New Reporting System

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by calmdownkid, Jul 19, 2020.

  1. calmdownkid

    Oct 29, 2019
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    I have a new idea for the reporting system on this server. I think that the reporting system for hackers should be modified, I think that there should be a command in the server (/report) which you can use on hackers and anything not chat related and then use /chatreport for only chat report purposes. This /report command would allow people to do /report (username) (reason for report), so then the staff can keep an eye on this reported player and if evidence needs to be supplied then the person/people that reported this person would fill out a report forum.
    BleachedOut and Swinger like this.
  2. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey calmdownkid,

    This topic has been discussed a few times in the past. Personally I think its an okay idea. It can be quick and easy for a player to use when they come across someone breaking a gameplay related rule. However, it can easily be abused and spammed to annoy online staff members. Fixing the spam issue would have to implement a /report revoke (or ban) and add another rule to the list (similar to abuse of /chatreport). There is already many different platforms you can use for reporting players such as the MCC Community Discord or the forums. For a fast response, you can paste the user's IGN in the support channel on Discord and an available staff member will get on top of it.
    tayhlor, forgranted and calmdownkid like this.
  3. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I completely agree with the implementation of a /report command. It would be a fantastic tool that all staff (but especially moderators and above) could use to combat the server's current hacker problem. There is one big thing that keeps a /report command from being a realistic addition though, which is the fact that staff can't join mini-games that are in progress. If this was added alongside it, the reports system becomes infinitely more efficient - if it isn't, then /report just becomes a slightly more organized #support and won't really speed up the process of finding and banning rule breakers.

    Like TeddyOreo says, there would need to be ways to deal with abuse of /report, but I don't think that's a huge issue. /chatreport nowadays is rarely abused, and it's easy enough to make abuse of reports a severity 2 gameplay offence and permissions revoke-able like we have for abuse of chatreports. There are other small nuances that will have to be fleshed out in the system, but if done right, this could be a big step forward in terms of the staff team's ability to punish rule breakers.
    forgranted and calmdownkid like this.
  4. Sloze

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Hey mate, this has been a topic discussed for a while now, the report system is made the way it is because players will die to someone and instantly report them just because they're upset on dying, with majority being false it would make staff have an overload of unnecessary work and therefore make them occupied instead of doing more important jobs. Have a great night mate!
    calmdownkid likes this.
  5. Sparky

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Hey calmdownkid!
    As Sloze said, this has come up A LOT in the past because, ofc people want an easier way to get rid of hackers, than record and report and wait. It would be nice, but there isn't enough staff for this. Because there is only a certain amount of staff on at a time, and they want to have fun too. Because of skywars and the amount of hackers there, the staff would have to be on skywars 24/7. I know that some staff don't even like skywars, let alone being on its as long as they are on. Good idea, but this would need a lot of work.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    - Sparky
    calmdownkid likes this.
  6. SamTheNoob69

    Dec 24, 2019
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    We will really need /report so we don't go on Discord and report hackers!

    thanks for your idea!

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