Plot Aliases

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ankh, May 7, 2020.

  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    So from what I'm hearing, plot aliases were removed because people were giving their plots inappropriate aliases. However they removed ONLY the inappropriate aliases, leaving the rest as-is (eg. /p h spawner, /p h heads). How is this at all fair to the people now who can't set plot aliases while these other people get to keep theirs? They should either let everyone use aliases or remove all of them. It's extremely unfair that the people who set aliases before they were removed get to keep theirs, while everyone else is stuck with /p h <name> <#>.

    And a follow up question, why on earth would aliases be entirely removed for something as mundane as inappropriate aliases. That is something that could be easily moderated, and an Inappropriate Plot rule already exists. But really it's not even something that needs to be moderated. Literally the only way to see a plot alias is if you go into the plot and use /plot info, or if the the plot owner mentions it in chat. And obviously, if it was inappropriate then they'd be muted for it as it breaks the chat rules. But if you really wanted to go that far, I'd imagine it wouldn't be difficult to make a plugin that hooks into PlotSquared which simply checks the alias against a list of blacklisted aliases before running the command.

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