New ideas for next season prison

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by loelze20, Nov 28, 2020.

  1. loelze20

    Mar 11, 2020
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    I have a few idea's for next season of Prison.

    the backpack's should not cost as many tokens as they do right now because the tokens is worth around 100k and thats 3mil for the 1st upgrade.

    the upgradable pickaxe should not have a max for the upgrades because when you max them out they get kinda useless for the people using them, not much higher if they were setting a new max it should be 25 for each things minimum

    You should make new perks for people that bought ranks, to motivate people to either A upgrade ranks or B buy ranks, and C it would keep people that have ranks satisfied

    Thats all I have, thanks for reading through my ideas
  2. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I have seen a lot of people surprised of the token price. That was bound to happen when you introduce a new item that sucks tokens out of circulation. We could either balance backpacks more or could increase the rate you can get them from mining in order to increase the amount of them in circulation.

    Imo I think the pickaxes are just fine. Anymore levels they might be a little too op? maybe not. Plus I don't think many people have a max pick,

    More perks is definitely possible, We just need ideas :)
    BlockyBeach and Ahnxious like this.
  3. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey loelze20! Hope you are having a great day (:

    1. Personally, I agree with this. This time last season token prices would only be around 20-30k and due to the backpacks being added they are going for 100k-125k and increasing daily. This also causes irl rates to go up, About a week ago irl rates were around 15 mil / usd and now they are around 30 million / usd. Overall this one is a +1 from me

    2. For this one, I would have to agree with Unadvised. If the upgradable pickaxe were to go up to infinity, it would be really op but at the same time could minimise the use of spawners and bring back the original prison feel of mining. Although, I think I have a better solution. What if the upgradeable pickaxe could go up to higher levels, but instead of upgrading the same perks some other perks could be added like speed, autosell etc. Overall this is a +0 from me

    3. I do not agree with this one single bit. I think the perks are already great for ranked players and if you would add more the prison community would get mad. MCC is trying to be non P2W as possible but this would just completely ruin that. This is just my general opinion of adding more P2W items onto MCC. Overall this is a -1 from me

    I hope you have a great rest of your day / night!
    If you have any questions, don't be afraid to dm me on discord (boomrabbits_#6945)
    -boomrabbits_, X6 P1
  4. loelze20

    Mar 11, 2020
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    Now that i think abt it #3 was not a good idea,
    but #1, and 2 i think are solid but maybe not a such a dramatic change to the 2nd one, maybe more variety of upgrades
    boomrabbits_ likes this.
  5. Desiqn_

    Jan 11, 2020
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    They could spice up Pvp a little more and introduce challenges such as:

    1. Mine a certain amount of blocks within the allotted time to win a cash amount. Person who mines the most blocks Wins an Event key

    2. Kill mobs in waves, this will bring Pvp together as then they work together to kill the mobs. There would be prize money

    3. The Gang with the most amount of kills within a certain time would win a prize

    Just a few suggestions that I’ve randomly thought of. I don’t feel like Envoys are all entirely fair in some cases due to the fact that not everyone has a boost bow and enderpearls. If there’s a mining challenge then it gives everyone equal opportunity to win the challenge.

    Feel Free to message me on Discord. My tag is below :)
    #5 Desiqn_, Nov 29, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2020
  6. loelze20

    Mar 11, 2020
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    I do agree that there should be a event of whomever can mine the most blocks gets a prize, but i dont think that it should be related to pvp mine at all because as players know, the pvp mine is corrupted with pvp players that just want to boost their kdr.

    This would change the server completely and i dont agree with this one at all, but this would however be a fun new mini game that mc central could add.

    This is a good idea that and could easily be incorporated.

    PS: A stack of e-pearls will cost you 10k almost anywhere and that is around 5min of mining maximum no matter what rank or where you are selling! And using a boost bow is a good skill to have and is hard in my opinion. After all Prison server is about making it to the top of the leaderboards.

    #1 = +0
    #2 = -1
    #3 = +1
    Desiqn_ likes this.
  7. loelze20

    Mar 11, 2020
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    I have a new idea for something that could be unlocked by a mythical key.

    So basically it is a plot loader. You would be able to place it on your plot and it would save the server from having so many alts on. It should be a legendary item from the myth key because if there were to many of them the server would have to many chunks loading and be lagging, but could be a cool addition to the game

    Tell me what you think.
  8. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Plot loader...??
    People could just spam myth keys then...
    Also, alts are just much cheaper than myth keys, so that probably wouldn't work...

    Also, going back to the original post:
    Token prices: I see where you are coming from and i agree with you.
    Prison token prices have increased extremely rapidly, on P1 (Prison 1) AND also on P2 (Prison 2, when it was still busy)
    P2 at one stage had higher token prices than P1...
    Need to increase the supply of tokens, because of high demand, to prevent rapid overinflation.

    Upgradeable pickaxe:
    Fortune 25 is insanely OP (and so is an instamineable level of efficiency, as this would dramatically increase the block mining speed)
    To quote from the MC Wiki:
    "The formula to calculate the average drops multiplier is 1/(Fortune Level+2) + (Fortune Level+1)/2, which means Fortune 4 gives 2.67x drops on average, Fortune 5 gives 3.14x drops on average, etc"
    This would mean that Fortune 10 gives a 1/(10+2) + (10+1)/2 multiplier, which is 5.583x the drops on average.
    Fortune 25 would give a 13.037x drop multiplier (on average)...
    That would fill an inventory (36 slots but taking 1 for the pickaxe, so 2240 spaces) in just over 10 seconds at a mining rate of 1000 blocks/min.
    With backpacks, that would mean a level 20 backpack and inventory (10000 spaces + 2240) would fill up in just over a minute.
    With an infinite pickaxe, you would reach a point where it is not worth upgrading the pickaxe and you would just mine with it (and it would be SUPER OP)

    New perks...
    What else could you add without making it EVEN MORE P2W?
    More people complaining about MCC being p2w would not be a good thing.

    Keep in mind these are just my ideas.
    Have a nice day/night!
  9. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I dont agree with the 25 upgrades each, that would make blast mine(OP) have the same amount of point requirements as efficiency(not important)
  10. combatking29

    Sep 13, 2019
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    I feel like it's way too P2W, Although I've played for a long time, there is no point in rookies presteging for the market multipliers. Rookies stand no chance because ranks have market multipliers. There's no point in a rookie presteging up because they can just sell to player-owned profit shops. I feel like the ranks kits, perks, and especially /fly is enough, then when you take a KEY factor of prisons, (mining) and make it unfair to rookies, it takes the server down a more P2W path.

    My main point is that because ranks have market multipliers, a rookie would need to prestige SO far, that it overcomes the immortal rank's market multiplier. I feel like the only "P2W" Factor on the server should be the public boosters, text color change, Kits, weekly crates (so its luck based and not fully P2W), and MAYBE extra plots. but FFS /fly is so stupid and unfair.

    I understand that the server needs to make money, but instead of advantages, the store should offer cosmetics and crates. The reason I think creates are okay is because you don't nessasarly need to buy them in order to obtain them. you can still get myth crates without spending money, so I think it's okay to buy crates. Crates also offer randomness, which is good because it doesn't guarantee the buyer what they want, making it less P2W. (you could also argue that if people just bought a shitload of crates they will eventually get the desired item, but its still unlikely.)
  11. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    /fly has been a thing for a really long time, and I dont think it would be removed...
    There would be massive community backlash...

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