Now there is no chance for me to reach the top levels as I just reached 1500 a few days back
  16. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Man, I have so many memories, from when I first joined, how nice the players were, the staff everything. I can not post anything here because there is too much stuff, and if I post it here the forums would crash. The greatest thing that has ever happened to me, is the community. I love everything in Minecraft Central, and hopefully you do too! My greatest memory of all time is the community, and when I first come on the server, with that small lobby, and everything was so compact!

    If you have any questions for me, you can contact me on discord at 4Nut#2232, or write on my profile page!
  17. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Why not make an imgur album and put them in there? Would love to see some old screenshots of MCC, like a few people above me I also don't have many old pictures as my old laptop I used to play on is broken.
  18. FarisNyanNyan

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't have any screenshots, but my favorite memory was probably Skyblock Realm 3. It had very little people but the community there was tight.
  19. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    My memories before the new MCC forums site dates back before I even joined.

    Dec. 31, 2017. 1st captured flag in CTF all time.
    puposaurus likes this.
  20. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So this isn't my favorite memory, but we were talking about memories on MCC and I remembered this gem <3_<3


    It's you hehe (PS: so I noticed it isn't showing LOL, but check chat, I sent you a PM of you with /nick and Mod tag in 2014 !!)

    One of my favorite memories is when I got Bedrock Rank. I tried upgrading from Diamond -> Bedrock, but the purchase wasn't working. I messaged bribrix5 in-game, who tried to help me, but she was unsuccessful. The next morning, I logged into MCC with one of those Buycraft purchase messages. I was confused. I went onto Prison as usual and checked my plot to find a BOLDED SIGN. Back then, no one could make bolded signs but Admins. She wrote a message saying that she and Evinreeder upgraded me to Bedrock. I cherished that sign since no one else had a bolded sign but me, but then Prison reset ):
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