so pyscho mode more satisfying.. although, a tip is to start from top to bottom at least... n i like to dig straight down on corners and middle to see progress every now and then. also, a money making tip is to sell your cobble
Hello, As everybody above said, there's no faster way than completely mining it yourself. You can ask someone to help you, but this can be dangerous because griefing/scamming is allowed on Prison.
Hey, As Puposaurus said a good way to empty your plot is by getting a lot of Immortal Pickaxes from /kit Immortal. Also to get an OP shovel by enchanting, and getting good tools. Another good way is to mine 4 blocks down and clear that section, and then mine 4 blocks down, and then clear that section. Another good way is to do what puposaurus said by mining the 4 corners and then clear the middle. Another way is to get people to help you with your plot, get friends online and ask them if they could help you mine your plot down! To prevent griefing and scamming in Prisons is to ask close friends of yours IRL friends who play Minecraft! Another way to prevent griefing in your plot is to not /plot trust, but to /plot add, this prevents them access when you're online but it doesn't prevent them from griefing when you are online. Another good idea is to /plot add them, and then when they're done clearing your plot /plot untrust, or /plot unadd from your plot! Have a nice day! -ObjectiveArcade