Most effective way to prestige

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Lamda, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. Lamda

    Feb 15, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Hello there!
    I am working on trying to prestige for the third time and was wondering if there was some kind of a secret trick to being more effective and take less time to prestige? Any tips are more than welcome!
  2. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Imo, the most effective is just to be persistent at it. However, some tips can be:

    -Do not coinflip (Unless you're like zCamx and you're really good at it)
    -Max out spawners on all your plots before you prestige
    -Only prestige from Z(insert number) when you're sure you have enough to reach W(insert number) This is because that's when the ores will start selling for more
    Start a sell shop if you're a high prestige
    -Store ores for 2x's instead of selling them to shops if you gain more

    Feel free to ask questions about anything :)
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.

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