Mute Reason

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Vunrable, Jan 31, 2020.


Do you agree with my post (read first please!)?

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  1. Vunrable

    Dec 16, 2019
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    I will make this short and sweet but basically I got muted for disrespect as I said 'stfu' when my friend said 'wb loser' as I joined the server. We were in a discord together and it was friendly banter yet someone reported it as disrespect and I was muted.

    I just think it would be a good idea to implement a rule that the person who the message was referring to must report it to get the person muted for a reason such as disrespect, as the message is directed towards them and they must report it if they feel offended or disrespected. It is still very easy to monitor and would save a lot of hassle and negative comments some people give toward staff for being muted for these minor reasons.

    I think the staff are doing their job and I have nothing against you, you're great :D
    Just my opinion on a change that could be very beneficial. Thanks!
    anakkangpakyu likes this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello hello! firstly, I'd like to say, you can always appeal this punishment if you believe you were falsley muted and blah blah blah.. as forums really isn’t the place to talk about punishments. if you believe you were falsely punished. the link to submit an appeal can be found-> here.
    next off, the way chat reports works, is that your messages and commands (excluding messages from chats that you toggle like fac chat & plot chat n' such). so the context is not given which is most likely what lead to your mute, based off what you had described.
    as for your idea, i personally do not agree with it. as in chat or even a command, you cannot be certain that it is directed at someone or not, kinda why appeals are a thing for staff to hear your piece and to be given context if u believe that a mute was unfair. for me, I chat report a good amount of people and they are not always all directed at me, but it's what helps helping the community, since mcc is kinda in a shit hole sometimes.
    i feel that this mute can be a learning experience for you, and you can be a little more careful when it comes to chosing the words you say.

    hope this mentioned all your points and have a great day!
  3. Vunrable

    Dec 16, 2019
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    You are able to determine it is directed to someone based on its circumstances and how it has been said. If I type it directly after the only message I have seen in the chat which is by the person referring to me, it shows who I am referring to. And even if it does not, if the player reporting me has not said anything in chat for a long period and reports a player out of the blue, you can tell it is definitely not directed at them.
    And yes I did appeal it directly after the incident and I has instantly unmuted so I'm not saying that is not an option it is just a major inconvenience to both the player and the mod or mods that have to deal with the situation.
  4. Invader

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Vunrable,

    After reading your thread, I’d like to give my input on the situation. As a former Staff Member, I’ve dealt with 1000’s of Chatreports regarding all sorts of punishments and one of the main chatreported offenses is Disrespect. Staff are told that we can mute players that say “fuck you” or “stfu” alone. This means that the disrespectful comment does NOT need to be targeted for a punishment to be issued. Your punishment, from a former Staff perspective, was fair. It does not matter if a player was your friend, we still enforce rules equally and if you break a rule, you’ll be punished accordingly.

    As well - your punishment has expired (/has been appealed) which means you shouldn’t really be complaining/ranting about it. Unless you were already warned ingame, you can get the mute removed from your history or message the staff directly for any more concerns.

    Have a nice day,
    - Fox
  5. Vunrable

    Dec 16, 2019
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    Yea thanks fox and I know it has been dealt with but I am not talking about my punishment specifically I'm talking about the global punishment of disrespect. And I guess I can see your point about the disrespect part not being targeted but how can someone feel disrespected by me saying something to someone else which does not involve them what so ever? I mean I see where you're coming from and I guess players are just going to have to appeal it if the person it is directed to does not feel disrespected but I mean it still just sort of sucks.
  6. ssophiie

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think this is a great idea but its difficult for the people who don't use forums or the younger players who don't understand how to manage it.

    I think that it would be nice to have it like that if everyone knew how to report but other then that its not fair to throw away the way it is now because it would leave a very big gap of messages that are discarded. Plus who would report for the messages that aren't directed at one specific player?

    Its just a difficult thing really.
  7. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This rule does exist actually but it applies in private messages. So if a user disrespects you in /msg and you were not the reporter, they wouldn’t be muted for that reason

    if your friend is just joking around, they probably should Pm you. Why would you publicly disrespect someone? Chatreports only show your chat so we can’t see the others context.

    also disrespect does not need to be targeted. You can just say “stfu” and that is muteable. How would we know if it was toward a friend or not? We wouldn’t.

    Just keep jokes with friends in private messages and you won’t be muted

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