Pedophilia discussions should be a mutable offense

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by ThiccBooty, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Today marks the 3rd time in as many weeks that I have seen public discussions in the main chat (on prisons 1) about players being 'pedos'.

    Messages from multiple players accusing a specific person of being a pedophile. Messages such as "X is a pedo! DM me for proof!" being sent multiple times, in the public chat, available for the viewing pleasure of any child whose parents assume he's playing the safe 'lego block game'.

    Could anyone, staff or member, explain to me how this type of (clearly explicit, inappropriate, and adult conversation) is not considered a mutable offense?

    If you were the (not-so-internet/video-game-savvy) parent of an ~11 year old child, and you saw them getting multiple messages about pedophiles in their game - would you let them continue playing?

    This is not the type of discourse your staff should be permitting in the public chat. This is not the kind of discourse your staff should be ignoring. This is not the kind of discourse that MCC should stand behind and say "this is fine, we don't care."

    It is disgusting, it is not something a child should be exposed to on your server, and it is down right irresponsible to allow this type of conversation to take place at all.

    And that's coming from a guy called 'ThiccBooty.'
    fattr, Nikk, Ahnxious and 3 others like this.
  2. Martiinn

    Feb 15, 2020
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    I do agree with this type of messages being a punishable offense. Although I think that instead of making a new rule, this should be considered in “Explicit Conversation”, being punishable as a severity 2 chat offense.
  3. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I think we agree that most parents wouldn't want their kids playing on a server with pedos, and definitely don't want their kids interacting with them. That being said, I think there's a huge flaw with your idea. By making it mutable to expose somebody for being a pedophile, you wouldn't solve the problem of pedophiles being on the server, you would be actively covering it up which could result in pedophiles seeing Minecraft Central as a safe haven for their pedophilia. If you actually cared about the server and wanted it to be a safe place for younger kids, you would want pedophiles to be exposed and forced out of the community so that they could no longer prey on other people.
    fattr likes this.
  4. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    I took this into consideration before making the post, and my point still stands. There are plenty of avenues to explore when it comes to reporting and discussing pedophiles. This Minecraft server's public chat is not one of them.

    If it's a big enough problem to mention in the public chat, then users should take it to the higher up administration. There is absolutely no point in 'exposing' them, as in 3 hours time no one is going to remember, there will be different children online, and there is a good chance that it will not be brought to the attention of the staff at all.

    I'm not sure why you seem to have taken such a passive-aggressive stance in responding to all of my posts, but regardless of your reasoning - there are ways to reply to peoples thoughts and ideas without being overtly opinionated and rude. I hope you will learn about these ways in the future and take them into consideration.
    Ahnxious, Xermes and Martiinn like this.
  5. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    You're wrong. People definitely do remember if it's been said enough times.

    I intentionally made my response passive-aggressive because I don't really give a shit about how it makes you feel since you are clearly supporting pedophiles
  6. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Okay before writing a negative comment on this forum, let's start in a neutral tone.

    Okay, I get where you are coming from. No matter where you go there will always be creepy people that go after kids. But think about this have you realized how stupid this generation is? Kids/Teenagers these days use any type of word to insult you even if it's not true. ("Hah random" <------ we all randoms what do you mean?) Being called a pedo is no joke, this can greatly ruin your reputation regardless if it's true or not. If its true than it sucks to suck but if it isn't .. how is that fair? Just imagine if someone called you a pedo or claimed that you assaulted them.. just because they had beef with you. Imagine the amount of "friends" or whatever you call them would think of you in a negative way. You don't care? Well, guess what it's not all about you this can affect people in different ways. (Keep that in mind...please. PLEASE.) If you truly have a concern about a person being a pedo first make sure you have evidence then report it to staff. Don't be that one immature kid who posts in the public chat to get attention. (Sorry to all the players who actually do things like this. I know you must have not got enough hugs at home that you feel the need to grasp attention on the internet. The internet... I would know too don't worry but this isn't my way of getting attention. Find a better method.) This is not the right way to handle the situation and honestly if I was the staff and saw that I would see a lack of maturity. And when the accuser has a lack of maturity about the sitaution.. who am a likely to believe at this point? (Ofc if there is no evidence)

    Hello, you gamer! Okay, I wanted to say first of all eat a dam snickers. -_- <--- This is literally my face when writing the post. @ThiccBooty never mentioned on this post that he supports pedophiles in any way. If anything he is making sure innocent people aren't getting judged falsely. I'm sorry that you don't support truth and justice. If anything I'd like to say thanks @ThiccBooty for acknowledging how people are getting falsely accused of things that aren't true most of the time ofc. Not going to lie from the sound of your comment on this post @Raqueese it screams to me tide pod generation. (What I mean by that is that you are so quick to judge but so slow to listen) Please remember to fully read the forums on the post before deciding to make false accusations against other players. HEH... kinda falls in the same category that we are talking about right now. False accusations.

    :blush:Raqueese hope you have a wonderful day! :kissingheart:

    To other people reading this: Sorry if this post comes out to be negative and sarcastic. It tends to anger me when people don't make sense at times. We all have different opinions I just dont like the way this dude was talking.
    fattr and ThiccBooty like this.
  7. sleepless

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Personally, I do not see a point of this being a rule. The act of being a pedophile should be taken into consideration when punishing but I don't see a point on muting someone for your example ""X is a pedo! DM me for proof!" I don't see how this can be a fair mute when it isn't the "act" just the simple statement that someone is a pedo. It would not harm children for being exposed to other players saying this.

    Being online is always a risk for children, not only will there be toxic people, there will always be people who hurt you or even ddox/dox or actual pedos who take advantage of kids. This has always been hard to moderate because of the fact that this is online. There's no way for staff to completely monitor in game and out for it to be a safe environment.

    Calling people out in chat for stuff is perfectly normal in Minecraft, it happens all the time. Adding onto what Freak said, being a pedophile and collecting the evidence to give to staff- actually does not end up being anything. There is not an actual punishment for being a pedophile, I believe because it is extremely hard to gather the proof online.
    fattr likes this.
  8. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    That is a pretty weird way to look at this thread. Especially because I've gone on to say "There are plenty of avenues to explore when it comes to reporting and discussing pedophiles. This Minecraft server's public chat is not one of them."

    Talking about someone being a pedophile on a Minecraft server will accomplish absolutely nothing. They will not get reported to the authorities for it, at absolute best they will get banned, and just move on to another server.

    So what good could come of this?
    A. The current online players, who happen to see the message, will (if they are in no way skeptical) assume that the person is a pedophile.
    B. The person might have to go hunting for another server to fish for children on.

    What bad could come of this?
    A. People could (and have) use(d) it to falsely accuse people of being pedophiles.
    B. Players could leave, or be forced to leave the server (perhaps even the game as a whole).
    C. The server might take the stance of banning players being called pedophiles (which is, without a doubt, what a lot of people want) if given enough evidence to support the claim. Evidence which could be as easily faked as many of the false reports this server gets every single day.

    If you want to alert people that someone is a pedophile, report them to the appropriate authorities and get them placed on the sex offenders registry, or better yet; imprisoned.

    My above response covers a fair bit of this as well, but I thought I'd just note on a few points here too.

    To start, I can 100% see where you are coming from in your thinking on this, and it makes perfect sense to think this way.
    Historically, however, MCC has not taken this stance on banning pedophiles, including members of the staff team. They simply close threads for creating 'drama'.

    This is not to belittle them for taking this stance, as it is almost impossible to prove that such accusations are true, and furthermore it is not an area that you particularly want to be sticking your nose in as a Minecraft server owner. If the person wronged, or someone close to them, has the evidence, then they should report them to the FBI.

    Reporting them to the staff and having them banned from a Minecraft server is not going to stop them from being a pedophile. A 20 year ban from all smart devices, and a lengthy prison sentence will.
    Ahnxious likes this.
  9. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I agree. It has always been an issue online relating to the facts of what it can lead ONTO.

    There are very talented unknown people on the internet with many capabilities(myself included) with IOT and advanced hacking knowledge. I feel like a 1-time chat offence saying that "This guy is a pedo" shouldn't be a mute BUT here is my reasoning behind it:

    1) If the player has called him out in chat even though he isn't actually one then the victim should start recording almost instantly.
    2) If the victim has been harassed, doxed, had personal information leaked or has had multiple threats towards them then they should take action with staff.
    3) They will need to provide proof against the players and they should be punished accordingly INCLUDING the player who called him out for being a pedo.

    If a person has continuously said "This guy is a pedo" throughout the day then staff should take action instantly against this player as they are trying to ruin the other player's life.

    It's a very serious issue and I am glad you have brought this up.
    fattr, TwinBlade and Ahnxious like this.

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