New Rank

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by yungjunior, Jul 9, 2021.


New Rank?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    No real big explanation for this one would just like to hear people’s ideas on a new rank? It’s been a while since a rank was released and when Legend and Immortal were released I noticed sales in general went up so might be in Alex’s interests to add one more. But at the same time I feel like $110 is probably as high as you could go for a rank on a server of this size.

    What are your opinions? Give the poll an answer too while you’re at it
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Redstone rank was removed to give place to immortal rank due to it being the least purchased rank. Atm the major priority on mcc is to make the server less p2w, hence adding new ranks with new perks might not be the best option. As you mentioned, $110 is quite a lot of money to spend on a rank, and as per seen in early 2017, having a cheaper rank with less perks may not be the best choice, and people might not purchase it at all (using redstone rank as an example). -1
  3. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Whilst this would be cool to have, as guih said above its unnecessary and the owners are trying reduce the p2w. But if it was added what perks would you get and how much would it be?
  4. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I’m not sure how much I’d make it personally, maybe just $130 or £100 equivalent in $ since immortal is only 80ish for me being in the UK.

    As for perks, depends on which part of the server you’re talking about. I feel like it would give more special monthly things such as the ancient keys that are given to Immortals monthly. Maybe mythical keys instead? On minigames probably just more credits lol

    As I said it wasn’t really a suggestion more of just a general enquiry so I haven’t exactly thought of a good idea.
    LeafyTiger24 likes this.
  5. Issel

    Aug 29, 2019
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    I have Been playing minigames for a little while now and have made my self some enemies a long the way.. This has lead to me sometimes being hard targeted by multiple players. I have even had some people make a whole guild dedicated to targeting me and some of my friends.

    Solution: adding a new rank with a nicking feature similar to hypixels «mvp++». This would obviously need some kind of log system to track who has used what nick etc. but is definantly possible. I know a lot of people have been wanting this and it would probably make a lot of money for ma boy Markey.
    Yukihira, BlockyBeach and luvbri like this.
  6. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I like that as an idea maybe even just to be added to Immortal. I’ve had the same issue myself in that some people just won’t leave you alone when you beat em

    Although I remember back when I used to play, being up against you and your egirls in skywars was very annoying since u slapped me and my level 1 random teammates about every time

    But hey, maybe you’re better now ❤️
    Issel likes this.
  7. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!

    Lovely thread here, and I'm loving the replies. It can be a bit controversial at this time to add a new rank, which is why I personally wouldn't recommend it. Especially with MCC's efforts to get back into the EULA's good graces.

    I wouldn't mind a private game perk added to Immortal, although these games would NOT increase stats by any means, it'll allow for a fun paced game for friends. I would see it as a place where groups of friends can go, and do their teaming things and chill without the fear of being banned just for hanging with buddies.

    Nicks for players aren't really necessary unless you're a staff or are one of MCC's content-making partners. Although I can definitely see players who are well-known benefiting from these, but I don't think giving non-partners/non-staff access to the nick privileges is the best move to make for now.

    Those are my small little inputs to this thread, and I would love to see more replies regarding these things. Thank you for creating this thread today.
    yungjunior likes this.
  8. victoriyuh

    Aug 5, 2020
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    i dont think its really needed at the moment but i wouldnt really mind it and i dont think its a bad idea!
    luvbri likes this.
  9. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there RegentAgent, firstly I am loving your reply. Your points are stuff I never quite considered, thank you for bringing this sort of thing up.

    Secondly I do not think we should be considering adding new perks to the Immortal rank, especially in terms of Mojang's EULA, we'd have to ensure that these perks did not give the Immortal players even more unfair advantages over other individuals and also make sure it's something the players would want to see. At the moment, MCC is blacklisted by Mojang; this is something that has become apparent overtime, with Markey himself talking about it here quite recently:
    So in terms of getting more people to buy higher ranks like Legend/Immortal, adding more perks may not give us the best odds bringing up the controversial topic of Minecraft's EULA unless they were strictly cosmetic, or used casually as we are trying to shift away from giving too many advantages to make gameplay physically impossible for new people interested in joining MCC's community.

    Again, thank you for this very interesting response and I look forward to hearing back from you.

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