More Ways To Earn Money Next Season? | Post some ideas <3

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by luvbri, Aug 1, 2019.

  1. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So, I'm a pretty decent Survival player, but I'd really like to see more ways to get money.
    I would love to see some of the gems you can mine (iron, gold, emerald e.t.c) were able to be sold in /shop as well as the ores.
    It's just, sometimes I forget to use my silk touch pickaxe and then I've got these gems I'm unable to use.
    I just feel that if this was added, then I'd have a lot of spare room in my chests

    Feel free to submit any ideas of your own, or simply to argue against my idea.
    Either of the 2 is fine, as any opinion is valid.
    bmgfity and iiSean like this.
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I must agree with you, we (survival community) would love to see the ability to sell gems to /shop. I would also love to see survival tokens getting added. I would love to see the prices of some crops getting increased and some mob drops as well. These are only my thoughts and I look forward to see what the community wants. Have a nice day
    luvbri likes this.
  3. eyan

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I agree that gems should be able to be sold in the shop, mostly because those 'gems' are what usually drops when you mine ores and not the ores themselves. However, the prices need to be adjusted a little to account for the fortune enchant, otherwise they would sell for way too much. I think that is actually the reason that you can only sell the ore and not the normal drop.

    As for what Guih said for tokens, I don't think survival is a place for tokens to be added. Survival is the subserver on MCC closest to vanilla, and I believe that tokens would stray too far from vanilla minecraft. Tokens also are an extremely huge part of skyblock and prison's economies for some reason, and I don't think it would be enjoyable if the economy on survival were to become token-based as well.

    Thanks :)
    luvbri likes this.
  4. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I am a big survival server fan! I love this idea so much! Usually I just get my money by fishing, since it is the most easiest and the most efficient way to do it, (besides spawners). Implementing Gems, Iron, and gold etc. Could really give us more options to chose from to get money!

    If you have any question for me, just message me on discord at 4Nut#2232, or on my profile page!
    luvbri likes this.
  5. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    And I completely agree with this, like the gem sell prices will be WAY less than the ore though. As the ore (part from iron and gold) isn't as 'common' to obtain as other things you can sell. (You need silk touch to even obtain them and I feel that some players on survival don't even bother due to the fact that they need silk touch to even begin to mine).
  6. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I also agree that making money from selling ores to /shop should be easier. In the current economy, mining and fishing make roughly the same amount of money per hour, if mining is done efficiently and ores are sold to /shop. This is actually unfair for mining, since mining requires skill and focus but fishing is actually semi-afk (turning up the volume and right-click when hearing the sound are all it takes).

    On the other hand, players are able to make more money from mining by selling gems and ores on AH or opening a chest shop. Selling them to /shop is a waste of their ores in almost all cases, even at the beginning of the season, since the prices are low. Some players, including myself, rarely go mining and buy ores or gems from other people whenever there's a need. I believe opening a chest shop to sell ores and gems will make a good amount of money if the shop is known to players and the price isn't too high.

    Also, if /shop also buys gems, then making money will be too easy in some cases. For example, one can set a home at a village, trade with villagers and sell all the emeralds to /shop to make lots of money with relatively less effort. Something similar can be done to obtain some of the other gems in large quantities relatively easily as well.

    Here are my thoughts: /shop should only buy ores, but the prices for ores, especially coal, redstone, iron, gold, and lapis ores, need to be higher. For players who want to make money from mining, selling ores to /shop isn't the best option. Selling ores and gems on AH or to other people's shop, or opening a chest shop are better ways to make money.
    luvbri likes this.
  7. bebeli555

    Sep 2, 2019
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    theres millions of ways to make money and u can automate literally every farm u just have to find a way

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