Hello, im LendingGalaxy. People as in a younger audience who play this server typically like the game Hide and Seek. This would be a cool addition to the game featuring a fairly decent sized map with 1 seeker to start with and 15 hiders. There could be power ups such as invisibility for 10 seconds or a speed boost when found randomly spawning around the map. The players could also be disguised as blocks. This game wouldn’t be nessicary for any hacks so this could be fun for the people. The possibly hacks could only be be flying hacks which would be obvious and players could report the player. Once players are found and killed they could become seekers and continue on until time runs out. If you have any questions or need a better understanding or if you guys would like to continue the idea, please dm me on discord! My discord is LendingGalaxy#6986 I also would like to possibly help with builds as I have ideas. Thanks for reading! -LendingGalaxy
The server used to have Hide & Seek, however it was removed since no one played it. While it does seem to be more popular now than it used to be back then, I still feel like it would be a waste of time to go through the trouble of bringing it back if no one would play it. They should at least do something like have a poll to see how many people would actually play it before considering its return. Also as I've said before on other posts, I'd like to see them fix all the issues with the current minigames before adding more. Issues like lack of new maps, and lack of a functioning anticheat.
Hey, I think this would be a good idea if every game modes on MCC was in good shape but that isn't really the case sadly. Many game modes have a low player base and need some improvements rather than the addition of a new minigame. If you wish to view a thread about a similar topic you can go here. ~Micro
I think recreating previously made minigames is just a waste. I think if MCC wants a chance to come back, the developers should create new idea's, new minigames. There are chances these minigames may blow up bringing the server back to it's peak days!