New report system

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Prooddyyy, Jun 12, 2020.

  1. Prooddyyy

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Hey, I recently figured that a better report system could be implemented which would make reporting players easier and in my opinion look a bit more professional.

    This would make for more convenience for both staff and players. So I'd suggest that directs you to a sub tab with the following on there Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 16.06.07.png

    As you can see it's easy to fill in and keep track of, you can easily fill in the name,
    report reason (Hacking, glitching, IP grabbers, other, etc.)
    Server, aka game mode: Prison, kitpvp, etc.
    Proof: speaks for itsself
    Extra: for timestamps more info, or to add motives why you believe someone is breaking a rule and should be punished.

    You would then submit the report, and then it will be added to an index that staff can easily access, they can see if any reports are open. and resolve them with the following index.

    Resolve report: Insignificant proof, Temporary ban/mute, Lifetime ban/mute
    and Reason: for example, Hacked Client: Killaura, Muted: advertising or when the report is incorrect / false:
    Proof link is not working, no proof added, Not punishable, Insignificant proof.

    On this website you could also see and keep track of how many reports you've send and how many you've resolved.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey! i think the report system we have now works just as fine.
    enjin was similar to the screenshot you provided, but quite honestly, the parts where u type it in vs. where it used to be a drop down still convey the same thing even if it’s not the same exact diction; like, for example, i format my ‘wheres’ as “Ingame; Minigames; ssw” whereas i have friends who would just say “solo skywars” and such.
    mcc has been using the reports system on this forums for almost a year now (aprox 11months) and changing would just be silly as there are users who have already done like 1k+ forums reports.
    changing would also mess up the helper requirements, as (already stated) the reports system now has been up for so long playera ahve built their new stats up on this forums, and changing would mean having to rebuild them up. now, I know 50 reports isn’t hard to get, but it would just be an inconvenience for users who are planning on applying.

    on this forums, it is quite easy to keep track of where or who or whatever on a report as there is a search feature where u can zone in on certain keywords or on someone who posted and all the whatnots to it.

    overall -1 i find that kinda useless to switch and change things up
  3. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As puposaurus said, this really isn't needed! The current reports system works just fine, and it is quite organized. Replacing it with this would be honestly a bit static, and it doesn't quite match the colors of the server. The current reports system page is clean and stylish. I actually enjoy it much more than the Enjin reports system. I like the drop down menu, and the overall layout of the reports system! With the current reports system if you just hover over "report player" or "reason" it brings up the most used reason in which you reported someone for. Like if you have used "Hacked Client" most often then the top reason will be "Hacked Client"
    This really isn't needed at all, for the current one works just fine :D


    Have a nice day!

  4. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    This would be a step in the wrong direction if we used this. It would make things harder for players and staff. We will not be making this change any time soon.
  5. SpaceAcademy2

    Mar 17, 2020
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    Adding To That I Love The Current System And Changing It Might Put Us In The Wrong Path
    30Seconds likes this.

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