New Boss Ideas

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by FarisNyanNyan, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. FarisNyanNyan

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Greetingsnya! Koneko Meow!

    So I just had some ideas for the skyblock boss battles. I wouldn't say they are exactly new bosses, but more of new abilities for the bosses I thought of that sounded interesting.

    Backwards - This ability would be pretty funny but it is interesting. The boss when it activates its ability all players in the radius get turned around backwards. I really believe boss battles are all about awareness and taking opportunities, and this would really test it by making sure players are ready to turn back around.

    Flyer- This idea is more about reaction time. I'd like to say boss battles include some reaction time tests. If the boss gets knocked out of the mosh pit, you need to have enough awareness or reaction time to jump on that boss and wail on it. This ability will throw all players two blocks away from the boss into the air. While in the air you will receive a water bucket, which you need to use to cushion your landing. During this ability fall damage will occur.

    Realm - A lot of people are incredible at boss battle and I can name a few people that always win the bosses. This idea is more of a comeback mechanic for other people. The ability is that the 2 top players are warped into a pvp arena and they have to fight each other. This will allow the people behind to try to make a comeback. To make it fair for the people who got warped, the winner of the fight will be warped immediately on top of the boss with strength, but with nausea, while the loser of fight will receive weakness and slowness for 7 seconds.

    Ender - This idea could be for an ability or a new boss. The boss has the ability to teleport itself or other players to a random area in the map. This is pretty self-explanatory so I won't go into detail.

    Runner - This ability is a buff ability and a disadvantage. The ability of the boss is to teleport two people closest to it into a parkour course. The disadvantage is that you are taken away from the boss and if you fail it, you receive slowness. The parkour won't be too hard, though. Maybe like 3 block jumps. The buff is that if you complete the course you receive speed II and night vision.

    Iron Rock - The quirks of this ability is that 5 random people are chosen to receive slowness and resistance for 15 seconds. If the people with the buff manage to kill someone, they remove their slowness but keep the resistance and receive knockback immunity. Knockback immunity might be too much though, so it can be substituted with 5 extra hearts. This will last for 30 seconds.

    Swap - This ability will swap the player's sword in their hotbar.

    Instant Aura- The idea of this is that the boss has an aura of instant damage. What this idea is trying to do is bring back the bow into usefulness. If the boss has instant damage around it, you will have to now use your bow. To incentivize the use of the bow during this ability, the bow damage will now be tripled.

    Polymorph Freeze - This ability will just freeze players in its radius for a set time. I'm suggesting about 3 seconds on the freeze.

    These are just some ideas I have. I thought about flaws in it and tried to make it as fair as possible. Please tell me what you think about them! I have a lot of more ideas but my fingers are kinda tired from typing. I'll maybe make a new post for more boss ideas soon! I'm trying to spice up the boss with new ideas!

    #1 FarisNyanNyan, Dec 5, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019
    peed, Abar and Flex like this.
  2. Flex

    Dec 3, 2019
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    I like these funky and interesting ideas! This would allow some of the weaker players to have a chance during boss battle other than instantly being killed off. However they could be unfair. Such as poly morph freeze. This ability could mean that another player could attack the player in this state and there is nothing the player could do unless the ability just made them unable to run. but still move there mouse? I hope these ideas get looked at further and I encourage you to keep posting!

    Abar and FarisNyanNyan like this.
  3. Ape_H1

    Aug 24, 2019
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    ^i agree these are some very good ideas keep it up!
    Abar likes this.
  4. Abar

    Aug 15, 2019
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    Not much of a skyblock person myself, but these are some really cool ideas that i'd love to see added. I'd for sure play more if it were! +1
    FarisNyanNyan likes this.
  5. peed

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I agree
    FarisNyanNyan likes this.

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