p5 ・̑◡・̑

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by puposaurus, Oct 6, 2019.

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  1. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey folksie poos!
    with prison reset (HOPEFULLY) soon.. i’m suggestioning we get p5 armor sets. prison is the only subserver that doesn’t have “/fix all” and p5 sets. Although some players like this about prison since it’s more unique to the other subservers since it doesn’t have this, i think since prison is pvp-driven, p5 sets would make sense.
    with p5, i think it should be obtainable through keys like the other subservers. i’m not quite sure ‘bout the other enchantments(projprot, fireprot, and/or unb)... but also i think it can make 1v1s aka 6v1s more “fun”/“annoying” and last longer... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I’m not suggestions add “/fix all” since then stacking up on extra sets of armor and getting mad when someone hits you for funsies with kit axe would be pointless. and fo’sho not suggesting to add in pots. there’s already closet & blantent hackers. if pots were added back, it’d almost be like adding back beaconing.

    what are y’alls thoughts?
    #1 puposaurus, Oct 6, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2019
    W5vil, Zonafer and Master_Aqua like this.
  2. Master_Aqua

    Jul 22, 2019
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    In my opinion p5 armor wouldn't be the best thing to implement into prison. First off prison is already op with p4 armor and being mainly based around gapple pvp. It already takes long enough to get someone low in p4 with a sharp 5, I can't imagine how long it would take to get someone low in p5. And lets just say yes it would make 6v1s very annoying. Not to also mention people with lots of money would have more of an advantage over other players.
    The other servers that have p5 armor aren't based around gapple pvp so its different. Like how Kitpvp, factions and survival all include pots and have the command /fix all. And the armor breaks a lot faster than the p4 on prison.
    Nice suggestion though, have a great day/night Lilly :D
    PumahKITPVP, Timppali and puposaurus like this.
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    It's a good idea, but you have to think of how it would function in combat. Like you said, Prison doesn't have /fix all, and you can only repair it with an anvil so many times before it becomes too expensive. Therefore, it would be a waste of money to use a set like this in actual pvp. Even if you DID manage to successfully fight someone without breaking a single piece, which is highly unlikely, it would still only be good for another 5-6 times before you couldn't repair it again.
  4. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    I think that adding p5 armour might be a good choice, however I think fix all should not be added in any way. You should be able to repair your armour for 10 tokens a piece as you do pickaxes. This will discourage some players for always jumping in p5 creating some what of a balance in armour.
  5. Airpxds

    Aug 25, 2019
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    Don’t People that have a ton of money already have an advantage from myth and ancient keys?
  6. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I agree with Master_Aqua. I feel like pvping on Prison is already quite tiring and boring due to gapples. Having Protection 5 armour would make fights even longer and I personally think that it wouldn't make sense. Ankh also brought up the fixing, but if Protection 5 armour was introduced, I guess people would be more forced to use their Tokens to repair armour. I still think that it would be a bad change.
  7. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    This thread has been bumped, so I will lock the thread. It didn't get that much support, so I feel like this won't be implemented.

    - Thread Locked
    Airpxds and puposaurus like this.
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